Sunday, January 2, 2011

Read Books And Build Your Library!

"Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book." Jim Rohn

As the new year begins, it is a good idea to read books and build your library because books open the mind to new horizon and possibilities. I didn't have a good habit to read books but when my mentor told me to read as many books as I could, I decided to cultivate the habit of reading books. It paid me a great reward and I succeeded in reading books which interested me.

Majority of people miss reading books and I can understand where they stand and what they feel or think about reading or not reading books because I was one of them. People have favourite restaurants to eat their favourite meal but they have not found a favourite place to feed their mind. They miss on reading books and miss everything that a book could unfold and unravel the mystery.

When you buy a book, you start building your library and that is how your knowledge and information expand. With each book you read and buy, you grow higher and higher and then a great reward comes your way. There is so much gain in reading books as you get the opportunity to learn many valuable life changing information. Acquire books and read them to set your life on course.

Start with a book, read it and continue to read another and then by year end, your library will have 365 books. You must be ravenous enough to acquire them for your future and better life. Read books that suit you and enable you to excel. Don't read trashy things instead read books that increase your knowledge.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mento

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