Sunday, July 18, 2010

The External Self and the Internal Self

There are two of us who live inside each individual. The one is the external self which is basically the carnal self. The carnal self or external self is afraid, angry, doubtful and opinionated. It is not closer to the truth. It misleads people because what they see, hear and read influences the mind so much that there seems not even a slight edge of truth.

The other self is internal which is spiritual and it is never afraid, angry, doubtful or lacking. It is the all good self. It is all spiritual and truth. It is love and peace and happiness and abundance.

Majority of us live the external self more often than the internal or spiritual self. We get commanded by the external self that we forget about the truth. It is possible to live a spiritual life which is the goal of life.

Live by internal self.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor