Friday, September 10, 2010

Re-educate, Unlearn and Reprogram yourself!

As children, we received tons of programmings regarding money, education, health, friendship, spirituality, emotions and many other influencing factors of life. We didn't decide and choose what to learn, when to learn, how to learn and why to learn. We were simply spoon fed because we didn't know anything much when we depended upon others for our learning and growth.

The early part of education that we acquired through our parents, relatives, friends, education institutes, media and other sources filled one stage of our learning needs and we devoured anything that came our way. But as adults all the knowledge and education that we have received so far won't contribute much to the dreams and goals that we want to accomplish. Here are some helpful guidelines that we can follow in order to create an ideal life style worthy of our efforts and time.

1. Unlearn and relearn what we have been programmed in our childhood.
As kids we were programmed by a host of people around us while we were tender and growing in age. We as kids assumed everything to be normal and noble even though things were not right. We learned to pray and go to church or temples. As adults we are supposed to unlearn what we accumulated during our upbringing and relearn the stuffs that we supposedly should learn again. for instance while we were small we heard a lot of negative programmings about the subject of money at home and we formed our own ideas about it. Those ideas are affecting us so much today that we resent or repel the abundance that we should attract.

The subconscious mind has received all kinds of programming languages that we reap our external results based on our inner conditioning. Let's unlearn the things we assumed as true but they are not true according to our understanding and experience. If we unlearn the old and relearn the new, we can create a great revolution in our personal life. I can't unlearn and relearn the things for you. It is only you who must examine deeply to figure things out.

2. Let's Educate and Re-educate ourselves constantly.
To obtain big and new results we must educate ourselves constantly about all the things that are related to our growth and development. We got to re-educate ourselves for the acquired knowledge may not be supporting us in our efforts to pursue the desired goals. Education is a life long process and it is our duty to acquire true and real knowledge and information. The best way to live in truth and fairness is to re-educate our philosophy, attitudes, imagination, mind, thinking and belief systems.

We may think we have received good education from the best schools, colleges and university but they are purely academic in nature and they won't help much as they touch only our left brain leaving the right brain uneducated and unattended. So take a few minutes of time to think about the education you have received and weigh whether they are applicable or not.

3. Reprogram your programmed mind and imprint abounding health, prosperity and happiness.

Reach out to your hard drive and write new programs. The programs here mean the list of goals that you want to accomplish during your life time. You better imprint the list of goals or goal programs on the hard drive of your computer, your brain, which will determine the greater outcomes of your life.

You can easily uproot the old programming,if you are disciplined enough to take action regularly. You must pay full attention to sufficiently imprint the new list of programs or goals so that they get registered in the deeper part of your unconscious brain. Any success that you are looking for will come with the ability to imprint your goals and nobody is better qualified and equipped than yourself.

So reprogram your computer by imprinting the new life, new attitude, goals and prosperity that you want with all your heart, mind and soul. The value of a good education doesn't count much here. What counts the most is the programs in your mind.

To sum up, we must consistently re-educate, unlearn and reprogram our old programs, habits, attitudes and thoughts so that we can enjoy the abounding health, wealth and happiness through out our life. We must super-concentrate our mind power to install the major goals we desire strongly.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

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