Saturday, July 31, 2010

God/Infinite Power is the Source of Our Supply!

You may not be as prosperous as you wish to be, though you put in a lot of hard work in order to accomplish your goals. Why do you think, you don't enjoy all those good things of life that comes with success and accomplishment? Hard working alone is not the defining factor of achieving your goals, it is only one side of the game. You can never work on your own power and talents. You need the mixed ingredients of God's power.

A doctor once said: "I never really prospered, though I worked hard trying, until I learned that prosperity has a spiritual basis. After I began to affirm daily that God was the Source of my supply—that I did not have to depend upon my patients or upon other people or upon economic conditions for my prosperity—I was able to build a new clinic for my patients within eight months."

We can't achieve much without the consciousness of higher power that enables us to accomplish all that we desire. We must not forget the providence of God or Infinite Power which is the main source of all that requires to achieve our dreams. I used to think that my talents or skills alone can give me success that I was looking for. But it didn't happen that way. I used to get frustrated when I depended largely on people or condition or environment to do favours for me. I expected things to happen my way but things didn't work out as I wished.

I had forgotten the truth that God/Infinite Power is the main source of all wealth, money, success, health, ideas and happiness. Once I came to the consciousness of Higher Power I began to rely on that power and to my surprise things began to work in my favour. I let the things, situation, people and environment go and I allowed the Higher Power to do its part and things really improved for me. New opportunities and ideas began to show up without much efforts.

I believe that you should understand the Infinite Power, which is colourless, formless, tasteless and invisible to the physical eyes but its presence pervades the whole universe and exists among us all the time, space and life. It is present all 24 hours and 365 days. It can be likened to the air which we breathe in and out but this Power is more than our breath.

You got to apply this in your own life and examine for yourself whether it stands true or not. You may not believe my telling, so it is better you check this out and know for sure. If you get convinced you follow and benefit the outcomes that you long to have in your life time.

The religion is an invention and as Karl Marx rightly said, "religion is like an opium for people." Religion distorts the concept of God or the Infinite Power. Religion limits God within the body of human being. Religion is just like a company which has its own policies, procedures in the form of dogmas and creeds.

I don't mean to say that you don't follow any religion. You are free to do so. It is your choice. But remember, GOD or Higher Power, can't be contained in the policies, dogmas or creeds. You got to graduate from the lower level to higher level of consciousness. So believe in God that really provides you all that you want.

God is the source of all our supplies.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

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