Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our Personal Philosophy Determines our Future Successes and Failures!

Jim Rohn, the great American success philosopher, speaker and personal development guru said once that personal philosophy is like the set of the sail. Personal philosophy is the foundation of success and failures in life. Everything that we experience on a daily basis or the books we read, seminars we attend, people we associate, the work we do, the country we live in and education and information that we acquire, all determine our personal success and failures.

I didn't get convince when Jim Rohn said that our personal philosophy determines our success and failures, instead I went ahead and meditated on this insight myself to ascertain its validity and truthfulness. And the better things began to occur in my life when I worked hard to form my genuine personal philosophy. I am convinced today that our personal philosophy is major determining factor of success and failures in life.

Ever since we were little children, we got multitude of inputs about life, people, health, wealth, success, failures, richness, poverty, money, government, jobs, education, relationship, happiness and freedom. We formed our unique views regarding ourselves, our capabilities, intelligence, beliefs, values etc. and they in turn permitted us to act according to our programmed beliefs and attitudes.

Many successful people have built their own philosophy and their individual philosophy which set the sail towards greater abundance, achievement and goals. People who don't have a clear personal philosophy, they drift away in any direction and they don't arrive where they actually intend to reach because their philosophy doesn't permit them to reach there.

I am working hard to form a good personal philosophy which will really guide me towards the success that I look forward to get in my life. I am putting in enough efforts to make some correction in disciplines, learn new mindsets, and programming my mind to accomplish those results which I have in my mind.

Personal philosophy can be positive or negative and the results too correspond to the nature of one's philosophy. You must be very clear about what you want in life and based on that you must develop your philosophy. Philosophy is the main guiding principle for you and it leads you to the direction you want to travel. You can't say I want to travel to any direction because you can end up no where.

Your philosophy will influence how much you achieve in life and how less you succeed in life. If you are struggling at the moment then you know what to do. You need to correct, review, reline, revise and rewrite your personal philosophy so that all the mental barriers can be eliminated.

Philosophy is nothing but one's thinking. You must think in ways that will promise whatever you desire deeply. Philosophy helps one to think in accordance with goals, dreams, vision and purpose. Philosophy is like a newly built road on which you must drive your car smoothly towards particular direction which you have decided.

So take up the responsibility to form your working philosophy so that you accomplish all that you desire and hope to enjoy your life to the full. Accomplishment of things desired, lead to greater happiness because you value those things. Think about your goals, health, lifestyle and happiness and you will be living that lifestyle soon.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Monday, August 30, 2010

Graduate from rote learning!

The schools and college systems make the simplest subjects so complicated that the students lose interests in serious studies. No teacher, or professor tries to explain to the students in simple, basic and understandable language rather they show off their smartness be making things difficult for pupils to comprehend. They don't apply the concepts with the real life examples which can easily remove the doubts of students.

When the subjects become so complicated and beyond understanding capacity, the students have no better choice than to learn by memorizing. The rote learning is the only available choice for most students when concepts are hard to crack. Actually all students can't study well by rote learning. There is a drawback in the present education system all over the world.

Students must learn by understanding the concepts with examples so that the insights carry some deep meaning for students. Students' careers are determined by rote learning and the job markets really acknowledge the present school system too. Those who gain high grades by rote learning are thought to be smart and intelligent and are given high paying jobs.

I think certificates and marks card should not be the only criteria for getting jobs. Students' other capabilities have to be identified and understood before labelling some students clever and others dumb.

Anyway, students must graduate from rote learning and learn instead through practical application with establishing some connections through accurate examples. Students are born wise, clever and capable, so they possess the necessary skills to make the subjects simple and easier.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Follow your own passion and love!

According to me, people who have accomplished great successes in life became successful because they followed their own passion and love. They did what they loved or they loved what they did. These two ways made people scale up in their career, profession and business ventures.

In the schools and colleges students study mainly to get jobs or pursue the studies that they don't really want to continue but because of their parents, they take up any subjects their parents want them to study. The students don't really make the choice of studying as per their desires. If they choose according to their heart or passion, it seems illogical to their parents and children don't want to hurt their parents further, they eventually accept whatever their guardians tell them so.

I am very much fond of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Richard Branson and many other successful men and women who went after their ultimate passion and love and made themselves super winners. They could be real winners in their lives because of the power of their passion or love. They learned about their love and paid enough attention to invest time and energy. They had clarity of their goals and dreams and because of this clarity, they were able to focus on their passion. Since they focused all their attention on their love, they built momentums and disciplines, which finally turned them into achievers.

The person whose passion was in musics, songs, acting, arts, photographies, writing, speaking, teaching, investing, enterprising etc, did follow their unique passion and today they are considered lucky by the world. In reality, everyone could be called lucky, provided they all pursue their passion and ultimate love. People must first qualify by learning and studying about their particular areas of interests and hobbies and then they can go on to become big in life.

I would encourage everyone to find your niche, the passion or the ultimate love of your life and follow it 24/7. You can get all that you want in your life. But first you must do your homework.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Words Do Become Flesh!

"Words are the most powerful tools invented by humans." Dr. Fuller

You are the words you speak. In other words you are the total sum of the words you use in day to day life. Every vocabulary, every single word that you utter shows who you are and that in turn gives you your result.

2010 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth, spoke this, "A man does not live on bread alone, but every word that comes forth from the Mouth of God."

There is no doubt about that and we are all the creatures of the words, ever since humans learned to communicate through languages. The animals have no spoken languages, but I do believe, they too communicate with each other by not merely words, but rather by the transmission of mind or instinct, which we humans have lost the contact.

Be careful what you say. Say the words that you want to become and avoid the words that don't choose to become. Life is a gift for people, therefore learn to educate yourself to speak your desires, your dreams and goals rather than somebody's dreams or goals or aspirations.

Nobody likes to hear negative or bad news all the time. You got to be choosy in terms of words that you utter on a daily basis. Words have the power to break the marriage, create misunderstanding, cause a great war between individuals or countries and at the same time it brings peace, harmony, good relationship, friendship and positive environment around the region.

The words that are positive, encouraging and empowering, are like the words of God, coming from the mouth of God as referred by Jesus. They build the individual, society and the nations. They attract a large number of audience.

So, as we know now that words do become real in life, we need to be careful in using them to our benefits and we must never cause hurtful feelings to others. It is always better to choose and speak the words that build humanity rather than destroy the world. Use the words as tools for good purpose and avoid using them for bad ones.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Friday, August 27, 2010

Why do married couples get separated?

We have entered into a new era which is completely different from what it used to be in the past when our parents and grand parents lived their lives. The marriage was considered very sacred and as an institution it commanded great degrees of respect, commitment, loyalty, integrity, honesty and submission. Today, due to rapid changes in education, economy, lifestyle, attitude, philosophy, technology and mindset, people have begun to question everything that was considered once true and unquestionable.

According to me, if we operate from old philosophy of marriage and relationship, the old ideas won't fit into the new ideas because of new rules and disciplines or habits that have been discovered by people in this present generation. I believe, no two individuals are of one mind, one thought or one attitude. The couples fall apart from each other due to several reasons and I want to explore those reasons here.

1. The married couples fail to take up personal development together.
When two separate individuals date each other, they see themselves as often as possible but they get carried away by whims and fancy of each other's magical attraction. Each comes with a set of needs and each tries to satisfy those needs by seeking abode in other's company and they don't ever think of developing themselves financially, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, sexually and physically.

They get married without much preparation. They don't work on themselves, rather they prefer to assume that everything is fine. But in reality, if they don't work on their attitudes, emotions, finances, friendship and sexual appeal, nothing much can be expected in the relationship. Today couples must talk about their weaknesses and strengths so that they can figure out ways to reconcile the differences. However they fail to do a lot of homework on each partner. When things don't go well, they enter into quarrels and ultimately threaten each of dire consequences.

I have been married for 3 years now with a wonderful wife and son. I am so proud of my wife and my son. They complete me as a man because before the marriage and after the marriage, I ensured that my wife and I continually develop ourselves. I mean we engage in continuous learnings. We grow together by sharing our weaknesses and strengths because we want to live a wonderful life. It works and it is the best secret of marriage life in this changing time. Work on yourselves by personal development.

2. The couples don't do their marriage or relationship homework.
The couples neglect to do the marriage homework. There are many aspects of life which are to be touched upon and discussed through, and it is important that couples who want to lead an ideal lifestyle must engage in doing this work. If the homework is done properly, sincerely and seriously, then the marriage will last for eternity. So do the homework together with your partner before you get married and if you are already married, start the homework that you didn't do before the marriage. After the marriage, couples need to live their dreams according to their imagination or homework. They need to be happy while living their married life the moment they tie the knot. Happiness is experienced not at the end of married life but during the marriage.

3. The couples don't set right their goals, dreams and visions.

The couples who get separated are those who didn't bother to set right their goals, views, dreams and visions together. They assume that their dreams and goals are congruent with their ideal goals of marriage but in truth there is nothing much to gain. They both have jobs and their jobs demand their quality time but they have no quality time together to speak or share about their dreams. On the way babies come along as new members of the family and they occupy the major parts of their life. They don't find enough time to spend with each other to know and learn continuously about each other and then they slowly drift apart.

4. The couples don't know their purpose and mission.
The couples get married or date each other without realizing their ultimate purpose and mission in life. Marriage has its own purpose and mission. But the couples fail to attend to this aspect of life together. They don't know their purpose and since they don't have any idea about it, they tend to take things lightly and with no any regards. Couples' ultimate purpose in life is to lead a happy life, but their life turns out to be a life filled with miseries, curses and errors.

5. The couples don't buy each other flowers.
My wife loves flowers when I buy for her and she says the flowers remind us of our true, original and real love for each other. She feels appreciated and valued. And I feel happy to buy flowers for her whenever I feel the need without her expectation. This generates enthusiasm in relationship. I think the couples bought flowers for each other when they dated before marriage but they don't continue that after the marriage. It is a great way to stay together in commitment and loyalty with your partner.

6. The couples don't fuel their romance.
People have learned to fill gasoline in their vehicles but they forget the same analogy to refuel their marriage relationship. Marriage is like a car engine, which won't run without any fuel, to make the car run, one has to put gas and in the same way, if their is no sparkle, no refuelling of love, romance, attraction, magic words then there won't be any kinds of marriage worthy of praise or survival. It is important to refuel your married life with praise, encouragement, love, and magic words.

7. The couples don't continuously feel young.
The moment couples get married their feelings shift drastically towards becoming old and retiring in life. They don't behave and act like young people or young lovers. They get conformed to the old couples which they saw in their parents or neighbours. The couples who think and act young, they stay together forever till they die but the couples who think and behave like getting old, drift apart from each other.

8. The couples don't know what lifestyle to have.
Many couples have small dreams and they think they can it when they work hard for employers who give money in exchange of labour. The couples don't think big as a result they don't have big dreams. Big dreams and big thinking lead to having a great lifestyle but the couples don't engage in shaping their lifestyle together. Marriage is a partnership firm and if both partners don't contribute to run their business or marriage, then their relationship won't last long.

There are other many reasons, that we can think about which are responsible for couples being separated day after day these days. It is a sad story that number of divorce rate is increasing all over the world. Those who got separated in marriage, in the first place they shouldn't have married but because of whims, fancy or ignorance, they said a big yes to marriage.

Each individual is a responsible partner to sustain one's marriage and it is their duty to add some amazing things in relationship. Before you quit your marriage make sure that you do your homework and personal development together first.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Limit your association with negative environments and people.

"Get around people who have something of value to share with you." - Jim Rohn

In the world of ours where network has grown so much that we can hardly imagine ourselves to be staying alone in solitary for the rest of life. We can't necessarily avoid talking to negative people and associate with negative environments. However the little daily exposure to negative environments can easily influence one's mind and drain one's confidence. There are ways to limit the negative association.

Limit the time
We can't really avoid people who are negative but we can limit the time we actually spend with such people and in doing that we can limit their ability to influence us negatively. The negative people who have negative attitudes towards everything, tend to influence our thinking, believing, achievement and success. They instantly react negatively and make us believe that they know everything and we seem to agree with their opinions. The best choice is to limit the time we spend with negative environments and people.

Value the limited association with negative people and environments.
Excessive influence is bad and it automatically creates poor habits or disciplines. There are cases where our friends whose negative influences affect us so much that we feel they are killing our dreams and aspirations. It is better to limit our association with them because their poisoning attitude is dangerous.

Expand your association with positive people and environments.
We must value our association with people who are positive and encouraging. The positive environment uplifts our spirits and makes us go for the goals we want to achieve in life. The expanded association of positive people can influence us positively on our feelings and confidence that we can easily overcome the negative influences. It is better to spend enough time with good and right people than the negative association.

Read books, Listen to tapes and Watch videos.
If we can't associate with positive people because it is hard to find near by then you can find ways to associate with such people. The best ways are to read books written by people who are positive and empowering; listen to their audio programs while driving cars or doing other chores, this will fill your mind with positive energies to march ahead towards your goals. Another way is to watch the video programs by people you think are positive and speak to your heart. These are the ways that we can easily limit our association with negative people and environment.

Decide consciously
It is possible to limit our association with negative people and environment provided we are serious about our decision and willing to make our future a better one. We know that negative influences do impact us subtly that we can't even trace it easily. It is so subtle that it escapes our common sense and consciousness. Everything seems like normal but nothing is in fact normal there. We know this when we don't get the results we are looking for. So limit the influences with negative people.

Negative influences can come from any body, it can be your own wife, parents, children, neighbours and friends but you should be sure of who you want to spend your most precious time with. Be sharp enough to make a quick decision in this regard and your life will be transformed very fast.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No two people are of same mind!

It is very strange to know that there are no two people of same mind, thinking, attitude, desires, interests and lifestyles in the whole world. However, there are high percentage of people who pretend to be of same mind, opinions, thoughts and lifestyle who tend to be the birds of a feather but in reality there is none. No two people think the same way as you do or as you believe.

People are friends with one another because it is basically to escape from solitude or from fear of being alone and insecurity. The deep desire to feel loved, appreciated, encouraged and accepted as an important individual causes people to seek companionship. If there were no feelings of insecurity, poverty, illness and loneliness, people wouldn't seek any companionship with others. They would instead live an independent life irrespective of gender.

People agree with others in order to be in friendship and meet the basic human needs of emotional feelings though they would not agree with the other if it hadn't been friendship the ground of such co-existence. People differ a lot in thinking, behaving, talking, listening and understanding.

All the married couples too have no 100% same mind, attitude, thinking or opinions about many aspects of life here on earth. The married couples wouldn't live together on the basis of sex, procreation, love and friendship if they didn't compromise and conform with the others.

People should be truthful about sharing their views, opinions and thinking with their beloved ones so that the differences could be known and understood in order to create a better relationship with each other. Of course, there is a problem of pretension where though the other is unique and possesses different mindset, tries to conform to the group whichever he/she finds some similarities.

People must accept the differences and try to have independent opinions of themselves so that they don't fall into crowd thinking. Each individual must think for himself so that there can be a better lifestyle.

Parents are not of same mind with their kids. The kids think differently and operate from different perspectives and in the same manner, parents too operate in different ways. That means, there is no one mind, one soul, one spirit and one enthusiasm or goals.

In my view, people must learn to have their unique and independent minds and not try to conform to the group mentality. The herd mentality does no one good except that it creates dependency, security, comfort, fear and the knowledge of lack, poverty, sickness etc.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to live a great married life?

Marriage is a sacred union between two separate individuals who decide to share life with each other based on physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and social attraction. Marriage is indeed one of the best inventions by human civilization. The birds and animals change their partners frequently, but we humans don't change rather we stay together and raise children mutually.

Today, two opposite individuals coming together to live and share life mutually face a lot of challenges to sustain their relationship due various reasons. And I am not going to touch in detail those reasons however I will discuss how married life can be lived successfully in spite of difficulties.

Love is the real requirement of a successful married life. Here each partner must love himself/herself first before loving themselves. Loving oneself first is the beginning of extending one's love to one's partner. If a person doesn't love oneself fully, he or she can't be successful in loving their partner. It is essential to love oneself and then extend the same love to others.

Nobody enters into a relationship today without speaking or sharing about goals, dreams, interests and visions. So it is important to make known your desires and aspirations of life so that both partners could work out a plan to support each other in accomplishing the goals. There must be shared goals. Having goals are essential because it increases the love and understanding among the partners. Goals are nothing but the passion for living an extraordinary life.

Another aspect of successful married life is the attitude that each partner has towards the other. When two people enter into the relationship, their attitude must be positive, optimistic, confident and relaxed. Attitude indeed defines one's successful relationship. It is better to have a positive attitude towards one's partner.

Each partner must have the attitude of giving. When one partner gives enough love, care, attention and encouragement to other partner, there is always going to be a harmonious co-existence because they are both giving to one another what the other person needs. Giving is important than receiving.

Gratitude is a great way to affirm and show real love to your partners. You should be grateful for your partner in the first place. The very fact that you are staying in relationship with your partner, you in turn should be grateful for spending life together. When you live together, there are many things that you should be grateful for. You got to appreciate your partner so that you will live in peace and love. Find out at least 5 things that you should be grateful about your partner everyday.

Of course, when you enter into a relationship, you must trust your spouse because your spouse will never ever cheat you until and unless you loose interest or enthusiasm. So there must be trust from both side.

There will be quarrels and fights with words and you should not wish that there won't be any fights. Fights will occur because we interact with external world so much that we get influenced by the media and negative programming that we think getting into some kind of argument is normal. When there is fight or quarrel you must let it go off because by holding it you don't win any great rewards for yourself. Forgive at once because you should know your priority to live a beautiful life.

Patience is indeed a virtue but you should develop it because no two individuals will behave or act in the same manner and naturally there will be differences, late or frustration. In that time remember that you got to have patience.

This is a rule which says that in relationship, each partner will have at least 90% of positive attractions or likings and 10% negative feelings. The fact that two of you are married and living together because of great degree of commonalities between you both.

Reflect for 10 minutes about your partner. Meditate and think about your relationship and the progress that you are making every day. It is important that you act together and by reflecting you can know your strengths and ideas to make it better.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Monday, August 23, 2010

Speak blessings and not curses

Children are born intelligent, talented, rich, healthy and skilful to live a wonderful life on this earth. They have purpose, goals, dreams, visions and reasons to lead a normal life. They don't lack anything. They possess everything that requires to be a success in life. They come with a complete package and they are all full.

The parents must speak to their respective kids the blessings that they want to see happen in their children. The words that they speak has power and if they bless their children with goodness, happiness, wealth, health and a unique lifestyle, the children will become like the blessings. If the parents don't speak blessings to their kids, others will speak and condition them and it won't be any blessings. It will be only curses.

The media, newspapers and TV will feed the children whatever they don't want to hear or be. And children will find them very alluring and catchy as a result they fall victims to the media at large. Therefore you got to speak to your children the words of blessings so that you get what you speak and that may be your true intention.

Majority of parents aren't happy with their children today because these parents didn't speak blessings into their children and when their children didn't find any goodness or talents or encouragement in them, they began to drift apart from their parents. The children looked for sources which affirmed them when they had doubts or fears. The media made certain things look so appealing and good that the children began to admire about them. And later they wanted to have or be like them though it wouldn't make them happy.

It is very important that we should speak only the blessings that we want to see in our life. If we don't desire for the good things, we won't get them in our life. Let's speak for one another the goodness and bless each other with all the things which are responsible to make our lives better and successful.

Speak the positive to your children, and avoid as much as you can to speak curses because curses are negative words and they are powerful. Human words are creative forces and they can create fear, doubt or courage and confidence. You must see that you speak good about everybody so that the blessing you send out will return manifold.

Speak the blessings, encourage one another, affirm with good qualities and build a new person.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Focus on what you do want!

Approximately, 97% of world population in the world, focus on what they don't want and only 3% of people focus on what they do want. It is a tragic story that few people get what they want because they focus on getting things they truly desire.

The majority of people lead 'a life of quite desperation' because they are not trained to be calm, quiet and peaceful. They are stressed out in life so much that they hardly feel the urge to focus on good things. It is a reality that the media all over the world present one kind of news and information. The media gives what people don't want and they show as if they are correct while people who want health, wealth, money, abundance, they show as not good, or corrupt.

It is important to know what you want and move towards them. Knowing is not enough, moving towards it is the most important thing. So learn to focus on your wants and they will come to you. However don't focus on what you don't want.

When you focus on what you want, you become eligible to get them and you are in line with attracting wealth, harmony and peace. Affirm the things that you want. Visualize them always so that they become real and true. In order to make it more real, you must feel the power that will help you get the things you want.

The whole world is trying to conspire you to focus on what you don't want, don't give your attention to it. You instead focus on what you do want by all means. There is a great power in focusing what you do want. So allow everything that you want to manifest in your life.

Focus on what you do want to enjoy the abundant world. You are rich, abundant and prosperous. So get what you want by focusing on them day in and day out, 24/7.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, August 21, 2010

With our conscious efforts we can achieve all that we want.

Jim Rohn said,"some people find things easy to do and others find easy not to do."

With our conscious efforts we can achieve almost anything that we want. However it takes a consistent discipline to make things easy to do. Those who decide to take the first step they really accomplish their mission. They don't wait for things to happen by itself. Things will not happen or change by itself without external efforts because as the law of nature says that 'a thing in motion remains in motion and a thing in inertia tends to be static.'

It requires our genuine efforts and willingness to do something. It takes our conscious decision to learn how to use computer, how to record the audio using audacity software or learning how to play baseball and golf. In the absence of conscious efforts, nothing much is achieved in life. Those who get great success they understand the reality of taking always a conscious action.

For example, in the office, the table will be filled with cluttered things and they will most likely remain their as long as a person decides consciously to remove them. If he doesn't remove it because he is lazy, the table will remain cluttered and it will become more cluttered over the period.

So, it proves the statement true that without the conscious efforts from individuals there are no major changes or application. It is only when there is consciousness in performing any particular task that the work really gets completed.

You won't read if you don't decide to read this article consciously. If you want to bring about major changes in your life, learn to do any activity with full consciousness. It will work miracles for you because it makes sense when conscious efforts are involved.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Friday, August 20, 2010

Your Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The most important education an individual can acquire is through imagination. Imagination is the beginning of all knowledge. Imagination is limitless. The schools and colleges provide knowledge to the students but they don't develop their imaginative skills. The schools expect the students to give the ready made answers and they don't encourage them to innovate new ideas or answers.

The schools fail to provide the foundational education for the students and this is possible only through the imagination of each student. The schools must act like a facilitator but they don't follow this path rather they provide all the answers to the questions they think they are the final and absolute answers.

Remember your imagination is more important than your acquired knowledge because acquired knowledge become obsolete within a short span of time but imagination is always fresh and new. It is available all the time in any generation or time. Therefore consider your imagination as the most important and valuable education in life.

It is through imagination, that we all are enjoying the breakthrough of modern technology and science. Human imagination has the capacity to alter one's course of life and make it a better one.

You can create and achieve your goals, dreams and visions only through imagination and not through knowledge. Bill Gates dropped the college studies because the college didn't feed his imagination, his dreams rather college only fed him with the ready made answers which were not relevant to his time. Imagination is powerful if you use it for your benefits and progress.

Write down all your goals and imagine of accomplishing them all within the stipulated time and space. All those successful people apply imagination all the time to succeed in life. They use it to become rich, start new businesses and to make investments in assets that generate constant passive cash flow. They use it to create a new story for themselves, the new lifestyle.

Use your imagination to have all that you desire or create during your life time. You can create a better, happy and rich future for yourself if you want. There is plenty and abundance in imagination.

How can you use it? You must close your eyes and imagine all the things that you want them to happen in your life. It is important that you imagine or visualize them often as many times as you can. It is possible to improve your life situation through imagination.


Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do you love yourself first?

We have often heard the saying from the New Testament where Jesus says, "Love your neighbour as you love yourself." Many people think that we should love others first and then later we must love ourselves. The meaning is very deep here. What it means here actually is to be SELFISH by loving ourselves first and it is never to be unselfish first. Everything starts from within ourselves and it spreads outward. It is wise to ask a question, do we love ourselves first?

Many people don't really feel worthwhile and valuable as a result they don't love themselves. The poor self-esteem makes a person to like oneself less and less degrading one's worth. People don't really know about themselves and they don't get any encouragement from others, which causes them to shift their priorities on others rather than on themselves. They do everything for others, they try to be good friends, or love others etc. just to feel loved or important. But this is a wrong strategy. Self-esteem is an important aspect of our personality. Those who have good self-esteem, they are happier, richer and healthier in life.

The other day I found one of my students looked very sick, down and inactive and I asked Arem whether she loved herself. She paused for a while and thought about it and then she replied, 'no'. I was curious to know why she didn't love herself. She said, she didn't feel worthy and important. She thought that by loving others she was loving herself but in reality she didn't.

Then I asked her whether she admired herself or not in the mirror. She said she wouldn't do that because it sounded so silly. Anyway, I encouraged her to see herself in the mirror and say "I love you Arem, you are a beautiful girl, you have a lovely smile." It was very awkward to her. Upon my insistence, she agreed and looked herself into the mirror and loudly affirmed that she loved herself and she was beautiful with a lovely smile.

Arem is indeed a beautiful girl but her poor self-esteem doesn't let her focus on the positive aspects of life. She always thinks negative about herself, though in reality there is no negative about her. Like Arem there are millions who don't consider themselves lovable, beautiful and attractive. Instead, they limit themselves and live a low profile life.

If we closely study this case we will find that people actually have wrong notion about their personality, appearance and attitude. They think they are not special as a result not worthy of appreciation and love. People must begin to love themselves first as much as they can and if they do this, their whole attitude towards them will change and become a better one.

Once I helped Arem to admire herself, she felt convinced that she was indeed a beautiful young girl and nobody was like her in the whole world. The sick feeling that she had, disappeared at once when she affirmed and believed her qualities. She was emotionally sick and she needed an encouragement from others to support her that she was very special and important. People normally don't feel special until others make them feel but it is rare when others will come and say nice things about you.

Jesus when he taught people to love neighbours as they love themselves presupposed that they really loved themselves first and then if they came across anyone they should love in the same manner they loveed themselves. There is no second or third way to love. There is one way and that is to love oneself first and then extend that love to others.

When I was a teenager, I didn't like myself so much because I had pimples on my face. It bothered me so much when I compared myself with other friends. It drained my energy and I began to withdraw myself from facing people. I thought they would not accept me as I was. My self-esteem was very low and I was under stress and frustration. I couldn't understand why things happened to me. But as I grew towards maturity, I had a better understanding about myself and life. I accepted myself as I was and I loved and pampered myself by buying flowers, books, gifts and foods. It made me to think I was special and important and very unique.

It takes a ton of education to change our perception or attitude towards life and ourselves. If we don't have enough right knowledge, we don't really value and consider things important. If we love ourselves first, we can indeed love anybody as we wish and desire.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What do you think about the rich people?

Whenever I get a chance after the conversation, I usually ask people this question, "What do you think about the rich people? Do you want to be rich?" I get varieties of replies and those replies at times fascinate me because once I also used to think like those people. When you ask around we get the usual replies that the rich are corrupt, crooks, cheats, greedy, uncaring and that they don't value other people etc.

Such thinking is prevalent in every country, society or family. I asked once one of my students, Parky whether he ever wanted to be rich. His reply was always no. He didn't have any ambition to be rich or earn a big money. He just wanted to get by in life and nothing much. He thought that rich people became rich only through corrupt ways, by frauds and cheating. According to his thinking money was the greatest problem in the world because it didn't make people happy. He thought people who had more money, they didn't care for others, instead they neglected them.

Parky's reasoning was that rich people didn't have any values or manners. Their main focus or priority was only money and not friendship, people, love or values. So he didn't want to be rich though he thought money was good.

There are many people like Parky who don't have good understanding, knowledge and information regarding the rich people or prosperity. They think through conventional mind and they get carried away by others' opinions. Of course there are drawbacks of rich people at the same time there are enough positive points too.

Rich people may be good or may be bad because of their ideology or philosophy. If their philosophy is correct and makes positive impact in the world then their ideology is genuine and they are too truthful. However, there are people whose philosophy is not up to the mark then they mislead the whole world. Having a good philosophy towards money, wealth, health, relationship are important and it is needed in the society.

People can be rich in two ways, tangible and intangible ways and both ways are important to create a worthwhile lifestyle. The purpose of becoming rich must be very clear and if they focus on their ultimate purpose they can be perceived as genuine and real.

Rich people are not actually bad however there are few who are corrupt and defamed ones. Rich people do feed many employees and their families by providing employment because they feel a sense of responsibility. There is nothing wrong with being rich if the motive is good and positive.

People can become rich in the following ways. I guess this explains and clarifies your doubts and questions about the rich.

People become rich by inheriting the fortunes from their parents or family. The legacy of a family continues and the fortune is inherited and shared by the respective family members. The children who inherit money from their parents get no real exposure or experience. The children reap the hard work of their parents. For some this may not appeal so much because there are few people in the world who are eligible to inherit fortunes. The percentage is less.

The second way people can become rich is by marrying for money. In other words, if you get the chance to come across rich woman or man, you can consider the offer. This again doesn't look so attractive though it is so desirable. I had an offer to marry for money, but I declined it because I didn't find any meaning or didn't give a sense of achievements. It didn't make me a person I wanted to be. It may appeal to some but not all.

The third ways people can become rich is by winning the lottery and yet the percentage of lottery winners is less. There is not much gain in it but for people it looks cool because they seem lucky and chosen. This may not work for all.

The fourth and fifth ways the people become rich is by cheap and crook. Yet the world hates the rich people who are cheap and crooked. This types of rich people are not appreciated or loved because they are fallen down in the eyes of the world. And because of these cheap and crooks, young boys and girls don't like to be rich. They don't have any ambition to be rich. People generally mix up the rich and people consider them as all bad or cheap.

The best way to be rich is by becoming an enterprising person- the entrepreneurship. Steve Jobs became an entrepreneur and today he has become a leading figure in the world. He didn't inherit the fortune, he didn't marry for money, he didn't win lotteries nor did he become rich by being cheap or crooked. He developed his own self and upon improving his skills, talents and passion, he ventured into the world of business. This is the best way to be rich and this is not bad. This way of becoming rich is the self-actualization and it is possible only when people pursue their passion, what they love truly.

Bill Gates pursued what he loved and computer was his real passion, he put all his efforts in realizing the goal. He too didn't inherit fortune, didn't marry for money, didn't win lottery, didn't play cheap or crook but he became an entrepreneur and that made a big difference in his life. He used his God's given abilities, talents, skills and love to become rich. He designed his own lifestyle.

The people who became rich through entrepreneurship are truly rich and that path is not wrong. It takes care of all people possible. It feeds workers' families by giving jobs. These rich people provide values and life support for many families. I don't think this is bad to be rich.

People should understand that getting happiness is possible in both ways being rich or not being rich. Being happy is the responsibility of individual and money is not accountable by itself. Rich people who are the founders of large organizations do care about people.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We Create Everything Through Conscious Efforts and There is no Luck.

People when they lose their consciousness, the medical doctors declare them dead and non-living. The moment a patient loses his ability to remember and think about the past, present and future, he/she has no way to be alive again. In my opinion, the conscious mind is as important as the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind may not die but it can't give awareness to the human mind as a result their body remains motionless and non-active. The world is something like the subconscious mind, the universe exists all the time, in eternity and there is no end to it, but when there is no consciousness in the body, the universe looks as if it is limited. The universe can't be understood alone by one hemisphere of the brain. It requires both sides of the hemisphere to maintain one's existence.

We all exist in the Universe and we can't run away and hide from the universe because there is nothing that can hide us. It is akin to the fish hiding in the lake under the rock, but it can't hide from the water, the same way we can't be lost. The fish which is scared and hides behind the rock and the people who are scared of lions will hide behind the rock too and they do it consciously. If we don't have any consciousness, then we won't fear anything or won't hide anywhere. We will be standing like a rock, not afraid of anything. The lion may climb on the rock yet the rock doesn't run away from the lion.

The point I am trying to bring out here is that we are all created in consciousness and we in turn create our reality in consciousness. We create everything through our conscious effort and there is no luck game. We need to consciously create and shape our future as we want to have and live. However, we can create the future according to our level of consciousness and we are responsible for all that happens to us without our knowledge.

We exist in this universe as one stretched being called universe which has no end or beginning. Let me give you an analogy of a digital photo. When you zoom out or enlarge the photo on the computer screen, it looks big and as you keep enlarging the photo, the photo begins to expand, it gets enlarged so much that we can't even identify our nose or eyes or head. Everything looks like dotted colours. If we show others the enlarged photo where there is no concrete picture, others will not notice the picture because the photo is enlarged to the maximum level that it looks plain, empty and vacuum. They may think that we are crazy. But in reality, there is a picture right in it. But as we zoom in, the photo begins to shape up in its original picture and now we can see the photo really. At an approximate distance, we can spot the photo, but we can't see the same photo at other approximate distance.

This is the nature of the universe. We are not torn apart from the other parts of the universe. We are all in the universe connected at our own approximate distance, where we are supposed to exist or carry out the necessary functions. We are the conscious being so as much as a spiritual being. We don't die in spirit, that means we continue to live in subconscious or unconscious part of our brain. It is never a finished chapter of life.

In my opinion, there was no big bang as proposed by some well-known scientists as such and there will be no big bang in the light years to come. Because if we say there was a 'big bang' and the universe started with a big bang then we presuppose that there was a big bag or big balloon like bag where all the galaxies were clubbed together and when more galaxies joined the big balloon, the balloon lost its capacity and burst like a big bang and the universe started. It never happened this way because universe is filled with consciousness and it is the universe. There is nothing outside. All the space that we see in the sky with stars, planets or galaxies, they exist at their approximate distance to be parts of the Universe. There is no big bang theory or God creating the Universe in six days and took rest on the seventh day. It's only man's imagination and creation because man is a conscious being and possesses the ability to create his lifestyle.

We are god particles and we are one with the universe. We can't say there is a separate entity or being that created us. The universe has created us through the programming and we have been following the programs. That means, we have been fed with all kinds of commands and we carry out those commands accurately by our both right brain and left brain.

We must never come to the conclusion about the universe by seeing through our physical eyes. We must view the world through unconscious or the spiritual aspects of our brain and that makes some good sense to understand the universe. We are not trained to see what we haven't seen in our life time. In this 21st century, we are not seeing what our future generations will see in the decades or centuries to come just like our past ancestors couldn't notice many things of present time.

The universe is filled with energy and we are part of that energy. We exist because that massive energy exists every where in the universe. We are here on earth, but we don't get the whole picture of the universe. We are just seeing only a small fraction of the universe just like our toes are far from our head.

So since we are conscious beings and we have unconscious capacity, we can create whatever we want in our reality that means in our life. If you want wealth, you can have it, if you want a beautiful wife, you can have it, if you want a boy baby you can have it; if you want to be healthy and live for thousands of years possibly you can. We can all that we want provided we understand the true nature of the conscious energy and the universe then apply it.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight | Video on TED.com

Wow! This video is amazing and impressive. She shares the most valuable insights about two hemispheres of human brain. It confirms my thinking and understanding about human brain. I am glad that she has made a point to speak up to the whole world.
Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight | Video on TED.com

Monday, August 16, 2010

Jim Rohn Setting Goals Part 2

Jim Rohn Setting Goals Part 1

Say "I will"

Those who say,"I will" they achieve their definite goals in life and those who don't say, "I will" after thinking deeply they don't succeed. For instance, the mountaineers who decide to climb the mountain top don't really succeed however only the few make to the top. The few who make to the summit say,"I will" and they climb the top despite facing a lot of obstacles on the way.

If you ask people whether they would like to be rich or whether they would like to be entrepreneurs they often cringe and say they won't be able to accomplish that. They don't think for a second and reply as it comes to their mouth. Majority of people don't truly decide and desire for good things of life, instead they just want to play safe and small.

I am sure, Bill Gates might have said to himself,"I will" make the software which will be in every desktop and he succeeded in achieving that goal. When we say,"I will" it makes the way straight giving enough knowledge, confidence and courage. We affirm ourselves and study the necessary steps required to accomplish any particular goals.

Successful millionaires and billionaires like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Laxmi Mittal and many others did say, "I will" and they achieved what they desired to get in their lives. It is a powerful message for all of us to say,"I will" and take up the challenges to make to the top. Without hard work, dedication, courage, preparation and application of certain principles or disciplines, people can't make to the top.

Therefore you should ensure that you say "I will" with a sincere heart and when you say that you must really mean it in order to accomplish your desired goals. These five characters, "I will", gears us up to go for our dreams.

Say, " I will, I will, I will, I will" and you will surely become successful in life.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pursue Your Unique Niche.

You can create your own awesome lifestyle if you pursue your unique niche. We all are born with a niche that can provide us with all the best things that we desire in life. We possess the unique niche to be great and excellent at something that we should actually do.

We go to schools the moment we grow and continue to be in schools or colleges till we graduate and receive our certificates. With the certificate in hand, we look for jobs to start with. These days the students can work as interns in big companies to get a first hand work experience so that later when they finish their studies they will be able to decide whether to work for somebody or to work for themselves. But many who work as interns choose to be in the rat race minding other people's business thereafter.

Working as an intern gives a real glimpse of the real world and students who are just stepping into the rat race must be able to make a wise decision. The daily routine of 9 to 5 job at office may not be for all but most of the students try to fit in there. They don't really want to be part of that rat race, but in order to survive they just join any company to earn a living. There is nothing wrong about making a living but there is an error in not pursuing their niche.

At work, people are actually working for others in exchange of money and to get that much money, they have to put in a lot of efforts to compensate for the money they earn and it is always at the expense of their life. People don't decide properly which lifestyle to choose and why? They don't think about their abilities and talents. They are only ready to join the workforce as employees. They have no plans to sharpen their talents and skills in order to pursue their niche.

I think, people must decide in the beginning of their lives, what and how do they want to live their life? If they think working for others makes sense and gives security, they should pursue it and be in the rat race. But my concern is for those who don't really want to work for somebody but they are caught up in the rat race. They want to pursue their special niche but they are afraid and unsure about it.

Majority of graduates in all over the world will work for the few successful business men who didn't want to work 9 to 5 job and decided to develop and pursue their own niche. They took in charge of their future and believed in their niche because they were on the right track by pursuing their niche. The majority of employees who are doing their jobs grudgingly are not happy because they don't get what they have in their mind. These people are on the wrong track. They are working hard to complete others' niche.

It is important that we pursue our own niche by developing, refining, failures and success. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and many other millionaires and billionaires pursued their own niche and they are today living their dreams, having their lifestyle and spending the best quality time with their family, love, desires and interests.

There are many people in the world who worked as employees for others and earned a living but later they shifted their focus on realizing their dreams. They worked on their niche and today they are happier, independent and rich. They have become role models for others to learn and follow their unique niche.

Each person has his own unique niche and each one can pursue it if he decides to go after and seek his own happiness. I am sure, it will make a very great change in person's lifestyle. People who are in the rat race and not happy at work, don't believe in their abilities rather they take this idea with a grain of salt because they don't have egg on their faces. They don't want to be embarrassed or ashamed if they fail in their endeavour.

There is no shame in failures or mistakes as there are lessons to be learned and improved. So decide today to pursue your own niche, niche can be anything as long as they express your true values, purpose and ultimate happiness.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Is Technological Breakthrough Enhancing The Quality Of Our life???

It is indeed commendable to say that humans have reached to a great stage of technological civilization. We have made a huge progress in terms of inventing new technologies to solve our problems of existence here on this earth. 2000 years ago, our great ancestors didn't have the chance to live in this golden age of technological breakthrough. Their travel, transportation, housing, food, education, wealth, health, communication and relationship were limited. They couldn't drive a car, they couldn't fly in the plane, they couldn't travel to the space, they couldn't mass produce various goods to earn huge profits.

Today because of great technological breakthrough, humans can fly, drive a car, travel to space, cure the diseases and transmit messages or videos to far away continents. We enjoy the progress of great breakthrough in the history of high technological civilization. We use technology every day and every time. Technology has become like members of our own body. They seem to be the master of our life.

Among these great technological breakthroughs, it is important to evaluate the benefits of the technology and also the hazards of technology. In order to speed up, people invented 4 wheelers to transport us and the goods. To travel faster, we worked hard to invent a machine that could fly like birds in the sky. To stay in the water and swim like fish, people invented submarines and boats. The computer has revolutionized the work culture at jobs and the commerce today. To communicate with others at a distant place, they invented telephone. And today telephone communication has been improved and upgraded very much that we can carry the gadget which aids in staying connected with our relatives, friends and business clients wherever we go.

Today we have mobile phones or cell phones. We can easily communicate with others from anywhere and any place. On the surface, it seems that mobile phone is an inherent member of our physical body. We carry it wherever we go and make a call any time. For mobile industry, it is the golden period because they are reaping the rewards and profits in huge margins. Of course we need mobiles today to communicate with others otherwise we won't be existing without it.

However my main concern is about the hazards of technology. For instance, mobile phones have become part and parcel of our life, there is no doubt about it. But is it safe and healthy to incorporate in our personal life? How much can it damage our healthy life style here on earth?

The recent scientific studies by top doctors, surgeons and scientists show that the use of mobile phones do cause a maximum level of public health hazards. The electro-magnetic radiation and microwaves that occur during the process of communication, damages the brain and causes brain haemorrhage, brain cancer, brain tumour and many other physical symptoms. In short it is burning our brain.

The industry research and scientific studies don't agree with outside scientists and experts' findings. They rubbish off the findings of others and the mobile industries take the support of governments to push the business transaction. The government whose main mission is to protect its citizens from the danger or unsafe environment doesn't even educate the public about health hazards of the modern technology. The industries shy away from speaking the truth for fear of losing the business stability and profits. The media doesn't clearly say whether the mobile phone is safe or not safe. The public are kept ignorant and the big industries do back on the ignorance of people.

In my opinion, the use of mobile phones for long duration is dangerous. The mobile phones are silent causes of brain tumour and cancer today. The validity of truth can be easily established if there is faith in the system. It is a big conspiracy theory. Recently, some people died after attending to some phone numbers, which appeared in red lights and within a short span of time those people died. They fainted and lost the consciousness and at the end they couldn't survived. There is a case where a doctor attended to the call which appeared in red lights too and he fainted immediately and was very critical.

When my brother brought to my notice, I didn't know much about the health hazards of mobile phones but later I did a little bit of research for myself and I got convinced that use of mobile phones are not safe. There may by many people who will die of brain cancer or tumour in the years to come.

"And in the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln.

The health is very important and it is our duty to see that our children are safe from health hazards of modern technology. Because we are not going to live in the future, our children and grand children who will be living and the human race must continue to exist. We should not be dumb to jeopardize our children's future just because we care about getting more profit margins.

Let's keep our children's future safe by inventing good technology which may not extinguish our human survival. Let's educate our children about the health hazards that come through the excessive use of technology. We must practice here our human diligence and power of choice.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Friday, August 13, 2010

Become Good to Great and Great to Extraordinary!

People play very small in their lives when they can actually play bigger roles. There is no reward or satisfaction in being small or just good because the talents or skills are not fully utilized. To make the best use of talents and skills, we must know how much we want to grow in life.

Many people are good and they feel satisfied by displaying their abilities and their desire to be great. They think being good is sufficient but in reality that doesn't serve any purpose. We must aim in life to become great and then to become extraordinarily great because when we achieve our purpose on earth there is contentment and great rewards.

Mahatma Gandhi was a good lawyer but he didn't have a desire to be good always. Instead he pushed himself harder to become great and when he had achieved the great height of human endeavour he moved on to become extraordinarily great human being, leader, role model and the greatest soul to embrace non-violence throughout his life. If you want to be something in life, don't limit yourself to being good instead aim to be great and extraordinary person ever to exist on earth.

Bill Gates when he was in college, he learned about computers and he was good but he didn't want to remain good all the time. Instead he decided to become great and that decision to become great made him to drop out of the college and he pursued his dream to be great. Once he reached to the top level he was not complacent and satisfied. He forged ahead to become the greatest person. He became not only a billionaire at young age but also he became multi-billionaire and the richest man on earth. Today he has set another ambition to be greater and extraordinary human being by investing his fortune in taking care of sick, old and other poor countries. This is the example of being good to great to extraordinary.

We all of us can become great and extraordinary success here on earth but we should be clear about what to do in life. Any child can become good but we must never stay at that lower level of spectrum. We must move ahead in life and become great to extraordinary.

The students too can become great to extraordinary if they really choose to be one. Parents too must decide to be great to extraordinary great because there is no great meaning in playing small and good. Teachers too can be great to extraordinary teachers where they can inspire and motivate students to be great leaders. Politicians too have the golden chance to be extraordinary leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln and many other good leaders.

Some of the scientists, doctors, engineers, pilots, entrepreneurs have made themselves so great and so extraordinary that we feel they are Gods here on earth. The great motivational speakers, personal development experts and philosophers didn't stay at the lower spectrum of good rather they aimed higher and higher as a result they became great to extraordinary. Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziggler, Randy Gage, Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Dennis Waitley, Joel Osteen, Robert Kiyosaki and many others who showed one thing that there is a possibility to be extraordinary person in life.

So what are you thinking in your mind? Do you plan to be just good, just great or superbly extraordinary person in your life? The choice is of course yours and I can't decide it for you. You have to have the vision for your life. You can't fit in my vision but we all can aspire to be extraordinary.

Visualize yourself to be superbly extraordinary in life, hold that picture in your mind and program your mind by affirming your ultimate desire and when you repeat this process again and again you can be sure that your chance of being that extraordinary person of great character, integrity, truth, honesty, values and enthusiasm will become a reality.

By being good we don't gain much but by becoming great to extraordinary we stand in alignment with great souls who walked on this earth. Thus we create a new world order and world peace through our greatness.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Every Adversity Has the Seed of Greater Benefits!

Whenever there is any adversity in the family with individuals, in the nation or in the whole world, there is definitely some goodness hidden. Sometimes the things that seem like disasters turn out to be blessings in disguise. It all depends on how you regard the troubles that come your way.

Soon, the person who is facing challenges in life, may be the financial difficulties in today's economy where global recession has created a big hole in people's pockets, may discover that there is some thing positive about the circumstances. The change in mental attitude alone will encourage the person to look for opportunities that were not available before. You must learn to look for the good in your unfortunate situation. Remember our attitudes shape our future. This is a universal law. Victory and success is in your attitude.

You are the most important living person and take a look at yourself. Try to see in yourself faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tact and good common sense. Your success, health, happiness, wealth will come to you when you are inclined to the positive attitude all the time. Keep your minds on things you want strongly and focus only on your goals and dreams.

The present economic condition has nothing to do with your failure, it has something to do with your success and achievement of your dreams. The adversity hits every one but what do you do in order to overcome such unfortunate situation? There are many things that you can do to make the best use of misfortune.

Here is the best advice given by Anthony Robbins, the great motivational speaker and life coach. I believe you will agree with his four ways to tackle the economic adversity today.

1. Anticipate. Instead of blind optimism, accept the season we're in. Understand the overall trend so you know how to react: If you try to plant seeds in winter, nothing will grow. Decide to find a way to take advantage of the reality of the situation.

2. Educate yourself. Educate yourself about personal finance. There are many tools available to help you make smart decisions, to protect your assets and your family.

3. Look to Role Models. Learn from people who have been through similar situations before and achieved success in tough markets. One such person is Sir John Templeton, an investment pioneer whose foresight made him billions.

4. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude -- Not Fear. Find a way to add more value than anyone else is adding. If you can give more than you expect to receive, it'll put your own life into perspective and make it more meaningful. Wealth is not just about money -- it's psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical.

If followed, these four steps can help you weather the bad economic circumstances. Remember, no adversity is greater than you. You possess the great spirit, the courage, mental fortitude, skills, abilities and talents to challenge any adversity that might strike you. You are equipped with all the necessary tools that you need to overcome any adversity. Use your positive mental attitude to stay calm, focused, alert and ready to pick up any opportunities that come your way.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are there any huge benefits in pursuing academic qualification for 20 years?

"In the real world, what school you attended becomes less and less important and your character, drive, passion, and intelligence prevail." Robert Kiyosaki

Many people live today by conventional wisdom as a result they can't drop out the college. You are absolutely right in suggesting students to look for alternative ways of earning money. Most of the students have unique childhood talents and skills, if they develop them they don't need to attend any college. Students spend 20 or more years in pursuing their academic college but they don't get the value for that much time they invest in their education. If they invest the same amount in developing their childhood talents, gifts and passion, they can start off a new life and thus their stories can be new and inspiring for others. 20 years of academic education doesn't guarantee a prosperous or financially abundant future. It is one of the time killers.

There are only very few people in the world who really know and understand the current trend that is prevailing the world. Parents send their children to school, colleges and universities so that their children can get good jobs as a result the children can settle down in life with safe and secured jobs. However this kind of attitude is very risky today. We can't really assume that our college degrees will guarantee us financial security in life. This is only an illusion because there is no security or freedom in life.

When the students graduate and have job placements in multi-national companies, their first reaction is always to exhilarated and happy. But soon that exhilaration doesn't last for a long time before they are fired up. There is no proper guidance provided for students. The students listen to the well-meaning opinions of their parents and they get swept away by whims and fancies but there is a great risk which they don't perceive at all.

20 years of academic education and not able to become millionaires or billionaires during one's life time is indeed a very pathetic case. Forget about being millionaires or billionaires, they have no enough money to be financially free. It is a waste of time to invest 20 years or more of our prime time, energy and money in academic education when it doesn't give us true satisfaction, happiness and financial abundance for our retirement. It is useless for those who won't be able to enjoy their lives with their family happily.


Students must decide whether to pursue academic education or non-academic education. They must think forward and weigh whether academic education is beneficial or non-academic education is better. Of course, academic education produces doctors, engineers, scientists, professors, lawyers, teachers etc. but those who pursue academic education choose one of the aforementioned jobs by their childhood desires or ambition and there is nothing wrong as long as they have pursued their original desire or goals. We can't expect them to change their ambition or desires. But others who don't become doctors or lawyers or engineers, they must pursue they aspire to be in their childhood. They should not listen to others' opinions because opinions are free and they don't guarantee us any future.

People listen to their parents' opinions, friends' opinions, neighbours' opinions and the opinions of government leaders. Students must think for themselves and they should have their own minds and say. They don't need to go by others opinions however if others' opinions make some sense then they should follow them but not at the expense of sacrificing their future or leaving their future in others' hands, companies or government.


Robert Kiyosaki in recent blogs wrote,"You will not learn how to prosper financially in college. You will not learn how money works. You will not learn how to invest. You will not learn even the simple definition of an asset, something that puts money in your pocket, and a liability, something that takes money out of your pocket. You must take charge of your own financial education. Only then will you have a complete education."

Instead of pursuing academic education, invest your time, money and energy in gaining non-academic education because non-academic education will provide you financial freedom, prosperity, abundance, richness, values, happiness, health and a great family relationship because you will follow your plans and will accomplish your goals and not others.

What do I mean by non-academic education? Non-academic education includes financial education propagated by Robert Kiyosaki and that is a life changer today. Non-academic education means where you become your own teacher to learn and turn that learning into income generating business so that your ingenuity can guarantee you a better, free and secured future.

Academic education is very expensive and very risky for those who want to be employees for lifelong. The large companies, industries, which used to give pension at retirement is not in a position to provide because they are following the new industrial trend that is the information trend. Here the conventional idea of job security is disappearing gradually and in the future it will be a history. Education fees have sky rocketed today and though there is a great recession all over the world, the education industries are relishing huge margins of profits and revenues. But whose pockets are being emptied and broke?

Be your own teacher, coach, guide, mentor and visionary because it is your life and I am sure you don't intend to count on others for good things of life. Initially, it will be hard and scary to walk this road because there won't be any much promise during learning process but later you will reap the bumper crops and it will be very sweet. You are the one who will enjoy the fruits.

Learn about investment opportunities, increase your financial intelligence, look for business opportunities, pursue your own dreams and goals just like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckerberg, Jerry Young, Larry Ellison and many others who listened to their guts, their opinions and ignored others well-meaning opinions and pursued their dreams or goals till they realized. You can model them and you will too reap the similar rewards. So do more often non-academic activities more than academic activities. Work on your paintings, write that book, take the first photographs, design that dress, improve that invention and so on.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Personal Development is the Key to a Breakthrough Success in Life!

Don't take personal development lightly, if you are looking for a holistic success in life. Majority of people don't value the importance of personal development. Personal development means a lot of things and it includes all aspects of human life. Many people who are successful, healthy and happy took upon themselves the personal development as a result their lives improved for better.

Personal Development teaches you about Goal settings.

If you don't know the importance of goal settings you won't achieve much in your life. You will do the routine job and activity but it won't satisfy you to your best of ability. You will be disappointed and discouraged for not having things you aspire to have. If you take up personal development process, you will learn about goal settings. Many people think that goals don't have to be written down. But it may work for few but not for all people. Therefore learning about goal settings is essential. It teaches whether you should set small goals or big goals. And through personal development you will be able to set right goals.

Personal Development Teaches about attitude.

If you don't have a positive or good attitude towards making your goals achievable then you won't make any progress. It takes a lot of education about attitude to change one's perception. A positive attitude can be easily developed by you if you value personal development. Schools and colleges don't have time and patience to teach the students the positive attitude. Schools and colleges have their own subjects to teach as a result the important quality- attitude is never taught in the classroom.

Personal Development teaches about having a personal Philosophy.
You can't accomplish much in life if your philosophy is not set write. If you don't have a personal philosophy then you will fit into anybody's lifestyle or belief systems and you won't be able to stand for reality. You won't have your mind, ideas, insights and beliefs. Personal philosophy is very important because it gives direction to your big goals. Jim Rohn, the great American success philosopher and a great proponent of personal development says that philosophy is like "a set of sail."

Through Personal Development you become a qualified person to get all the good things of life.

Personal development qualifies a person to achieve the good things of life. It will give you a qualification to achieve your goals and provide you all the skills you need to perform the necessary task. In personal development what you become is very important. Even if you lose your business or encounter some loss, you still have a qualified person and that person is you. Become first a qualified person to attain your dreams.

Personal Development teaches about reading books, continuous learning, exercise and meditation.

Exercise is very important to stay healthy and being healthy is essential to enjoy the fruits of your success. You learn all this in personal development. People just need to do daily exercise of 15 minutes and eat healthy food. People usually eat nowadays for taste and not for living. People don't eat with their brain rather they consume whatever comes to their table. The onset of fast food is causing people to eat more for taste than for living. Similarly you can learn a lot of things about life if you read books and have a continuous learning. Meditation is another factor which you can learn a lot about. Meditation teaches you about breathing and focusing your attention and thus increasing concentration power. Meditation gives right understanding about the reality. Sitting in solitude is a great way to heal one's body sickness or illness.

Personal Development creates a new story for a new lifestyle.
Through personal development you can create a new story for yourself and thus you can lead a new lifestyle. If you take up personal development you will get many insights about living a better quality of life. Live the lifestyle you want to have by creating a new story for yourself.

You get spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, social and financial development.

The all round development is possible because of personal development. No human is so perfect that he/she doesn't need development in all these areas. You need a great deal of education in order live a better and happy life. People have wrong information and notion regarding personal development. But see the men and women who are successful and on top of the world because they figured out ways to solve problems when they took up personal development.

There are many benefits of personal development and it is important that you take upon yourself the responsibility to see the kind of person you would like to become. Personal development qualifies for the great things that you desire to have in your life. Life puts some of the good things on the high shelf and if you want to reach to the high shelf, you got to develop yourself in order to qualify for those good things of life. Remember to be a responsible person for your success, growth, health and happiness.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Monday, August 9, 2010

Create a New Story - a New Lifestyle for You!

We are here on earth to live a life of happiness, truth, freedom, prosperity, health and success. Our main purpose is to be selfish in our goals and dreams so that we can achieve them easily as we take the initiative to realize them. We can either be in the past and share the past stories to people or we can create new stories every time we make a progress towards gaining deeper consciousness.

I like Bill Gates, the richest man who has shown the way to create a new story for our life. He wrote a new story for himself by dropping out of college and pursuing his own dreams and goals. He was selfish enough to listen to his inner voice and followed it till its accomplishment. He had a choice to write another story of being a Phd student or academically qualified student but he didn't choose to write that story instead he decided to write another story for himself. Perhaps he did harbour in his mind the desire to be a billionaire and he made himself one.

The entrepreneurs who are millionaires and billionaires chose to create new stories for themselves in a manner they could have a new lifestyle in life. These entrepreneurs paved the way for others to follow their path and create own new stories.

Anthony Robbins is a well-known speaker, entrepreneur and life changer in the world. But before he could create a new story for himself, he had an old story which didn't appeal to him. The old story was bad and he didn't want to live life like that. He decided to change and create a news story for himself. The moment he decided to change, he created a new story for himself and everything began to work in his favour. Today what he has accomplished in life is because he chose to create a new story, a new standard of life and that has brought in a massive transformation in his life. He has assisted thousands upon thousands of people all over the world to create a new story and it works when you create a new story for yourself.

Steve Jobs too created a new story for himself. He formed Apple Computers and soon he was fired from his own company. How can one be fired from his own company? It is true it can happen and happens for a great reason. When a person has the ability to create a new story in life, he/she will definitely face obstacles on their path. Had Steve Jobs not been fired from Apple, he would not have created the new story for himself. He would not have created new products for apple, Ipod, Iphone, Ipad etc. and I am sure there will be new stories or new inventions will happen soon in his life again.

Randy Gage is another multi-millionaire whom I admire very much. He too created a new story for himself. His old story didn't seem attractive and promising so he created a new story and as a result new life emerged and he began to have a great lifestyle. It is when he decided to create a new story that he started to see prosperity, health, success and good things of life. All the wealth, health, money, luxuries were there even when he had an old story, old life style but the prosperity, wealth, health, happiness came to him the moment he created new story for himself.

There are many examples that you can find in the world who teach us indirectly to create always new stories for ourselves. If we give up our limiting beliefs and victim mentality, we can easily create new stories for ourselves and with this our life could be transformed greatly.

Learn from the success and failures of others that if you want to succeed in life you got to create new story for yourself and if you want to fail and live a miserable life you don't need to create a new story rather you can continue to live the old story. Remember millionaires and billionaires created new stories for themselves. They worked hard to challenge their limiting beliefs and they learned to have confidence in their ability by dreaming big and going for the big results. You can find for yourself whether they succeeded in creating a new life or not.

Likewise, if you decide to create a new story, you can have all the good things that you dream everyday. However you don't have to limit yourself in creating a new story. You can create a series of stories as you make a progress in your life. There won't be any one single story in your life. There will be many stories and you should write many new stories to have many new things in life.

Create a new story and you will have a new lifestyle like all the millionaires and billionaires. You can create a new story in relationship, money, prosperity, health, jobs or spirituality. Your life will change, the moment you decide to create a new story - the new lifestyle.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Universe is The Sublime God!

There is no God up there in the sky. We live, move and exist in God. The religions don't truly know what God is rather they care for their own sustenance on this world. The Gods presented or preached by the religions can't be worshipped or followed because it has distorted the true image or concept of God. But for ignorant people gods presented by the religions of the world may make sense. Because they don't think and make use of their minds. They only swallow whatever comes their way.

When religions preach about God, they say that God is up in the sky and there is heaven and hell. So if you do something bad, you will be punished and thrown into the hell of fire where you would be burned alive though even after you have physically died and buried in the grave. This kind of religious teachings frighten the followers and as a result of fear they try to follow or listen to the priests.

The universe is so vast that we can't even see with our eyes open. However if you close your eyes and see through your vision or imagination or the subconscious mind, you will be able to understand the vastness of Universe which can be understood as God.

There is no empty space between the planets and human beings. There is something unseen by the naked eyes which covers the emptiness that we see. Because when our eyes haven't seen the unseen matter, they won't be able to detect them easily. But when you close your eyes and then think deeply, you will begin to gain consciousness and know for the first time that indeed there is God particles stretching or expanding between planets to planets and humans to humans.

God is not a mystery or unexplainable entity as many people think about but rather God is to be recognized, felt, admired, acknowledged and worshipped because we are not somewhere outside of Him. We are inside Him just like the fishes which live in the ocean and animals or birds that stay in the forest. We are in the Universe which is sublime.

The best thing is to realize that we all exist in Him irrespective of caste, colours, race and countries. We can't be separated from the Universe because we are connected and we can't be separated from others too.

The Universe is God because it contains all the galaxies, planets, stars or suns, comets, asteroids, dust, clouds, water, light, darkness, minerals, diamonds, golds, hydrogen, oxygen, ice, rock and many other unseen substances. So believe that you won't die because even though you die, you will not be in hell or heaven. You will be in the Universe which is God. Whatever matter or atoms that are existing in the Universe- God, it doesn't fall outside or doesn't get lost. It is there in the Universe.

In the eyes of the Universe, the planets are only the tiny dust particles existing in the Universe. The gas, dust, clouds, ice, water, rocks, iron ores etc. cluster together and form a concrete planet or moon. However it takes billions of years to form a hard dust like our earth. So there is no question of God coming to punish you or harm you if you make mistakes. Only humans have made the rules or dogmas to control people so that there can be a law and order situation. But still there is no law and order. People do this for their utter selfish reasons. You must free yourself from the clutches of religions and from the slavery of Government institutes.

Live a free life, be happy and write your own new story.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stay Connected with People Who Educate and Empower you!

We should be able to identify people who educate us, who inspire us, who motivate us, who encourage us and think or believe that we do have what it takes to be prosperous, happy and healthy or who empower us or challenge us to reach for the big goals that we think are impossible. After knowing the people who fuel us with energy or motivation, we must find ways to stay connected with them.

Until we are qualified, matured, strengthened and focused about our goals and aspirations, we should stay in contact with those people who are really interested in sharing their insights, experiences and knowledge in order to help us achieve what we want in life. We tend to get demotivated over the period, so it is wise to stay connected with the positive energy people. We don't remain motivated or inspired for a long time so we need that prep talk to uplift our spirit.

There are millions of people who get motivated once in a while but they don't stay energized all the time as a result they fail to accomplish their desires. It is good to get connected with mentors, coaches, and teachers who inspire us.

My wife says that when she talks to me she gets encouraged and motivated automatically. So I ensure that I educate and inspire her to go for the dreams. She feels enthused and charged up. She is able to remain motivated and on course because she stays connected with me for I give her the encouragement or support that she needs to fulfil her ambition of life.

By nature or by law, I always educate and empower people who I come across and I have never really discouraged anyone from pursuing their dreams. I often see the the ability that is there with the individuals and I don't see what they can't be rather I see what they can be. I always believe that people have incredible ability to be prosperous and live a beautiful life. It is only a matter of decision before long they can have what they want.

There are people by nature who are negative and their attitude is disheartening because they never think they can lead a better life. These people need to associate with people who have positive outlook about prosperity, money, health, relationship and spirituality. It is obvious that having an active association with successful people can make us successful in life too.

Without connection with the teachers, gurus, mentors or coaches we can never really make a big progress in life. You got to short-list who you will be in constant touch with and who you will dissociate with. However stay associated with those who make your life easier and better.

The funny thing is that we associate and stay connected with people who are victims and negative in attitude. They pull us down by default and that really programmes us to be failures. This can never bring the results we look for.

Therefore, make up your mind to associate with your mentors or friends who are encouraging, inspiring and fascinating. This way you will be motivated and empowered enough to pursue your ambition. Choose people wisely and associate with them as much as you can.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor