There is no God up there in the sky. We live, move and exist in God. The religions don't truly know what God is rather they care for their own sustenance on this world. The Gods presented or preached by the religions can't be worshipped or followed because it has distorted the true image or concept of God. But for ignorant people gods presented by the religions of the world may make sense. Because they don't think and make use of their minds. They only swallow whatever comes their way.
When religions preach about God, they say that God is up in the sky and there is heaven and hell. So if you do something bad, you will be punished and thrown into the hell of fire where you would be burned alive though even after you have physically died and buried in the grave. This kind of religious teachings frighten the followers and as a result of fear they try to follow or listen to the priests.
The universe is so vast that we can't even see with our eyes open. However if you close your eyes and see through your vision or imagination or the subconscious mind, you will be able to understand the vastness of Universe which can be understood as God.
There is no empty space between the planets and human beings. There is something unseen by the naked eyes which covers the emptiness that we see. Because when our eyes haven't seen the unseen matter, they won't be able to detect them easily. But when you close your eyes and then think deeply, you will begin to gain consciousness and know for the first time that indeed there is God particles stretching or expanding between planets to planets and humans to humans.
God is not a mystery or unexplainable entity as many people think about but rather God is to be recognized, felt, admired, acknowledged and worshipped because we are not somewhere outside of Him. We are inside Him just like the fishes which live in the ocean and animals or birds that stay in the forest. We are in the Universe which is sublime.
The best thing is to realize that we all exist in Him irrespective of caste, colours, race and countries. We can't be separated from the Universe because we are connected and we can't be separated from others too.
The Universe is God because it contains all the galaxies, planets, stars or suns, comets, asteroids, dust, clouds, water, light, darkness, minerals, diamonds, golds, hydrogen, oxygen, ice, rock and many other unseen substances. So believe that you won't die because even though you die, you will not be in hell or heaven. You will be in the Universe which is God. Whatever matter or atoms that are existing in the Universe- God, it doesn't fall outside or doesn't get lost. It is there in the Universe.
In the eyes of the Universe, the planets are only the tiny dust particles existing in the Universe. The gas, dust, clouds, ice, water, rocks, iron ores etc. cluster together and form a concrete planet or moon. However it takes billions of years to form a hard dust like our earth. So there is no question of God coming to punish you or harm you if you make mistakes. Only humans have made the rules or dogmas to control people so that there can be a law and order situation. But still there is no law and order. People do this for their utter selfish reasons. You must free yourself from the clutches of religions and from the slavery of Government institutes.
Live a free life, be happy and write your own new story.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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