Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Cures for the Empty Bank Balance! (Part one)

"Ahead of you stretches your future, like a road leading into the distance. Along that road are ambitions you wish to accomplish...desires you wish to gratify." George S. Clason

The moment children are born into this world, they carry with them the seeds of ambitions and desires to cultivate the land, reap the crops and enjoy its fruits. In the modern time, children are born into a new world where money has become the medium by which earthly success, happiness and the quality of life are measured.

These children are fortunate as well as unfortunate to get the education about the laws of money. In the past, a craftsman passed on his skills of making fortunes on any particular trades to his children and upon learning such invaluable trade skills the children continued the trades that their father did.

Today, many parents don't teach their children the necessary skills to make a fortune. They send their kids to schools and expect others to teach their children some trade skills so that they could earn an income to take care of the family. This is not enough. The children are not taught how the money is earned, kept and multiplied as a result many people today have negative bank balance. Their bank accounts are empty. Their purses are lean.

Here below I discuss some cures for the lean bank balance or empty pocket. When people fall sick, they rush to the doctors for cures but when they are broke they can't rush to banks because banks are not the problem solving entities. When people have empty bank account, they have nowhere to go for cures but themselves. To bring their ambitions and desires to fulfillment, the children must be successful with money today.

1. Find out what you love and work with diligence everyday.

To bring your ambitions and desires to fulfillment you must seek what you love and work on it diligently everyday so that you can earn some income. Based on your skills, abilities, unique talents and interests, level of qualification and education, you can find jobs or businesses that you believe is the passion for you. You may have to work month after month but you must keep your work daily.

Everybody has some work or the other and everybody receives a share of payment according to their capacity and bargain. Even at a small job, you have the opportunity to build a fortune if you truly desire so. After you earn money from your respective trades, you must know what to do with your payments and that is the next cure for your lean purse.

2. Pay yourself first one tenth of your total income to achieve financial abundance and fortune.

If you desire to build a fortune or achieve a financial freedom, you must cultivate a discipline to pay yourself first a part of what you earn as yours to keep. After getting your payment or salaries or profits and dividends, you must immediately take one tenth of your earnings and deposit it in the fortune or financial freedom account to accumulate. No matter how bad the circumstances may be, you must follow this principle day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year and your bank balance will begin to fatten automatically and you can build your fortune. You can be creative enough to divide this one tenth of your income into savings, investment and charities.

Don't act too smart to keep all you earn as yours to hoard because the law never works that way. Of course you can increase your quarter if you make more money but be true to the law of paying yourself first in all circumstances throughout your lifetime.

Remember, a part of all you earn is yours to keep so pay yourself well. Ask yourself, if you love yourself, you must pay yourself first.

3. Pay others second the nine-tenths of your total income.

Many people are very good on this. They have learned from childhood to pay for others that they forget about paying themselves first. Of course, there is nothing bad about paying others but there is only one error and that is if you don't pay yourself first, you will be broke and caught in credit card debts.

People pay for others first and they have nothing left for themselves. They pay the supermarkets to buy groceries, they pay restaurant owners to eat food, they pay airline companies for travel, they pay schools and colleges for education, they pay governments in the form of taxes, they pay internet service providers and electricity, gas, water and many other services. The people also pay the clothe merchant for the purchase of clothes and the banks in the form of interests, mortgage etc. The nine-tenths of your income is used to look after other people in order to survive. It seems strange to me that people pay for everybody and they work harder and harder and sometimes they do two or three jobs just to pay others.

If you don't pay for others, they will come knocking your doors and at times they can even sue you for failing to pay them. It is a strange world because all through out your life you labour for others. You spend your time, energy and skills to give away all that supposed to be yours legally but other people snatch away your earnings legally too. So be careful, who you pay and who really deserves. Control your unnecessary desires and gratify only those you really think deserve.

Today there is a credit card system, which facilitates people to pay for only others first and not oneself. The credit card has created the recent recession and people are struggling to pay for others.

4. What do you desire the most assets or liabilities?

What do you desire the most? Is it a liability- the instant gratification of your desires of each day, may be a jewel, a finery, fast cars, more fast food, gadgets, clothes, things quickly gone and forgotten? Or is it an asset- the substantial belongings, gold, silver, lands, flats herds, merchandise, commodities or income-bringing businesses and investments? Remember the one tenth of money that you keep as yours will earn assets that will generate constant cash flow for you while the nine-tenths of money you pay for others will only give instant gratification and soon you will be hungry and thirsty wanting and searching for the next day.

5. Teach yourself to control the unnecessary expenses on your desires.

Your bank balance is empty because you give away all your earnings to others and don't keep anything for your fortune to accumulate. We all have necessary expenses, but the necessary expenses will always grow to equal your incomes unless you protest and protect yourself.

You should not be confused with necessary expenses and your desires. You, together with your good families, have more desires than your earnings can gratify. If all your earnings are spent to gratify these desires still there will be many unsatisfied desires.

All people are burdened with more desires than they can gratify. Therefore study thoughtfully your accustomed habits of living. Certain accepted expenses can be wisely reduced or eliminated. The best way to do is to write down all things that you desire to spend and select those that are necessary and possible to pay through the nine-tenths of your income.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor