Is Your Mind Infected With Negative Viruses?
Our human mind can be likened to a computer, which gets programmed soon after we are manufactured by our parents. We receive and accumulate all the data and information that we are fed with. When we are brand new mind, we accept all kinds of programming languages and store in our hardware. We don't reject the commands and programs. We become what and how we are programmed.
The programs that we received as kids affect us so much in adulthood that it has the power to keep us away from achieving money, success and happiness. These programs can be called memes. Meme refers to any idea, value, behaviour which are prevalent in a culture and passed from one person to another verbally or repeated action. Meme is non-genetic in nature and it is the cultural counterpart of genes. A vast majority of population is infected with memes.
It is hard to believe that when you were six or eight years old, the things that your parents, teachers and others commented about money, success, wealth, life, marriage, friendship etc. could prevent you today from having and enjoying them. The TV show or movie that you watched as kids and the books that you read could prevent you from getting things you love to have. Today people are exposed to negative memes so much that by the time they are adults they are already programmed and infected with nasty mind viruses.
Memes are real, dangerous and misleading. They are opinions, views and thoughts of somebody. They may not be good for you. But you have been infected with those memes that you no longer see yourself as capable. The countries around the world spend billions of dollars to protect us from enemies but there are cultural memes which are so subtle that hardly anybody can escape from being infected. Our minds get programmed by memes and as a result the mind is infected and produces wrong results in life.
Are you your own mind programmer? Are you aware of the insidious subliminal and subconscious programming you are getting everyday without your consciousness? For instance, your family is in the car and happen to pass through the exclusive rich shopping malls. You want to visit the mall and buy something but instantly your parents say, "we can't afford to buy there anything because we don't have money." You may not realize how that statement will infect your mind with lack mentality and what it will do to you for the rest of your life. That program will any how get installed in your mind and will become the main operating system through out your life.
What seems very scary is that 90% of programming that you receive on a day to day basis is the negative programming of lack, fear, limitation, sickness, betrayal and unfaithfulness. These programmings may self-sabotage your chances of enjoying success, health and happiness. The more you are exposed to these memes, the more your programming gets reinforced.
The media, the government, religious institutes, religions and the people you spend your most time with will infect you and harm you more than anybody in the world. Out of 6 billion people in the world, nearly 1 billion people are rich and having an abundant life but the sad part is that 5 billion people fall under the category of poor or middle class. If they don't work for the government, institutes or others they won't be fed and taken care of. So you can imagine, how a large percentage of people in the world are easily programmed, controlled, ruled and managed for the sake of vested interests.
You must decide now and be cautious how you can avoid being programmed and infected by others. If there are more wise and educated people in the world, then we won't need the government systems to run the country. Look into yourself and examine whether you are infected by some memes or genes. You have to be extra vigilant about this. Your mind and mind-set are the most important assets and resources, which you must protect them at all costs.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor