We are here on earth to live a life of happiness, truth, freedom, prosperity, health and success. Our main purpose is to be selfish in our goals and dreams so that we can achieve them easily as we take the initiative to realize them. We can either be in the past and share the past stories to people or we can create new stories every time we make a progress towards gaining deeper consciousness.
I like Bill Gates, the richest man who has shown the way to create a new story for our life. He wrote a new story for himself by dropping out of college and pursuing his own dreams and goals. He was selfish enough to listen to his inner voice and followed it till its accomplishment. He had a choice to write another story of being a Phd student or academically qualified student but he didn't choose to write that story instead he decided to write another story for himself. Perhaps he did harbour in his mind the desire to be a billionaire and he made himself one.
The entrepreneurs who are millionaires and billionaires chose to create new stories for themselves in a manner they could have a new lifestyle in life. These entrepreneurs paved the way for others to follow their path and create own new stories.
Anthony Robbins is a well-known speaker, entrepreneur and life changer in the world. But before he could create a new story for himself, he had an old story which didn't appeal to him. The old story was bad and he didn't want to live life like that. He decided to change and create a news story for himself. The moment he decided to change, he created a new story for himself and everything began to work in his favour. Today what he has accomplished in life is because he chose to create a new story, a new standard of life and that has brought in a massive transformation in his life. He has assisted thousands upon thousands of people all over the world to create a new story and it works when you create a new story for yourself.
Steve Jobs too created a new story for himself. He formed Apple Computers and soon he was fired from his own company. How can one be fired from his own company? It is true it can happen and happens for a great reason. When a person has the ability to create a new story in life, he/she will definitely face obstacles on their path. Had Steve Jobs not been fired from Apple, he would not have created the new story for himself. He would not have created new products for apple, Ipod, Iphone, Ipad etc. and I am sure there will be new stories or new inventions will happen soon in his life again.
Randy Gage is another multi-millionaire whom I admire very much. He too created a new story for himself. His old story didn't seem attractive and promising so he created a new story and as a result new life emerged and he began to have a great lifestyle. It is when he decided to create a new story that he started to see prosperity, health, success and good things of life. All the wealth, health, money, luxuries were there even when he had an old story, old life style but the prosperity, wealth, health, happiness came to him the moment he created new story for himself.
There are many examples that you can find in the world who teach us indirectly to create always new stories for ourselves. If we give up our limiting beliefs and victim mentality, we can easily create new stories for ourselves and with this our life could be transformed greatly.
Learn from the success and failures of others that if you want to succeed in life you got to create new story for yourself and if you want to fail and live a miserable life you don't need to create a new story rather you can continue to live the old story. Remember millionaires and billionaires created new stories for themselves. They worked hard to challenge their limiting beliefs and they learned to have confidence in their ability by dreaming big and going for the big results. You can find for yourself whether they succeeded in creating a new life or not.
Likewise, if you decide to create a new story, you can have all the good things that you dream everyday. However you don't have to limit yourself in creating a new story. You can create a series of stories as you make a progress in your life. There won't be any one single story in your life. There will be many stories and you should write many new stories to have many new things in life.
Create a new story and you will have a new lifestyle like all the millionaires and billionaires. You can create a new story in relationship, money, prosperity, health, jobs or spirituality. Your life will change, the moment you decide to create a new story - the new lifestyle.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor