In the ancient time people looked up in the sky and waited for Gods to come and save them from natural calamities and dangerous situations. They thought and believed that Gods from above would descend to rescue them from all kinds of evils in the society. It seemed that Gods didn't listen to their prayers and didn't come down to save them from dangers and still people continue to believe in Gods. When Gods didn't come down in chariots to rescue them, they thought Gods were angry and so they performed many ritualistic sacrifices, penance and fasting, yet their Gods wouldn't come to deliver them. Finally people who expected Gods to save them died believing that they would enter into heavens and be with Gods on the right hand side.
This phenomena is still not finished yet. Those who profess their faith in Gods and are the followers of some religions today are still waiting for Gods to descend and deliver them from all kinds of diseases and dangers. Some humans prayed and offered sacrifices so much that they became very religious as a result many people were moved by their godly characteristics and began to take them as Gods from above. Some even called such religious people as sons and daughters of Gods sent from above to deliver the mankind. These people too didn't succeed in delivering people from the evils and died a mortal death. But people were so hungry and thirsty for Gods that they made them alive and believed that their Gods would come again as promised by the scriptures, prophets and sages.
Until now not even a single God has come down from heaven to deliver the mankind from poverty, recession, hyper inflation, deflation, unemployment, sickness, injustice, wars and death. If there were Gods according to the understanding of believers, Gods would have certainly descended to redeem people from bondage and sufferings. Why do people think that Gods are up above the sky and He/She will descend in chariots to save the world?
Gods can never save and deliver people because they are very busy creating the multi-universes. Today you are your own God and saviour so you must save and protect yourself from all kinds of dangers. Don't ever expect that Gods from above will deliver you from lions' dens. It is a wrong perception that has misled people to believe in Gods which no longer exist in a way that majority of humans know and understand.
I am sure, even the governments are not gods who can't deliver us from depression, recession, hyper inflation, deflation and bad economy. The big institutes like Banks, FED, IMF, World Bank, NASA, UN and many other organizations too won't come to your rescue when depression or recession strikes you. The recession has hit people all over the world since 2007 and now 2011 is coming soon. The economic condition will not improve so quickly as people think because there is nobody out there to take into account the ordinary citizens of the world. The governments or banks won't deliver us because they are too not gods but they act like gods here on earth and the ignorant people believe them to be their saviours.
The real and true God is you the individual being. You have everything you need to keep things under control for your future. You possess the talents, skills, expertise and knowledge to deliver yourself from great depression, recession, inflation, deflation and injustice. Believe that you are truly the living messiah and there is no another one. As long as you consider others to be your Gods, then you will not be saved and redeemed. You will be cursed and crushed to death.
Ignorant people have gods up in the sky, but you should never have gods in the form of governments and banks because they haven't succeeded in rescuing people from great inflation that we have today. As you know, four years have passed since the recession has hit the global economy and people are suffering because they have no jobs and no money to take care of themselves. How can you leave your future in others' hands? Be your own saviour and deliver yourself from the evils of modern banking and government systems. The best way to be your own saviour to educate yourself about financial matter. Learn to play with the new rules of money and it can deliver you from all evil.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor