To be a winner in life, we must have our own guides, coaches and mentors who can truly steer us to the path of success that we seek. The successful men and women had their own guides, coaches, mentors and role models who paved the way for them. It is necessary today to have guides, coaches and mentors directly and indirectly, even if we don't have one.
In the Hindu epic Mahabharata of ancient India, there is a dynastic struggle for the throne between two collateral branches of the family Kaurava and Pandava. In this great battle the Pandavas are ultimately victorious. The Pandavas won the battle because they had the Lord Krishna who was their charioteer as well as the guide, coach and mentor in the great battle. The Pandavas had found in the Lord Krishna, guide, coach and mentor who spearheaded the whole battle to victory. The interesting part is that the five Pandavas believed in the Lord Krishna's teachings and directions.
On the other hand the Kauravas didn't really have guides, coaches and mentors and even if they had, they didn't follow their teachings and directions. They were one hundred in numbers while the Pandavas were only five, so they thought they would easily win but they were mistaken they didn't know about the power of wisdom and directions.
Similarly, in real life too, if we don't have role models who inspire us, guide us, coach us, mentor us and motivate us to pursue our dreams and goals, then we won't be victors rather we would be losers in life. People without role models are like people with no radar system.
In the ancient time, people believed in God to be their source of everything. They prayed, meditated and did penance to please God in order to help them have what they wanted. In the ancient Bible, Moses and other prophets became people's guides, coaches and mentors to live a better and worthy life.
Today we can learn a lot from others who are successful in any particular field that we want to succeed. We only need to follow their insights, wisdom and philosophy and make our own until they produce great results. So search your own guides, coaches, mentors to reach your destination faster.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor