Today I had a discussion with my friend Ravi about the need for a new kind of leadership to lead all the creatures from the planet to a sustainable and clean environment ecosystem. Out of our telephone conversation, an awareness emerged that the existing leadership in politics, business, education, health, agriculture and others won't really spearhead a new system. These leaderships are fake, superficial, corrupt, greedy, conventional and direction less. They won't figure out new ways and new technology to save the planet earth from the disaster.
So where can the leadership emerge from? The real leadership will come from outside the political circle and corporate culture. Political and corporate leaderships have failed to create a sustainable and clean earth instead they have contributed to the global catastrophe. They are in the myopic and unfit system that they can't rethink a new system to solve global issues. These people have succeeded in satisfying their own desires mutually at the expense of the earth. They have exploited the earth's resources so much that they don't mind dying when the natural calamity will strike the earth.
What the earth needs is a new breed of leaderships who are highly motivated, directed, focused and committed enough to spearhead a new society, a new civilization and new clean technology innovation. It is possible to innovate new technological tools to sustain human beings and other creatures on the planet. The fossil fuels shouldn't be the fundamental sources of energy on the planet. We must be able to produce energy from the sun for another billion years. Sun is a viable energy source and we should be committed deeply to design technology to intensify the energy harvesting.
I am quite sure when a new breed of leadership is in place, it will give way to clean environment and sustainability of living beings. The leadership will come from ordinary citizens because they are the real observers of the changing climate and weather conditions. So let's look forward for such powerful leaders who could shift the existing poles and make it look a better world of highly civilized creatures.
Let's encourage these eco-leaders and new breed of leadership because they alone can create and innovate a new system which can sustain the human existence on this earth. Leadership is important and that is the need of the hour.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor