Whenever there is any adversity in the family with individuals, in the nation or in the whole world, there is definitely some goodness hidden. Sometimes the things that seem like disasters turn out to be blessings in disguise. It all depends on how you regard the troubles that come your way.
Soon, the person who is facing challenges in life, may be the financial difficulties in today's economy where global recession has created a big hole in people's pockets, may discover that there is some thing positive about the circumstances. The change in mental attitude alone will encourage the person to look for opportunities that were not available before. You must learn to look for the good in your unfortunate situation. Remember our attitudes shape our future. This is a universal law. Victory and success is in your attitude.
You are the most important living person and take a look at yourself. Try to see in yourself faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tact and good common sense. Your success, health, happiness, wealth will come to you when you are inclined to the positive attitude all the time. Keep your minds on things you want strongly and focus only on your goals and dreams.
The present economic condition has nothing to do with your failure, it has something to do with your success and achievement of your dreams. The adversity hits every one but what do you do in order to overcome such unfortunate situation? There are many things that you can do to make the best use of misfortune.
Here is the best advice given by Anthony Robbins, the great motivational speaker and life coach. I believe you will agree with his four ways to tackle the economic adversity today.
1. Anticipate. Instead of blind optimism, accept the season we're in. Understand the overall trend so you know how to react: If you try to plant seeds in winter, nothing will grow. Decide to find a way to take advantage of the reality of the situation.
2. Educate yourself. Educate yourself about personal finance. There are many tools available to help you make smart decisions, to protect your assets and your family.
3. Look to Role Models. Learn from people who have been through similar situations before and achieved success in tough markets. One such person is Sir John Templeton, an investment pioneer whose foresight made him billions.
4. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude -- Not Fear. Find a way to add more value than anyone else is adding. If you can give more than you expect to receive, it'll put your own life into perspective and make it more meaningful. Wealth is not just about money -- it's psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical.
If followed, these four steps can help you weather the bad economic circumstances. Remember, no adversity is greater than you. You possess the great spirit, the courage, mental fortitude, skills, abilities and talents to challenge any adversity that might strike you. You are equipped with all the necessary tools that you need to overcome any adversity. Use your positive mental attitude to stay calm, focused, alert and ready to pick up any opportunities that come your way.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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