People come under the influence of many kinds of emotions on a daily basis and it is at times very hard to keep them under control. Humans are emotional beings and if they are not matured and educated, they can easily be misled by emotions that don't serve our purpose. It is very important to detach oneself from some negative emotions that control us yet don't serve us well.
Vincent Van Gogh said, "Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it." Many people are ruled by negative emotions more than the positive emotions of joy, love, peace, health. So why not learn to have those feelings and emotions which you want to express on the daily basis. If you don't do your homework to control and understand your emotions, you can easily lose your control and thus your moods can be influenced negatively.
On a daily basis, you may be encountering many people and different events at odd hours of the day and you will never feel the same all the time. Sometimes, your anger may take hold of you suddenly when others don't agree with your ideas and opinions. You may scream at them and only to feel sorry later for the sudden outburst. There is a way to control your emotion and you can easily respond positively to any events at any point of time.
Steven Covey writes in his book, 'The seven habits of highly effective people' that we should not react to an event negatively rather we should be proactive meaning we should respond positively to any circumstances. In other words, if somebody suddenly cuts in front of you while driving, you don't have to yell or vent your anger, you just need to be cool, calm and happy. Here you have a choice to vent your anger or show a big smile. If you smile at them, that will make a big difference to you and others.
Instead of reacting to criticism, negative remarks and disagreement, you must choose to be proactive. You can choose to be polite, cool and gentle. This way you can control your emotions and lead a happy life always. Carl W. Buechner once said, "They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." This is very important in life because this is what you want to feel and experience in your life.
In order to conclude, I would like to quote here Lakshmi Mittal, a billionaire who said this, "At the end of the day you have to keep emotions away." Learn to control your emotions that don't serve your purpose and revive those emotions that spur you to positive action. Be proactive and be responsible. Act and don't react to any events abruptly. Take a deep breath and respond politely. Show a sign of maturity.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor