We all of us face some challenging situations one time or the other. Sometimes, our association with people may not serve our purpose and in turn such association could easily influence us negatively. We experience ill health, loneliness, financial lack, depression and a sense of complete failure.
What should be done in such situations? We all need to hold on to our powers, powers that reside within us, which could redeem us from blue feelings and put us into action. Humans live on three planes and many people live only on physical plane while a few people are able to access to spiritual and mental plane. Those who live on physical plane easily give away their powers to those who question and raise doubts.
Don't lose your powers to those people who operate on physical plane. They suck your energy and drain your enthusiasm so much that nothing is left behind. When somebody talks negative, ignore and move out of such talks because that only degenerates you and makes you look little. Don't allow the negative vibes steal away your powers, the negative remarks, negative opinions and discouraging words or voices.
Try not to avoid sharing your dreams, goals and plans to those who don't have dreams and goals because they will talk you out and you will lose your powers to pursue them. It is better that you continue to go behind your dreams because you know them better than others. Have your powers to serve you reach your goals and don't allow others to steal them away.
Try to live on mental and spiritual planes because at this level you will have your powers to pursue what you want to accomplish. Your goals and dreams will appear possible and achievable. You will be motivated to go after them. I am sure, everybody knows one thing that we do possess higher powers within us, if utilized properly can work miracle for us and many who operate by physical plane seeing the positive results of mental and spiritual plane conclude them as miracles. Do hold on to your powers and use them wisely, mentally and spiritually.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka