Ever since the foetus is conceived in the womb, it is a world where all the richness, abundance, prosperity, growth, comforts, security are experienced like no other world. For nine months, the foetus lives in the womb of abundance, richness, comfort and security and the foetus grows at its own speed and time.
Once the baby is grown up and ready to face the real world, the baby is thrown out in the real world where he has to overcome many challenges, where his mission in life becomes to find the same richness, comfort and security that he experienced in the womb.
In the book of Genesis in the Bible, God throws out Adam and Eve from the garden of Gethsemane where all the abundant fruit, comfort and security was available. They did not have to work rather they were provided with. But God never wanted his creation to live in laziness, and undisciplined life because the humans would never learn, grow and expand. God then decided to commit themselves to mistakes and thus they were sent out of the garden of abundance, comfort and security and gave a mission to find the promised land of abundance, comfort and security for the rest of their life.
Outside the garden they had to look for that same abundance, comfort and security that they had in the garden.
The story gives us a message that we have already lived and experienced abundant, comfortable and secured life in our mothers’ wombs just before being tossed into the real world to find the same abundance, comfort and security outside.
Therefore the goal of human beings on earth is to find the abundance, comfort and security and live in that world, which is within our reach.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka