You may falter and fail to achieve your goals and remain off course but you have got to come back and continue your journey towards the destination that you aim to arrive at.
In the New Testament, John the Baptist tells people to 'repent and believe' what actually means here is that though you make a mistake, bounce back and believe that the greatness, or the goal that you have in mind, is still alive and active and that you can achieve it only if you bounce back to your purpose and never quit.
Those looking for the goodness, health, wealth, success or money whatever their kingdoms be, they can easily accomplish their goals if they stop quitting and rather if they believe that they can reach their goals no matter how many times they fail to realize their goals.
People usually give up on their dreams, goals and aspirations when they encounter some setbacks and failures. This is the easiest thing they think they can do however that is not the solution. The answer to such problems is rising again, bouncing back and repenting and believing the the purpose is not over yet. There is another opportunity to perform one's best.
Failing is nothing but gaining enough strength and enthusiasm to finish the other half by going after the goal with more energy and vigor.
People who repent and come back believing no major damage is done, only an error in judgement, transform their lives and enjoy the greatest rewards of their lives.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor