In the world, whether you are rich or poor, all have one basic problem and that is 'money.' Almost everyone has some bad and some good experience in relationship with money. Nobody is immune to problems that arise in connection with money. Either there is a problem of enough or not enough. Either there is a problem of plenty or poverty but there exists a problem, which is handled differently be different groups of people. To overcome such money problems of plenty or poverty, you need to educate yourself about money, taxes, debts, inflation, retirement and the media today.
The problems people are facing today with regard to money, inflation, taxes, debts, unemployment, poverty in the world are due to ignorance about the subject matter called money. People don't have any nice chance to learn about money, inflation, taxes, credit card debts from some reliable sources. From the point view of ordinary people, there is no information or knowledge available in abundance but there is information overload from the point view of institutes or big organizations.
These days many people have defaulted their minimum credit card payments because of high inflation, they have no money left in hand to run their families. The inflation has increased very high but the salaries haven't increased. There is no excess or plenty of cash reserved or balance in their pockets as a result they are defaulting and non-payment of the principal amount plus the interest on that are creating huge bad debts for the credit card holders today.
It is very easy to swipe the credit cards in front of our friends to look rich or comfortable but the simple error is creating a big hole in one's financial stability. The large financial institutes all over the world are earning huge profits on the ignorance of the masses. They don't educate the masses rather they expect them to be ignorant.
If you want to know how lack of financial education is causing so much problem, then you just need to turn to your neighbour or friends or family members who have no idea how to handle the credit card debts and they will tell you how badly they are screwed up today. The complains and grievances against the large financial institutes are increasing because of lack of transparency and irresponsibility.
70% of financial problems would have been avoided or solved if they had good financial education regarding money, taxes, inflation and debts. These people have academic and professional education no doubt but they lack the financial education from their perspective. They know how to work for others, pay for others and earn for others because they learned them in the schools and colleges but they didn't learn how to work for themselves, pay for themselves first and earn for themselves.
If you are interested in increasing your financial knowledge then you can actually educate yourself by gaining access to good information and knowledge. There are some good financial books which might assist you in increasing your money skills. If you haven't read about Robert Kiyosaki's books, then you must pick up his series of books, which are excellent for gaining financial wisdom. He has provided the world with very good knowledge filled financial education tools to elevate one's life financially.
At the end, it is you who can solve your money problem small or big if you increase your knowledge regarding money, taxes, inflation and debts. People who are millionaires and billionaires do know something about money system that is prevalent all over the world. In my opinion, we can play the same game of money legally and yet win over financial illiteracy. Learn and do your own research regarding the money system to live a free life in this world with great abundance and prosperity.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor