The most important education an individual can acquire is through imagination. Imagination is the beginning of all knowledge. Imagination is limitless. The schools and colleges provide knowledge to the students but they don't develop their imaginative skills. The schools expect the students to give the ready made answers and they don't encourage them to innovate new ideas or answers.
The schools fail to provide the foundational education for the students and this is possible only through the imagination of each student. The schools must act like a facilitator but they don't follow this path rather they provide all the answers to the questions they think they are the final and absolute answers.
Remember your imagination is more important than your acquired knowledge because acquired knowledge become obsolete within a short span of time but imagination is always fresh and new. It is available all the time in any generation or time. Therefore consider your imagination as the most important and valuable education in life.
It is through imagination, that we all are enjoying the breakthrough of modern technology and science. Human imagination has the capacity to alter one's course of life and make it a better one.
You can create and achieve your goals, dreams and visions only through imagination and not through knowledge. Bill Gates dropped the college studies because the college didn't feed his imagination, his dreams rather college only fed him with the ready made answers which were not relevant to his time. Imagination is powerful if you use it for your benefits and progress.
Write down all your goals and imagine of accomplishing them all within the stipulated time and space. All those successful people apply imagination all the time to succeed in life. They use it to become rich, start new businesses and to make investments in assets that generate constant passive cash flow. They use it to create a new story for themselves, the new lifestyle.
Use your imagination to have all that you desire or create during your life time. You can create a better, happy and rich future for yourself if you want. There is plenty and abundance in imagination.
How can you use it? You must close your eyes and imagine all the things that you want them to happen in your life. It is important that you imagine or visualize them often as many times as you can. It is possible to improve your life situation through imagination.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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