Associate with people who are going somewhere, becoming somebody, empowering and encouraging you. Avoid your association with people who are making you a victim and using you for their personal benefits. We must time with people who align with our value systems, friendship, attitudes and understanding. In my opinion, it is important for people to associate and connect with all but at a deeper level, they must limit their association with few people who have some substance.
Many college going youngsters both boys and girls are victims of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol today. They have cultivated the habit of smoking and using drugs for various reasons. They don't know what future consequences they will face if they continue to smoke or use drugs. It is fun and fashionable to show off but there is a dark side too.
People Smoke to release their stress.
When I see young boys and girls smoking, out of curiosity, I ask them why they smoke them. They quickly reply saying that they smoke only to relieve themselves from stress. They don't have knowledge, experience and know-how to handle their stress and they blindly fall into the habit of smoking. They start with one cigarette, and then it is no longer one cigarette but thousands of cigarettes they end up smoking in a year. The smoking habits get reinforced when their peers also associate with them all the while. As long as they associate with each other, there is no hope of quitting. If people don't move out of that unhealthy environment, they will stay in that hell forever till they die.
My wife's uncle acquired the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol by associating with his friends who used to engage in such unhealthy habits. It started with one cigarette and one glass of beer but it multiplied over the years and it became finally an addiction where it was hard to quit. My wife's uncle enjoyed drinking and smoking heavily neglecting his wife and children's welfare. Then a day came, when his drinking and smoking could no longer sustain his life. He had jaundice and it didn't leave him for months. He had to be hospitalized and treated for his sickness but he couldn't recover from jaundice. He was admitted in the ICCU because he had so much complication but he couldn't survive for a week. He suffered so much and died alone. His unfulfilled dreams and wishes died too. His talents and skills were buried with him. He didn't leave behind any fortune or legacy for his family.
The youngsters don't know what dire consequences they will face in life if they continue their bad habits or continue to associate with unhealthy groups. If people associate with writers, they tend to become writers; if they associate with entrepreneurs they will most likely become entrepreneurs; if they associate with smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts, they will become like them. We become what we do with our precious time and energy. If you spend your time and energy with people who want to become successful, happy, healthy and rich, you will become like them. On the other hand, if you spend your time and energy with people who are engaged in unhealthy habits and practices, you will become like them.
Therefore it is important to make a wise choice when you are growing up. I made a choice not to smoke and use drugs when I was young and that choice has contributed so much for my growth and achievement. I am glad I made that choice because it makes me happy. I am glad I didn't conform to the peer pressure. People can make a choice but they easily give in to the temptation because they lack discipline, philosophy and guidance. So make a decision to move out of unhealthy association quickly so that you don't get dragged into the hell of bad habits and misfortune.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor