In the first and second articles I highlighted some of the cures for the zero bank balance or lean purse. We all of us have desires and ambitions for wealth, prosperity and abundance. There is nothing wrong in having those desires and ambitions as long as we pursue with good sense. We need to adhere to these cures in the time of recession. These cures have personally helped me tremendously and I am richly rewarded by developing my skills and powers. Hopefully, they do for you too.
1. Find out what you love and work with diligence everyday.
2. Pay yourself first one tenth of your total income to achieve financial abundance and fortune.
3. Pay others second the nine-tenths of your total income
4. What do you desire the most assets or liabilities?
5. Teach yourself to control the unnecessary expenses on your desires.
6. Make your money work and multiply for you.
7. Protect your money and treasures from loss.
8. Increase and Develop your ability to earn.
"Work harder on yourself than on your job. If you work on your job you make a living, but if you work on yourself, you get a fortune." Jim Rohn
This is one of the most vital remedies for a lean purse. It is important to talk of things within the human minds which can work for or against our success. Your desires and ambitions should be strong and definite to earn first in small sums, then in larger ones as you learn and become more capable.
As you refine and improve yourself in your vocation so will your ability to earn increase. May be you need to cultivate more interest in your work, more concentration upon your task and more persistence in your effort. It is said,"The more of wisdom we know, the more we may earn." The person who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded.
Jim Rohn was right when he said, "To have more than you have got, you've got to become more than you are." To have more, to earn more, you must become more skillful, more knowledgeable, more educated and more refined to attract more abundance. Wealth rarely comes to people who don't become more to earn more. For instance, poor people remain poor because they don't become more qualified, skillful and valuable to the market place to attract more prosperity.
So remember to improve yourself first to attract more wealth so that you can control how you want to live. The remedy for an empty bank balance is to cultivate your own powers, skills and become wiser, become more qualified and valuable.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor