After the success of Industrial age, the big industry heads no longer wanted the Governments to dictate and make legal laws for the industries to do any kinds of business. The big industries didn't want to comply and regulated with the laws made by the governments so they decided to be agents for law making themselves. The governments are no longer the most powerful organization in the world. They don't have power and authority today that they enjoyed once. The government's power is shrinking while private corporations are increasing. The private corporations control and make the laws for the citizens to comply with.
Think about for a minute, who are invited to board meetings or strategic meetings organized by Governments all over the world? Think also, who are not invited and not included in the discussion forum? Next, take into consideration, who has the final verdict or say? You may think that governments have the power to decide and make laws. It is wrong, the industry heads who are invited to discuss and draw strategic plans, are the ones who have more say and power. The ordinary citizens are not invited to the meeting. The common people know the outcome of meetings through the media channels and you know who owns these media news and channels.
The common people think and still believe that their government is going to save them from recession, inflation and job loss but actually it is not so. The governments all over the world have become puppets in the hands of the few big private organizations. These large organizations are no longer concerned about the welfare of entire humanity. They only mind their own profits and earnings.
The governments all over the world have lost their actual place and they don't know whether to take care of the masses or the few. These government officials have their own families and they want to protect their family members so they are ready to sacrifice the masses for the sake of few of their family members' well-being. It is heartening to know that majority of people are ignorant about the foolishness of the government yet they place their trust in them for protection and solution.
Keeping the environment clean, free from pollution, toxins and other hazardous substances should be their first priority, but the government doesn't form any major laws to disqualify industries that pollute and endanger animals and people's lives. The governments from all over the world come together to discuss about climate change and global warming, but it is only a show and there is nothing deeper there. They don't find any viable alternative ways to solve people's demands though there are some ways.
Today we pay for everything, water, air, oil, goods and the services. The hospitals use gas cylinders for the treatment of the patients and it is charged. We pay for bottled water today because big industries say that the tap water is not fit for drinking. It will not be so long when we will buy oxygen bag and mask for our daily breathing. The pollution rate is very high all over the world that people have diseases like asthma, cancer and other illnesses.
The question arises, if the governments all over the world had power in their hands, they would have certainly found new ways to lead people to live and exist in this 21st century. Why not choose health and wellness over exploiting the earth for resources which cannot sustain all humans for a long time if things continue to accelerate at the present speed, then sure human existence on earth would be a total extinction.
The governments have lost their power by favouring the few over the masses but they go to the masses to beg for votes because they know the few people they profess allegiance to, don't really choose them through ballots. The masses are ignorant and they don't know much and they will never know much because they don't bother about it until one day when things would be too late they will wake up and by then nothing much could be changed and prevented.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor