Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Are We Heading To?

Human destiny on this planet is easily predictable and at the same time controllable because our repeated habits of past history don't change over time. The past habits and grave errors continue to outlast our memory and knowledge. At this point of history, a question that arises in mind often is "where are we heading to?" Are we heading towards inevitable doom and gloom or vigorous economic boom and prosperity?

Human fate on earth is not at all unpredictable today. If we understand and recall to mind the past history of yesteryears we can easily know what is going to happen to the mankind here on earth. Even a small child can predict what is the future going to be in this 21st century if we continue to behave as we have been used to for such a long period of time.

As long as we pay less attention to the lessons that we could learn from our past mistakes, it is obvious where we would all end up. Our fate will be the same as Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayans, Peru and Indus valley civilization who no longer exist today. These people flourished, grew, developed and had a great civilization but they all perished in time and space. We can discover only their remains of artifacts, arts, city designs and monuments. They became a history of the past for us. Are we not going to become a history of the past for the new generation who are to come?

I wonder why our government representatives and self-made leaders can't act responsibly to write a history which could define humans as real children of God created in the same image and likeness? The recent recession has engulfed the whole world like a full solar eclipse where only darkness seems to pervade though there is light, hope and faith. This economic crisis is not the first one to occur in the history of human existence. Our forefathers witnessed it before and today we are witnessing it again and I am afraid our children won't have to see this gloom time.

If we think over the events of the past and analyze it carefully, we find that we are only repeating the same errors, mistakes and habits even now. We haven't learned the valuable lessons from our errors. It seems as though we are cursed to fate of making same blunders over and over again. Why can't we be awakened to new light, new hope, new ways and new system to handle our human situation? I think we will be able to solve it easily.

So, where do we want to go from here? Are we making a right decision to survive and thrive or are we heading towards inevitable ruins of past civilization? Human beings have always opposed a harmonious existence on the earth since the dawn of human presence on the earth. Should we allow the same thing to continue even in this new century? The decision will depend on where we are heading to. Let's know the consequences of our decision and action well before taking any drastic decision.

Alwed Ekka

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Power Of Concentration!

I never understood before what is concentration until I came across these powerful quotes by Jim Rohn. I call these quotes "Power Of Concentration" which has its unique power to guide and make your life easy. I hope they inspire you to action...

"The best advice I ever came across on the subject of concentration is: Wherever you are, be there." Jim Rohn

"When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't mix the two." Jim Rohn

"Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of attention." Jim Rohn

"On the way to work, concentrate on the way - not the work." Jim Rohn

"Pay attention. Don't just stagger through the day." Jim Rohn

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International �2010. As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change. For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

There Is Gold Dust In The Air For Everyone!

The onset of recent economic recession, which started in mid 2007 stretching up until 2011 and most likely it will extend to 2012 or 2013 has caused so much damage to human harmony, existence and prosperity today. Amidst such condition, people tend to forget that there is still gold dust in the air for everyone and instead they experience depression, ill health, loneliness, financial lack and a sense of complete failure.

I would like to suggest here that people should not become victims of this economic recession rather they must exercise their internal power to choose the optimism and look for gold dust in the air. What people look for they find it and what they don't look for, they don't. It is pretty obvious that people must seek things which they desire from their hearts.

I understand that people are at lowest ebb emotionally, physically, socially and financially but they should not remain so because they have the power of thought as an instrument for success and better life. During this hard time, people must learn the right use of their mind to become healthy, happy, prosperous and peaceful.

If you are having a hard time financially, you got to change your perception and attitude. Assume the attitude of seeing gold dust in the air and it will turn out to be as you wish and hope.

In India, recently onion price skyrocketed causing tears among people due to short supply and fuel price hike has hit people hard because inflation is high. I believe people should be optimistic though there seems to be no gold dust in sight. Gold dust is there in the air and be strong to look for.

There is gold dust in the air for you...

Alwed Ekka

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is Your Life In Order?

There are many laws existing and are still being made on a daily basis all over the world to bring a harmony and peace in the world. We expect the world to run smoothly by following certain laws. When somebody commits crimes we punish them just to set the world in order. There are two powerful laws- man made laws and the original laws, which we know as natural laws.

When there is a chaos in the society, at human level, we control the situation by making people to observe laws and if they don't follow the man made laws we give them punishment so that harmony and order is kept intact. I don't know whether it is good to punish people when they don't follow the man made laws. According to human standard it is a crime and disrespect and we humans are quick to point out disorder and indiscipline. At human level we all agree that it is good to observe the man made laws as if they are absolute and devoid of any errors.

What about the natural laws that are very powerful in the universe? Why don't we follow the natural order and adhere to its natural disciplines? We humans don't believe that is a good idea to follow them because they don't impose such laws on us when we don't observe them. We humans have deforested the trees, the forest and land by overuse that the nature is left with no other choice than to bring orders in the human world.

Our human life is not in order. We got to put ourselves in right order. We experience limitation, discord and other irregularities because our thinking, emotions, bodies, financial affairs and all phases of our lives are not in order. If we want things to go smoothly, we need to bring order in our thinking, feeling, beliefs, bodies and emotions. Any chaos happens because we don't have an order in our philosophy of life. We don't adhere to the natural laws but we follow the man made laws to keep the world going.

Set your life in order by thinking correct, feeling positive and good, and believing that your life is wonderful and has a meaning and purpose to accomplish. I know for sure that people can live a wonderful life, if their lives are settled in order. Many people follow the higher laws, the natural order to live a harmonious life on earth. Many times our thinking is not up to the mark and that causes a rift in our order.

If you understand the natural world, we can really think, feel, believe and do good things. We are inherently good and potential so there is no way we can be toppled down from living an orderly life with ourselves. Nature corrects itself and we need to follow that order too. The trees shed their old leaves and repair their barks when there is a cut on the stem or branch. Similarly we need to mend things that are not in order and so that we can peacefully live in order with the natural laws.

If you experience limitation, negative results, sickness, relationship on the rocks, financial disaster, quarrel and unforgiving manner, then you need to know that there is no order in your thinking and feeling as a result you experience all the negative results in your life. You should not be surprised if you encounter turmoil in your life because you have attracted them by living a disorderly life. You must bring order in your life to live in harmony, peace, health and abundance.

Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't Give Away Your Powers!

We all of us face some challenging situations one time or the other. Sometimes, our association with people may not serve our purpose and in turn such association could easily influence us negatively. We experience ill health, loneliness, financial lack, depression and a sense of complete failure.

What should be done in such situations? We all need to hold on to our powers, powers that reside within us, which could redeem us from blue feelings and put us into action. Humans live on three planes and many people live only on physical plane while a few people are able to access to spiritual and mental plane. Those who live on physical plane easily give away their powers to those who question and raise doubts.

Don't lose your powers to those people who operate on physical plane. They suck your energy and drain your enthusiasm so much that nothing is left behind. When somebody talks negative, ignore and move out of such talks because that only degenerates you and makes you look little. Don't allow the negative vibes steal away your powers, the negative remarks, negative opinions and discouraging words or voices.

Try not to avoid sharing your dreams, goals and plans to those who don't have dreams and goals because they will talk you out and you will lose your powers to pursue them. It is better that you continue to go behind your dreams because you know them better than others. Have your powers to serve you reach your goals and don't allow others to steal them away.

Try to live on mental and spiritual planes because at this level you will have your powers to pursue what you want to accomplish. Your goals and dreams will appear possible and achievable. You will be motivated to go after them. I am sure, everybody knows one thing that we do possess higher powers within us, if utilized properly can work miracle for us and many who operate by physical plane seeing the positive results of mental and spiritual plane conclude them as miracles. Do hold on to your powers and use them wisely, mentally and spiritually.

Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka

Monday, January 3, 2011

Change / Choice / Decision

Here below are the quotes of Jim Rohn. Hope they inspire and instruct you to start a new beginning at the start of new year...

"One of the best places to start to turn your life around is by doing whatever appears on your mental "I should" list." Jim Rohn

"Indecision is the thief of opportunity." Jim Rohn

"Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can. Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to be all or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?" Jim Rohn

"You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight." Jim Rohn

"Decision making can sometimes seem like inner civil war." Jim Rohn

"Don't say, "If I could, I would." Say, "If I can, I will." Jim Rohn

"It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off!" Jim Rohn

"You cannot make progress without making decisions." Jim Rohn

"We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation."Jim Rohn

"If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree." Jim Rohn

"I used to say, "I sure hope things will change." Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change." Jim Rohn

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International �2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Read Books And Build Your Library!

"Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book." Jim Rohn

As the new year begins, it is a good idea to read books and build your library because books open the mind to new horizon and possibilities. I didn't have a good habit to read books but when my mentor told me to read as many books as I could, I decided to cultivate the habit of reading books. It paid me a great reward and I succeeded in reading books which interested me.

Majority of people miss reading books and I can understand where they stand and what they feel or think about reading or not reading books because I was one of them. People have favourite restaurants to eat their favourite meal but they have not found a favourite place to feed their mind. They miss on reading books and miss everything that a book could unfold and unravel the mystery.

When you buy a book, you start building your library and that is how your knowledge and information expand. With each book you read and buy, you grow higher and higher and then a great reward comes your way. There is so much gain in reading books as you get the opportunity to learn many valuable life changing information. Acquire books and read them to set your life on course.

Start with a book, read it and continue to read another and then by year end, your library will have 365 books. You must be ravenous enough to acquire them for your future and better life. Read books that suit you and enable you to excel. Don't read trashy things instead read books that increase your knowledge.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mento

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ask For Wisdom From Higher Source!

A great new year 2011 has just begun and it is a moment of exhilaration for all of us because we value our time and put in a lot of efforts to live and thrive successfully. With this moment of exhilaration comes expectation, wishes, desires, ambition, confusion and illusion, but all these things can be enlightened once we try to seek first the wisdom which can make this year a great, successful and healthy one.

Before beginning any journey and endeavour, mankind from all walks of life have prayed for wisdom to guide them through and when they asked for wisdom from higher source, they received it and managed to pass through any physical, social, mental and emotional ordeal. In the same manner, I prayed for wisdom in order to transform my lifestyle, philosophy, success, happiness, relationship, business and environment; I was endowed with wisdom to bring in a great change in my life. Many wise quotes, scriptures messages, advice, recommendation, books, audio & video programs, seminars, guides, coaches, mentors and role models appeared. I was inundated with more wisdom than I ever expected to receive. I am a new person now and I know my originality, my individuality, my integrity, loyalty, honesty, truthfulness, the sacred code, the responsibility and confidence that I should place on my God given gifts.

On the first day of my new life in this new year 2011, I thank the Higher Source for wisdom, guidance and people who I ran into while praying for wisdom and enlightenment. I thank my guides, coaches, mentors and role models who motivated, inspired and encouraged me to keep going persistently towards my goals, dreams and vision. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. And I truly mean it.

When you ask for wisdom, it flows from all directions and I would say it emerges from all 360 degree angles. Be willing to welcome them and be wise to select those which would serve you well meeting all your requirements. When you ask for wisdom, it truly shows up. Try out and prove it for yourself. Listen not to your negative voices and negative people around you because they don't know you and they haven't tried out themselves and even if they tried, don't conform to their opinions. Think for yourself and believe in yourself because you are the big one right now.

Thank you new year 2011. You look promising and rewarding!

Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka