A great new year 2011 has just begun and it is a moment of exhilaration for all of us because we value our time and put in a lot of efforts to live and thrive successfully. With this moment of exhilaration comes expectation, wishes, desires, ambition, confusion and illusion, but all these things can be enlightened once we try to seek first the wisdom which can make this year a great, successful and healthy one.
Before beginning any journey and endeavour, mankind from all walks of life have prayed for wisdom to guide them through and when they asked for wisdom from higher source, they received it and managed to pass through any physical, social, mental and emotional ordeal. In the same manner, I prayed for wisdom in order to transform my lifestyle, philosophy, success, happiness, relationship, business and environment; I was endowed with wisdom to bring in a great change in my life. Many wise quotes, scriptures messages, advice, recommendation, books, audio & video programs, seminars, guides, coaches, mentors and role models appeared. I was inundated with more wisdom than I ever expected to receive. I am a new person now and I know my originality, my individuality, my integrity, loyalty, honesty, truthfulness, the sacred code, the responsibility and confidence that I should place on my God given gifts.
On the first day of my new life in this new year 2011, I thank the Higher Source for wisdom, guidance and people who I ran into while praying for wisdom and enlightenment. I thank my guides, coaches, mentors and role models who motivated, inspired and encouraged me to keep going persistently towards my goals, dreams and vision. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. And I truly mean it.
When you ask for wisdom, it flows from all directions and I would say it emerges from all 360 degree angles. Be willing to welcome them and be wise to select those which would serve you well meeting all your requirements. When you ask for wisdom, it truly shows up. Try out and prove it for yourself. Listen not to your negative voices and negative people around you because they don't know you and they haven't tried out themselves and even if they tried, don't conform to their opinions. Think for yourself and believe in yourself because you are the big one right now.
Thank you new year 2011. You look promising and rewarding!
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
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