There are many laws existing and are still being made on a daily basis all over the world to bring a harmony and peace in the world. We expect the world to run smoothly by following certain laws. When somebody commits crimes we punish them just to set the world in order. There are two powerful laws- man made laws and the original laws, which we know as natural laws.
When there is a chaos in the society, at human level, we control the situation by making people to observe laws and if they don't follow the man made laws we give them punishment so that harmony and order is kept intact. I don't know whether it is good to punish people when they don't follow the man made laws. According to human standard it is a crime and disrespect and we humans are quick to point out disorder and indiscipline. At human level we all agree that it is good to observe the man made laws as if they are absolute and devoid of any errors.
What about the natural laws that are very powerful in the universe? Why don't we follow the natural order and adhere to its natural disciplines? We humans don't believe that is a good idea to follow them because they don't impose such laws on us when we don't observe them. We humans have deforested the trees, the forest and land by overuse that the nature is left with no other choice than to bring orders in the human world.
Our human life is not in order. We got to put ourselves in right order. We experience limitation, discord and other irregularities because our thinking, emotions, bodies, financial affairs and all phases of our lives are not in order. If we want things to go smoothly, we need to bring order in our thinking, feeling, beliefs, bodies and emotions. Any chaos happens because we don't have an order in our philosophy of life. We don't adhere to the natural laws but we follow the man made laws to keep the world going.
Set your life in order by thinking correct, feeling positive and good, and believing that your life is wonderful and has a meaning and purpose to accomplish. I know for sure that people can live a wonderful life, if their lives are settled in order. Many people follow the higher laws, the natural order to live a harmonious life on earth. Many times our thinking is not up to the mark and that causes a rift in our order.
If you understand the natural world, we can really think, feel, believe and do good things. We are inherently good and potential so there is no way we can be toppled down from living an orderly life with ourselves. Nature corrects itself and we need to follow that order too. The trees shed their old leaves and repair their barks when there is a cut on the stem or branch. Similarly we need to mend things that are not in order and so that we can peacefully live in order with the natural laws.
If you experience limitation, negative results, sickness, relationship on the rocks, financial disaster, quarrel and unforgiving manner, then you need to know that there is no order in your thinking and feeling as a result you experience all the negative results in your life. You should not be surprised if you encounter turmoil in your life because you have attracted them by living a disorderly life. You must bring order in your life to live in harmony, peace, health and abundance.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
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