Sunday, October 31, 2010

You Can Overcome Your Low Self-Esteem(Part-2)

"Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality." Les Brown

A good self-esteem is very important in life because without it, one can easily sabotage one's success, happiness and lifestyle. You have to recognize your ability to become what you desire and wish. When you know yourself well, no negative words or remarks can influence you. Yesterday, I discussed here about one of the first ways to improve one's esteem level.

2. See yourself as a victor and not a victim.

Many people who suffer from low self-esteem see themselves as victims of some circumstances and they don't feel they have a power to control them. Circumstances reveal to us who we are actually and any circumstances can help us become a better person. You must dwell on what you can do and what you have; don't dwell on what you didn't do or what you could have done. People think mostly on their negative happenings more than the positive meaning. You must learn to perceive your bad circumstances in a better way.

Mahatma Gandhi, when he was fighting for independence, he went through many challenges and dehumanizing situation yet he never lost his self-esteem. He was thrown out of the train in South Africa, yet he didn't feel bad or didn't see himself as a man of less worth rather he was motivated to be a great worthwhile person. And today, he is respected, remembered and loved by many people for spreading the non-violence.

You may encounter failures, setbacks and loss, but they should never make you feel inferior or incapable because external things don't make us happy and strong. It is your internal things that will make you strong and healthy. Feel better inside of you and you will be happy to live another day. People fail in their endeavours and they give up completely and as a result their self-esteem goes down. Yes, chances are there, but you should never allow your esteem to go low. Abraham Lincoln failed many times. Thomas Edison failed thousand times, NASA scientists have failed many times and many other successful people failed many times but they never allowed their self-esteem to remain low. Instead such incidents made them to be strong and upbeat.

3. Self-esteem comes when you respect and value yourself.

Majority of population, all over the world feel that others should show them respect and honour. However they don't think that they should first respect and value themselves. Many don't consider themselves as respectful, valuable and priceless for many reasons but why not think oneself as very respectful indeed? If you truly respect yourself, you will value or empower yourself and then you will begin to see yourself as someone capable and talented.

Nobody really knows what they are worth until some interests or hobbies stand out in their lives. For instance, Bill Gates had some peculiar interests towards computer and he went after it as a result his self-esteem improved because he improved as a student. Similarly, Oprah didn't know she would be so successful in hosting her shows until the day came when she got the opportunity and that uplifted her soul and standard. She felt better because respected and valued herself for what she was capable of doing.

Great people respect themselves, they value themselves and they understand their capabilities. So learn to respect yourself and value what you possess. "It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others."Sidney J. Harris

When people are broke or heart broken, they lose their hopes and begin to have low self-esteem. Their esteem level comes down drastically that they no longer feel energetic to begin all over again. When you are broke, it is because of a reason; perhaps you are broke for developing some aspects of your life. If your loved one, broke away from you then there should be some valid reason and for that you don't need to feel low because obviously that wasn't supposed to be for you. Learn to keep things in right perspectives.

Alwed Ekka

Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, October 30, 2010

You Can Overcome Your Low Self-Esteem(Part-1)

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." -- Buddha.

Almost all people in the world suffer from low-esteem at some point of time in life though everybody is born with a perfect self-image or idea about oneself. Children are born with all beauty, goodness, talents, abilities, love, health, wealth and happiness but as they grow up they get influenced through their associations that they lose their originality. Because of this they feel low about their self-worth. Low self-esteem drains their energy and enthusiasm that they feel depressed and angry.

A healthy self-esteem can be cultivated within oneself by right understanding and education. There are many kinds of disguises where people usually hide themselves today in the world. They hide in cosmetic products, plastic surgery, fine dresses, shoes, cars, houses, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and jobs. These things temporarily help them feel better but again the feeling of low self-worth overpowers them. Here are some ways to heal oneself.

1. Accept and Love yourself from within first.

When you were formed in your mother's womb, your parents designed you with lots of love, care, ability, enthusiasm and energy. Your mom carried you wherever she went for nearly 9 months and she talked to you telling you how much she loved and waited to see you. At first, you didn't lack anything. I can relate this because our son was conceived with lots of love and care. My wife and I loved him so much when our son was in the womb. We would talk to him, play with him, and he would respond by kicking the stomach and we could feel that. It was a wonderful experience for us. Our son didn't lack anything. He got all our love and care. And even now, he is getting enough love and attention from us. He is two and half doing excellent. So there is no point that you lack love or attention. But why should there be low self-esteem?

You have got to accept and love yourself from within first so that your internal representation of yourself will be corrected and reflected outside what you are inside. When you see yourself from within you are marvellous and wonderful and same thing will be displayed outside. You must love yourself first and accept what you are, how you are because you are uniquely created.

People don't accept themselves and don't love because they compare themselves with others. They don't feel confident when something is crooked. You must never be afraid of other's opinions or ideas about you because they are different and they may perceive you differently and make comments about you. You shouldn't feel bad or take their opinions to heart because they don't tell the truth. They don't know you. External beauty, figure is a hype created by the media. Media is biased and undemocratic. You must accept and believe yourself for what you are. Never question your worthiness.

Don't fear whether others will accept and love you or not, instead love yourself, treat yourself and value yourself as a priceless gift. "The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others." Dr Sonya Friedman. As long as you have a positive and healthy outlook about yourself, nobody will dare to intimidate you. You must act confidently, talk confidently and conduct your daily business confidently without any fear.

Many times, others' opinions or remarks are the mirrors of what we internally represent within us, what we self-talk within us and what we fear. To your astonishment, the same things are presented to us as a response of your own internal representation. What happens to us occurs because we attract them knowingly or non-deliberately. Learn to love yourself from within and see yourself as the most confident person. You are valuable, priceless and precious.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Friday, October 29, 2010

Traditions Don't Liberate People!

Traditions will never liberate people as long as people adhere to them because they are outdated and obsolete. Traditions don't help people anywhere in the world to live in freedom with modern values. What old traditions are doing to innocent people all over the world is a pathetic situation. People are still holding on to the traditions as if they are helpful genes. These traditions are not genes they are memes- a collective opinions.

Old traditions have brutalized millions of innocent people.
Old practices and rituals which are part of a tradition have not contributed to the well being of humanity. Instead it has brutalized the innocent people. Traditions have maimed people, mutilated children and even claimed many lives in the name of keeping up the tradition. Why do people hold on to the old traditions which don't help people to grow, develop and improve their lifestyle? Old traditions should be done away in order to welcome the new tradition based on new time, space and trend. Tradition by itself is not bad, but not updating or upgrading it can be fatal to the community and the world. To illustrate this point, I ask you to visit any African nations and you will realize how millions of people are tortured in the name of traditions. How can elders decide for children who are minor and perform some rituals over them? Some rituals and practices are barbaric and inhumane in this 21st century. They are not acceptable because they don't liberate people rather it is enslaving and mutilating their bodies. We must shun traditions which don't liberate and educate people to live a better and happy life.

Traditions have become habits.
Traditions have become deep-seated habits that can't be easily gotten rid of. The children are born into new generation and century and they should be allowed to have their own modern traditions or habits that would suit their time and period. For instance, we should not decide for the children what they should be doing according to our old traditional beliefs and systems. We can't decide for them even when they are minors instead we must allow them to reach to certain maturity and suggest them if they are interested to embrace any practices or rituals and if they deny, we should not force them to accept any traditions. Forcing traditions on children is a crime and it is dangerous to the modern civilization.

Traditions are alive today because of ignorance.
People are sick and fed up with observing certain traditions and still people compel them to follow and observe. These people who are sticking to the outdated traditions are ignorant, illiterate and close-minded. They are the frogs of a well unable to see the bigger and educated world. Their world is small as a result their thinking is very narrow. Traditions have survived and thrived over the years and centuries because of one reason- ignorance, inability to think big and wide. The same traditions which are mutilating people will continue to survive even in this century and it will be passed on to the next golden century too because people will act and behave out of ignorance and enforce people to practice the rituals and rites. People need to be educated and empowered to think freely, reason out openly and live in freedom according to the new world trend and civilization.

Traditions don't liberate instead they maim the society and community.
By observing certain traditional rituals and rites, people don't get any kind of liberation or freedom and enlightenment. The innocent people are misled into believing unrealistic practices, which can't even support people to live another day. Why do we have to allow some traditions, which don't liberate people to live freely exist? We must leave the old traditions behind and move ahead to find the new ones which don't claim lives and don't make people suffer under the disguise of keeping up the traditions. I strongly condemn any traditions that don't allow people to live in peace, freedom, health and wellbeing. Human beings are more important and precious than keeping the traditions. We must respect people and their freedom to live a good lifestyle. Yes tradition is a lifestyle but if it is not helping people to live freely and openly, then it is not a respectful tradition.

In the name of traditions or religions people have committed so much crime against innocent people that they have no place to hide and stay. Why not leave people alone to choose their own lifestyle rather than imposing something that doesn't serve any purpose? The innocent victims of these traditions and religions are made to suffer unnecessarily is a big crime against the humanity. It is a human rights violation should be culpable to harsh punishment.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Thursday, October 28, 2010

To Be Happy, Convert Your Childhood Love, Dreams, Interests And Hobbies Into A Reality!

"Happiness depends upon ourselves." Aristotle

If you want to be happy in your life, you must pursue your childhood love, dreams, goals, activities, interests and hobbies because that is where your heart lies. When children are born, they are born with unique intelligence and talents. They are born with a purpose, a mission to accomplish but as they grow up over the years they lose the sight of their childhood dreams, goals, interests and hobbies. They don't fail to convert them because they get influenced by external world.

In order to be happy, you need to convert your love, dreams, interests and hobbies into a reality so that you stay true to yourself. If you don't pursue your childhood dreams then you are not being true to your calling, talents and intelligence. Many people graduate from the schools and colleges but they sacrifice their childhood hobbies and instead go after what their parents and friends expect them to do. For instance, the children listen to what their parents tell them to study and then thereby choose a profession accordingly. It is attractive to choose a profession which pays huge salary but after a while it won't make the person happy. There is no real work satisfaction. They find hard to get up in the morning to go to the office because it is not what they wanted when they were small.

These days many professionals have less and less time to enjoy a decent vacation with their families because they are very busy at their work. It doesn't seem to be their dream jobs because it doesn't make them happy. They work only with their head ignoring their hearts. These people could have easily converted their childhood fantasies, hobbies and interests if they had really pursued them. They would have been able to innovate new ways to do business or new ways to market the products, if they had followed what they loved when they were small.

Steve Jobs pursued what he loved and similarly Bill Gates followed what he loved. They were able to convert their interests, hobbies, dreams and desires into a reality and today they have become so valuable that all people dream to be like them. Wright Brothers are another great examples who pursued what they desired and dreamed as children and they succeeded in realizing their dreams. It certainly made them happy and content with what they did. Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and many other great people converted what was very close to their hearts and that in turn gave them great happiness.

Don't be dismayed by others who kill your childhood aspirations and interests. Pursue them till you convert them into a reality because this will make you happy forever. It is within your reach and your happiness depends entirely upon you. Your childhood aspirations, hobbies and interests are powerful enough to make you very successful in life.

Don't shy away from pursuing and converting your childhood dreams, desires and interests for you can turn them into a reality just like J.K. Rowling, the great novelist who transformed her life by pursuing her childhood love to write and today you know what is the real outcome or final result. Don't take your dreams and hobbies for granted. They represent you and you are on a mission to do something extraordinary in the world.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Do You Feel About Money?

"Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do." Dr. Wayne Dyer

First and foremost, I want to ask, "How do you feel about money? What do you think about money? Why do you think about money? When do you think about money? Many people think, talk and feel about money differently and most of the time. It makes a very important impression in minds of people who think, talk and feel about money. The question arises what do they think, talk and feel about money?

Successful men and women seem to love money and like money. They don't hate money. They like money. They see the good things that can be accomplished with the help of money. Money becomes a very important commodity for them. But most people think, talk and feel about money negatively. They have negative attitude towards money and as a result they repel it. Successful people don't chase money and they don't take their needs to the marketplace instead they attract money by following their life purpose and mission. They take their skills and talents to the marketplace and attract money.

Warren Buffet, the investment genius doesn't run after money instead his expertise and experiences go in search of better investment. Similarly, others too follow the same style of making money. They refine their skills, polish their professionalism and invest in their continuous learning.

Money is attracted to those who feel good about it. Money flows to people who think good about and talk good about it. Above all they feel good and great about having too much money. They see there is no any inherent evil in possessing money. In India people worship wealth or money because it represents Goddesses. In other words, they perceive money as something good and not evil as a matter of fact they attract what they consider to be good.

If there is poverty in the world, it is there because majority of people don't feel good about money. They think money is evil and a loathsome subject. Since they think negatively about money and feel bad about money, they repel possessing or attracting money. There is nothing wrong in attracting money, if it comes from genuine sources.

Many think money is evil because they see money coming from wrong sources and as a result they tend to think, talk and feel money as bad and evil. Money is not bad. It is good and affirmative. Money is bad when it is acquired through evil sources. Here the action is wrong and bad. However people should never consider money as evil.

If you want to attract money, abundance and prosperity in your life, you must think, talk and feel positively about money. There is something nice about it and it has the power to change one's life. Of course people feel bad about money because they were given misleading information from elders who didn't know much about money. They were well aware of the evil sources from where the money came in hand.

How do you feel about money when you spend it? What do you say to yourself when you give money to others? What do you think of accumulating money through good channels? Remember how you feel is very important in attracting money in your life and what you feel when you spend or buy something.

Feel good as much as you can about money. Love money as dearly as you can. Think about it as positive as you can and talk about its inherent qualities and power to change millions and billions of people on earth. Feel good, think good, talk good and love money to attract it in your life.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You Become What You Think!

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. We are shaped by our thoughts and we become what we think." Buddha

Our thoughts are very creative and powerful. We become what we think about all the time. In other words what are your thoughts? What do you focus on? Do you choose the positive, encouraging and empowering thoughts or discouraging thoughts? It is important to make a good choice between the thoughts that will serve you and help you succeed.

This is how we live our life. First we think and as a result we get some thoughts; then we speak out what we think and share our thoughts; next we take action and perform some activities on a regular basis and when we do the action, it becomes a habit and after becoming a habit, a new character or personality is formed and this character finally determines our destiny, our success and freedom.

It is important that we think those things that we really want them to happen. If you don't want certain things, you should never try to think about them lest they will become a reality one day. The words shouldn't be spoken up if you don't desire them to come true. We create our world, our life through the thoughts that emerge from our mind so be watchful what you think because what you think gets created by default or with efforts.

Mahatma Gandhi said, "A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes." This is absolutely true and it is proven correct by many people. Your human mind is connected with the infinite mind, which is formless and colourless but it exists and we are in touch with this formless mind by our thinking. The thoughts we think, make us what we want to be. If you are experiencing any problems in your life, it is only because you have attracted them and you brought them by your own thoughts. For thoughts are powerful and creative force.

If you are not enjoying a good health, it is purely because you are not making a right choice by thinking in a certain way to attract what you want. If you choose sickness, diseases and illness seeing the sick world, then that is what you will be getting always. Similarly, if you think about good debts and assets, you will acquire them rather than being in bad debts.

Decide to think those thoughts that you want to become and achieve. Stop thoughts are negative and discouraging. I believe you will be able to become what you want simply by thinking thoughts, speaking the same words that you want to become and taking action and forming habits to become a worthwhile person, you can easily become successful and happy.

I wish to end this paragraph with Mahatma Gandhi's quote and I do hope that you get the message and practice what you desire to become in life. "Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well." Mahatma Gandhi

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Monday, October 25, 2010

You Are Far More Magnificent Than You Realize!

"We have magnificent brains, but we use a great deal of our brilliance to keep ourselves stuck and ignorant, to keep ourselves from not shining. We are so afraid of our beauty and radiance and brilliance because it scared the adults around us when we were children." Patricia Sun

In past hundred years of time, human species have made a huge advancement in all areas of existence on earth. Today we have the capability to colonize the outer space and expand our presence in other solar system. These things are possible for us because humans are magnificent and brilliant. It is a good thing that you are far more magnificent than you realize. You can shape the future and the world very well if you recognize your magnificent power.

There is no such thing as a hopeless situation today. You can overcome these challenges that strike you and you can easily outperform the old generations. On the other hand, we use the same brilliance to sabotage our future and life. But why do we make ourselves ignorant and stupid when we can enjoy far greater things in life? You can apply your skills and knowledge for your good or for your own destruction. Majority of population use for keeping themselves ignorant and stuck at where they are.

Charles E. Wilson mentioned once, "Your future is still before you. Your land is a vast storehouse of mineral and agricultural wealth awaiting further development for the benefit of mankind. Its potentialities are magnificent.
" This you can't deny and can't hide from the truth because it is the truth. But we don't really believe in these vast storehouse of mineral resources and potentialities waiting to be developed and used. I always believe that humans are more capable than they actually show their brilliance. We hardly use 12% of human brains. Stephen Hawking may perhaps use his brain up to 12-13% and not all humans on this earth. We may use 2-3% of our total brain capacity. In fifty to hundred years of time, humans will be using 30-50% brain capacity and would explore the greater part of the universe.

You are magnificent and brilliant to perform any activity that you want in your life. I am sure, you will have a greater advantage in your life if you believe in your magnificence. There is no lack but magnificence. You are splendid and great. Accept and see yourself as a great and magnificent human being with unique qualities and talents and brains. Go ahead to use your brain to do good for the common people. I am certain you will be able to achieve that goal.

My purpose of writing this article is to prove to you that you are indeed magnificent and there is no doubt about it. So please let no bad situation and circumstances control you except that you rule over them and make your future potentially thriving and abounding.

Remember you are far more magnificent, brilliant and splendid than you think and believe. There is no hopeless situation because you are magnificent and wonderful enough to turn things to your advantage.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Lack Of Money Is The Root Of All Evils Today!

"Money is the root of all evils" is an old adage and many people believe this to be true. In my opinion, money is not evil, it is only a tool to be used for living on this earth. What is evil then? The lack of money is the root of all evils today. Having money doesn't really create as many problems as we can think of. It is the lack of money that creates a lot of problems in the society, community, country and the world. The scarcity of money, the fiat money has caused so much damaged to the mankind that we can't imagine in our lifetime.

Lack of Money Kills Sick Patients.

Today there are so many patients in the hospitals all over the world suffering from all kinds of rare diseases and they don't have enough money to pay for the treatment. Many diseases could have been treated and healed by proper medication, but they lacked money and they couldn't opt for the best treatment. Many people have lost their dear and near ones just because of lack of money. They didn't have much money to pay for the expenses. Even if they are insured, the companies wouldn't pay for the full expenses and they in turn get penalized. Lack of money is killing millions of people all over the world and nobody really notices this. The government's promise to provide better health care facility and package is only a hidden agenda to serve higher clients. Lack of money is the root of all evils if you think from this perspective. Lack of money takes away precious life and doesn't guarantee anything. The best thing you can do is to become rich legally and in a good way so that you could afford a good treatment in the best hospitals.

Lack Of Money Keeps People Hungry.

Another evil that lack of money does to the society and country is that it keeps people hungry. Because of not enough money, many people in the third world countries are dying daily out of hungry. They are dying not because the food grains are not available, the foods are available bountifully. The people are dying because they lack enough money to afford them. These people have no money to buy the food and eat. So it is not the resources that are scarce or insufficient, resources are enough for all humanity in ages to come. Only resource that is lacking is the money. The world is ruled by a commodity called currency, it is fiat approved by the governments of the world and this paper money is not enough for these people. So money is not bad, but lack of money is really bad and evil because lack of money is killing millions of people all over the world.

Lack Of Money Makes People Bad and Evil.

When people have enough and more than enough money, they don't tend to do bad things. Bill Gates has more than he needs for his life time. Is he doing anything bad? Is he killing people because he has a lot of money? Is he creating diseases so that many people would die? No, he is not doing anything of these. He has more than enough and he is doing something extraordinary things through his foundation. He is helping the AIDS and HIV patients all over the world. That means money doesn't necessarily create evils. It is the lack of money that creates evil in the society, family and country. There are so many robbers, gangs of killers etc because they don't have enough money and they end up embracing evil paths to earn money. So it is clear that lack of money indeed creates evil in the society and cummunity.

Lack Of Money Creates War Between Nations.

Countries who are rich and powerful actually should not be threatening the third world countries because they seem to have everything. But why do they control and wage war against smaller nations? There is a reason. These countries may be powerful and rich but they don't have everything they need. They lack something and only way to get is to snatch from others by declaring wars. The history is full of this examples. When David in the Bible didn't have as beautiful wife as his soldier, he snatched soldier's wife and got killed the soldier. When a nation doesn't have oil, gold, drugs and other resources, the best thing is to have them by attacking other nations. Lack of money indeed creates war between nations. It is not the other way. It is a pure psychological reason.

Lack of Money Denies Enjoyment and Vacation.

People who have enough money, they can afford best entertainment, enjoyment and vacation. They travel to far away countries and visit the most beautiful places in the world, eat the best and delicious foods, stay in the luxurious suites, party at expensive places around the world, drive luxurious and expensive cars and so on. But people who lack money, they can't afford these things. So you can examine how can you get happiness, entertainment and vacation? What gives you the happiness and peace? Money or lack of money? Lack of Money has denied many people the happiness, dreams, goals, and vacation that people wanted to have once in their life time. So please don't ever say that money is the root of all evils, it is the lack of money that is the root of all evils.

Lack Of Money Leaves People Uneducated and Illiterate.

Who can afford the best universities in the world? People who have money to pay for their universities can only go to the premier universities. So it obvious that money doesn't do bad things to the people. It is the lack of money that keeps people uneducated and illiterate. Lack of money leaves people ignorant and jobless. If people can attend the best universities, they can easily find jobs because the companies who hire employees, choose to recruit the best candidates from the best universities. So lack of money is indeed the root of all evils even in the education fields. So try to amass as much wealth as you can so that you can be happy, peaceful and have a fabulous lifestyle.

Lack Of Money Makes People Homeless.

Due to recent recession, how many people have lost their dream homes. We can't think of them losing their own house which they wanted to stay in for lifetime. The lack of money snatched and took away from these people and kept them homeless. They have no shelter to stay and no money to feed on or take care of their families. How many foreclosures have taken place during this recession, we have no clear ideas and how many people are affected by this. It is the lack of money that has caused this recession, hyper inflation and collapse of modern monetary systems. Look around you in your neighbourhood and you will notice who have lost their homes. There are many homeless people today.

The lack of money is the root of all evils in the society, family, country and the world. So don't ever believe those who say money as bad and evil. Money is a commodity today and without money you can't make any transaction. May be in the olden days, people thought differently but today you have a choice to think differently too. Decide to become rich so that you can afford all good things of life and there will be less evils in the society. Money is not creating evils, it is the lack of money that is creating evils in the world. The solution to this problem is having more money so that you can afford a good lifestyle.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Three Most Powerful Weapons Of Mass Destruction!

Every time the governments of different countries amend the laws and policies concerning many issues. The governments act like the protector, care-taker and provider of all kinds of human needs. It is good that this happens in all over the world. There is nothing wrong with the amendment process. But why can't people amend their beliefs, philosophies, lifestyles and education system when they step into new century and time? It is a big secret.

For generations people have been worshipping different Gods and follow different religions. These religions originated in olden days when majority of the followers of today didn't witness its origin or establishment but these people follow them without questioning and findings. In my opinion, just like the amendments done by the governments of the world, the religions, beliefs and philosophies should be amended to suit today's needs. These are the most powerful weapons which are causing so much damage to the human world.

The Government Organizations.
This is not the first organization that is controlling the world. It is may be the last but yet it has become important in the world today. Governments of the world profess to take care of people but in reality they don't take care of others rather they mind their own business after they are in power. They think of taking care of their own family's needs and wants rather than the citizens of the world. Out of ignorance the mass vote for the leaders thinking that they will solve the world issues. The world issues will never be solved by these people instead when you take the responsibility to change your world, you will be successful in changing a lot more than them. The Government systems are so intertwined today in human world that we feel we can't live without them. But is one of the most powerful weapons of mass destruction.

The Financial Institutes of The World
The private organizations own the entire earth. They own the land, they own the air, they own the sea and they own over six billion people on this planet earth. Financial institutes of the world are powerful organizations and they can determine everybody's future. They plan how much the employees will earn and how much they will spend and how much they will keep. Everything is predetermined and focused in order to control the masses. The masses are like sheep without a good shepherd and when there is no good shepherd the wolf can do anything it wants. The same thing is happening today in the world. The information is not able to pass to the common people and if at all information is passing, it is filtered, censored and manipulated through cable network. When people see and hear it they begin to believe it though it may be not real. So it is a weapon of mass destruction. Remember nuclear power is less destructive than financial giants. Warren Buffet said,
"Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction."

The religion and religious beliefs
Carl Marx had rightly compared religion as opium or drugs. The religions of the world have killed more people in the history than any nuclear bombs on this earth. It is killing daily because of old style of believing in Gods. The religions were started thousands of years ago and when we were not alive. Though our ancestors passed them on to us but we have every right to question its validity and truthfulness. We are in new generation and century, there is a lot technological advances and we must act, think and live like people of new developed century. Religion has intoxicated many fundamentalists that they are perpetrating violence in the name of Gods. It is an emotional game that the religious leaders who are part of the bigger conspiracy are playing everyday. The education system is another factor that could contribute to the mass destruction.

Human beings should be free but they are not free. Today people have become modern slaves in many ways that could be easily identified. The things basically remain the same but only the names have been changed to suit the needs of the time. People are confused with complex data and information. When things are kept complicated, people lose interests and they don't want to understand. They just give in to it. These are some weapons though there are many that add up to the destruction.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Warren Buffett

Friday, October 22, 2010

Live Your Life Confidently & Courageously!

"Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence." Vince Lombardi

It is said that action breeds confidence and courage and at the same time inaction creates fear, being dependent on others too creates fear. So how to live your life confidently and courageously? There are ways to live your life with confidence and courage. You must act and try to be independent.

Yesterday night, my wife's aunt died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital. She was declared brought dead by the hospital. The children didn't know what to do other than to cry and weep for their mother. My wife's aunt celebrated her daughter's birthday with her family and after dinner around 10pm she felt restlessness and uneasy to breathe. She began sweating and then they decided to take her to the hospital and unfortunately she couldn't survive leaving her loving husband and wonderful children alone.

She managed her house very well looking after all family members. She was a perfect woman of praise, admiration and love. Today was her funeral service. It is
dark and uncertain for the family. They were dependent on their mother so much. But they must learn to live confidently and courageously. Sometimes life knocks us very hard to be responsible for every aspect of life.

This family must overcome the grief and take up the responsibility to shape their lifestyle as they want. Every day thousands of people die of different illnesses and many families have to grieve for the loss. For some loss is very big and costs a lot but while others manage to get by in life.

The point I want to make here is that no matter what is the circumstances, people must learn to have confidence and courage. At first there will be on confidence and courage but as the week and month pass, they have to assume a great responsibility. The confidence and courage will come if they really understand that nothing is over yet.

I would encourage people who have lost their dear and near ones but they have no one to support or look after, they must never lose hope and inspiration to continue to live their lives. There is a universal power which can sustain and provide everybody what we need on this earth. Have a hope and take action to look for positive points. Live everyday as a normal day and things will improve.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Procrastination Is An Insane Disease!

"Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy." Wayne Gretzky

Procrastination is deadly. It kills people's dreams. It doesn't allow the dreams to be realized. Majority of people are victims of procrastination so much that their chance of accomplishing something in life has been stunted. Make an observation around the place and you will notice how people are putting off things easily without much consideration. It pays a lot to put off things for another day.

Procrastination is indeed a disease and it is depriving people the lifestyle they deserve. People procrastinate things because they don't know the value of time and they don't know how to divide their time. People must seize and enjoy every bit of their activity that has to be done at a particular time. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination must creep in and you must never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. There are many people who are the victims of idleness and procrastination.

Almost everybody was affected by this disease of procrastination some time or the other. So everyone knows what pain it gives to people when they put off things for another day. I used to be a victim of this disease. I would put off things for another day, week, month or year and still I couldn't start off and finish things. It was bad and I hated it. The procrastination was killing my dreams and assassinating all the opportunities that were coming on my way. I decided to take action and heal myself from procrastinating. When I took action and began to finish the things on the same day, a new feeling of confidence grew within me and I found it was a great feeling. I loved it and then on nothing has stopped me ever.

I would truly recommend people to stop procrastination because you won't get anything by putting off. The precious time is not waiting for you and your age is not remaining the same. You should never allow this disease to influence and take control of you. At least start something which you like to do and do it everyday, may be you can paint, or sketch something or train your voice. Once there is momentum, you will be led to do the activity daily because it would become a habit for you.

Many dreams and goals have been killed and buried by procrastination. Procrastination is contagious and it can affect anybody who is not strong and focused. It makes easy things hard and hard things still harder. But if you decide to do something regularly, you can make hard things easy to do joyfully.

If you don't value and consider yourself and time important, you will always tend to procrastinate things.
"Until you value yourself, you will not value your time.
Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it" ~ M. Scott Peck So it is important that you value yourself and time.

You may delay things but the fact is time won't wait for you. The best way to get something done is to begin and you must continue after you begin. For majority, doing nothing is a habit and they won't change because they are used to it. But it takes courage and conviction to break the habit of procrastination.

Procrastination sabotages your life and dreams. So better watch carefully and do it right the things which you want to do. I am sure you can heal yourself from this disease. You can overcome easily, if you do your work daily. Of course, procrastination is a grave where your dreams can be buried but you should never allow it. Do the things today and complete rather than putting off.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Think About What You Want!

"The main purpose of life is to live rightly, think rightly, act rightly. The soul must languish when we give all our thought to the body." Mahatma

It is said that we possess a magnetic force within our mind. What we think about most of the time, tend to attract them in our lives. We are indeed magnets so be watchful about your thinking and feeling. Thinking is important but what you think all the time is a matter of concern. The things we think about and feel about do become a reality. They can't be altered once it is realized. It takes time, energy and patience to transform.

I have seen many people who engage in thinking negative things most of the time and they tend to get the negative experiences in their lives more often than they can guess. They feed their brains with negative news and information. They associate with negative people and end up criticizing others. Thinking really attracts similar group of people.

It means that you need to think right, speak right, feel right and expect right things so that they will be manifested in your life. If you think about negative situation and people, you will attract such circumstances, people and events.

If you want to change your life's circumstances and results, you got to change your habitual thoughts and feelings. Generate positive images and pictures, as surely as you think, you will attract them into your life. The more you think about sickness, lack, poverty, hurt etc you begin to reinforce the negative energy to prevail and take control of yourself

Think about success, freedom, abundance, prosperity, good health, happy relationship, love, kindness and peace; you will begin to see them coming to you. You will be able to create a harmonious, peaceful, abundant, rich and healthy lifestyle. Why should you think bad, when you can shape your life by thinking about things that you want and desire. Make an effort to think about what you want and not what you don't want. It is possible to think about what you do want and avoid entertaining negative thoughts.

Think right, think what you want and think what you can create for your life with your own efforts. Think empowering thoughts to generate good feelings of success and prosperity. Thing happy thoughts to be happy, think successful thoughts to be successful and think healthy thoughts to be healthy and great.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Never Ever Give Up Your Passion!

"All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible." Orison Swett Marden

When people don't see any immediate results, they tend to think of giving up their goals and dreams and move to another. Many people look for immediate gratification than a delayed gratification. People's expectation is high but there is nothing that can be accomplished within overnight. You better understand the truth that no matter what you do, you won't be able to change the law. I would say never ever give up your passion, hobbies and childhood dreams.

Abraham Lincoln never gave up his aspiration to become the president of United States despite encountering many setbacks in his life. He pursued his passion and became a great political leader of the history. Another important personality is Mahatma Gandhi. When he started the freedom movement armed with non-violence against powerful British Empire he didn't give up his fight for freedom though it was hard and had to go to prison many times. He succeeded in his mission though there were many setbacks.

You must never let your ambition and passion fade away when failures and fear overtake you. When failures and setbacks visit you, you must hold on to your mission and believe in your ability that one day soon you will enjoy the fruits of your hard work and patience. I am sure, if you hold on to your dreams and pursue them, you can reach them surely at appointed time.

Thomas Edison is another great example to emulate. Despite many failures he continued his journey to invent light bulb that could light the city and the world in years to come. His invention proved that no matter how unsuccessful is your project or passion, you can still succeed if you pursue it wholeheartedly. Wright Brohters too never gave up their passion to fly machines heavier than air. They succeeded despite sever criticism and discouragement.

People who succeed are those who take up full responsibility to make the dream a reality. They are passionate, enthusiastic and hard working. Recession or economic turmoil may hit the world economy and devastate the world and as a result world poverty may rise higher, still you can succeed in life if you don't give up your dreams and passion.

This is a piece of advise and I hope you make up your mind to never ever give up your passion, hobbies and dreams. Dreams do come true and do become real, if you are patient and committed. It is easy to give up when things don't go well but you must hold on to your dreams when things seem hard and impossible. Never ever give up your passion, dreams and goals.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Monday, October 18, 2010

Think As Big As You Can!

“You have to think big to be big.” -- Claude M. Bristol

When I came across first 'The Magic of Thinking Big' I didn't know why I should think big and what would I think about? But as I read the book, I realized that thinking big has a magical power to attract a big success. The author of Magic of Thinking Big writes in his book this,
“Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements.” It seems that little thoughts stir little things and big thoughts inspire big things.

There are many successful businessmen whom I respect who have achieved big goals because they thought big, really big. They were small and ordinary people once but they became big today because of their thinking big. I can enumerate number of inspiring people but you can easily find them.

Among these great men who became big, I like Dhirubai Ambani of Reliance Industries, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and other successful people who have accomplished big results in life because they thought really big and continued to think big all the time to attract big results.

Donald Trump says, "
“As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Donald Trump. You can easily believe what he has accomplished in his life by thinking big. The founder of Reliance Industries, Dhirubhai Ambani said, "Think big. Think differently. Think fast. Think ahead. Aim for the best." He ingrained this philosophy into his company and today the company is flourishing and growing bigger and bigger.

The valuable lesson that you can learn from this article is that you can learn to think really big, as big as you can. The scientists claim that our universe is expanding and the same way you must expand yourself, your thinking and believing. Think big so that you can achieve big, think big so that you will become big; think big so that you will contribute big to the world by creating jobs for people who are unemployed.

You should overcome your fear of big success and achievement. There is no point in thinking small and playing a small game. You got to think big so that you will have power, resources and people to help you accomplish what you dream. I will quote here the words of David J. Schwartz,
“Use the big thinker's vocabulary. Use big, bright, cheerful words. Use words that promise victory, hope, happiness, pleasure, avoid words that create unpleasant images of failure, defeat, grief.”

Majority of people in the world, think small that is why the large population falls into poor or middle class while a few percentage of people who think big enjoy all the great things of life. These people can afford big things and they truly deserve them because they have made it possible by thinking big and going for it. You can too train yourself to think big goals and big results so that they will become real and will make you happy.

The reasons are good and real therefore you should decide to think big. Dave Liniger of Re/Max, once said, "Always dream big dreams. Big dreams attract big people." This quote is my favourite one and I love it.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

“You have to think big to be big.” -- Claude M. Bristol

When I came across first 'The Magic of Thinking Big' I didn't know why I should think big and what would I think about? But as I read the book, I realized that thinking big has a magical power to attract a big success. The author of Magic of Thinking Big writes in his book this,
“Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements.” It seems that little thoughts stir little things and big thoughts inspire big things.

There are many successful businessmen whom I respect who have achieved big goals because they thought big, really big. They were small and ordinary people once but they became big today because of their thinking big. I can enumerate number of inspiring people but you can easily find them.

Among these great men who became big, I like Dhirubai Ambani of Reliance Industries, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and other successful people who have accomplished big results in life because they thought really big and continued to think big all the time to attract big results.

Donald Trump says, "
“As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Donald Trump. You can easily believe what he has accomplished in his life by thinking big. The founder of Reliance Industries, Dhirubhai Ambani said, "Think big. Think differently. Think fast. Think ahead. Aim for the best." He ingrained this philosophy into his company and today the company is flourishing and growing bigger and bigger.

The valuable lesson that you can learn from this article is that you can learn to think really big, as big as you can. The scientists claim that our universe is expanding and the same way you must expand yourself, your thinking and believing. Think big so that you can achieve big, think big so that you will become big; think big so that you will contribute big to the world by creating jobs for people who are unemployed.

You should overcome your fear of big success and achievement. There is no point in thinking small and playing a small game. You got to think big so that you will have power, resources and people to help you accomplish what you dream. I will quote here the words of David J. Schwartz,
“Use the big thinker's vocabulary. Use big, bright, cheerful words. Use words that promise victory, hope, happiness, pleasure, avoid words that create unpleasant images of failure, defeat, grief.”

Majority of people in the world, think small that is why the large population falls into poor or middle class while a few percentage of people who think big enjoy all the great things of life. These people can afford big things and they truly deserve them because they have made it possible by thinking big and going for it. You can too train yourself to think big goals and big results so that they will become real and will make you happy.

The reasons are good and real therefore you should decide to think big. Dave Liniger of Re/Max, once said, "Always dream big dreams. Big dreams attract big people." This quote is my favourite one and I love it.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Think As Big As You Can!

“You have to think big to be big.” -- Claude M. Bristol

When I came across first 'The Magic of Thinking Big' I didn't know why I should think big and what would I think about? But as I read the book, I realized that thinking big has a magical power to attract a big success. The author of Magic of Thinking Big writes in his book this,
“Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements.” It seems that little thoughts stir little things and big thoughts inspire big things.

There are many successful businessmen whom I respect who have achieved big goals because they thought big, really big. They were small and ordinary people once but they became big today because of their thinking big. I can enumerate number of inspiring people but you can easily find them.

Among these great men who became big, I like Dhirubai Ambani of Reliance Industries, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and other successful people who have accomplished big results in life because they thought really big and continued to think big all the time to attract big results.

Donald Trump says, "
“As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Donald Trump. You can easily believe what he has accomplished in his life by thinking big. The founder of Reliance Industries, Dhirubhai Ambani said, "Think big. Think differently. Think fast. Think ahead. Aim for the best." He ingrained this philosophy into his company and today the company is flourishing and growing bigger and bigger.

The valuable lesson that you can learn from this article is that you can learn to think really big, as big as you can. The scientists claim that our universe is expanding and the same way you must expand yourself, your thinking and believing. Think big so that you can achieve big, think big so that you will become big; think big so that you will contribute big to the world by creating jobs for people who are unemployed.

You should overcome your fear of big success and achievement. There is no point in thinking small and playing a small game. You got to think big so that you will have power, resources and people to help you accomplish what you dream. I will quote here the words of David J. Schwartz,
“Use the big thinker's vocabulary. Use big, bright, cheerful words. Use words that promise victory, hope, happiness, pleasure, avoid words that create unpleasant images of failure, defeat, grief.”

Majority of people in the world, think small that is why the large population falls into poor or middle class while a few percentage of people who think big enjoy all the great things of life. These people can afford big things and they truly deserve them because they have made it possible by thinking big and going for it. You can too train yourself to think big goals and big results so that they will become real and will make you happy.

The reasons are good and real therefore you should decide to think big. Dave Liniger of Re/Max, once said, "Always dream big dreams. Big dreams attract big people." This quote is my favourite one and I love it.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, October 17, 2010

You Are Infinite Potential!

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!" Anne Frank

As little children we possessed everything because we were born potential and resourceful. We didn't lack anything for our natural growth and development. If you don't believe, observe the little kids how smart and intelligent they are. You won't believe how fast they move, run and think. The children are born with high degree of potentiality.

Les Brown says, "Just because Fate doesn't deal you the right cards, it doesn't mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential." Yes, you may have already experienced many bad fortunes but no way your potential to accomplish any goals that you desire will ever escape you. You will achieve it sooner than you expect it. There is infinite potential hidden within you since your birth and nobody has the power to steal it away however others can easily divert your interests and burning desires. You got to be watchful about it.

But how can you unlock your potential? There must be some ways to unlock it. Winston Churchill provided us a way to unleash our potential when he said, "Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential." If you are committed to continuous efforts you can easily unlock the infinite potential that you have within you. Believe, you have infinite potential and capabilities.

Bo Bennet once said, "Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness." Many philosophers, wise scholars, successful men and women have been chanting the same thing through out the ages that men do possess infinite potential. According to recent experts, we don't even employ 10% of our brain capacity instead we use may be 2-3% at the most but some wise scholars and scientists do use 10-12% of our brain capacity.

The ice-berg shows only the tip of it and hides the greatest part. The same way we use only a fraction of our brain capacity and the large part of our potential remains unused and untapped. There is infinite potential within us but we hardly realize and take action to explore deeper. We easily give up when things don't go well with things and forget to capitalize on the greater part of our brain capacity.

Herbert Beerbohm Tree put it this way, "Every man is a potential genius until he does something." Is there any doubt that an individual doesn't possess infinite potential? Not at all, there is no such thing as limited potential. The Universe or God has bestowed us infinite potential to last as long as we want them.

I would like to conclude this with a great quote by Confucius, "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." Believe, you have the infinite potential to become what you want and enjoy what you desire. Remember you are more than what you are displaying at present.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Move Out Of Unhealthy Association Quickly!

Associate with people who are going somewhere, becoming somebody, empowering and encouraging you. Avoid your association with people who are making you a victim and using you for their personal benefits. We must time with people who align with our value systems, friendship, attitudes and understanding. In my opinion, it is important for people to associate and connect with all but at a deeper level, they must limit their association with few people who have some substance.

Many college going youngsters both boys and girls are victims of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol today. They have cultivated the habit of smoking and using drugs for various reasons. They don't know what future consequences they will face if they continue to smoke or use drugs. It is fun and fashionable to show off but there is a dark side too.

People Smoke to release their stress.
When I see young boys and girls smoking, out of curiosity, I ask them why they smoke them. They quickly reply saying that they smoke only to relieve themselves from stress. They don't have knowledge, experience and know-how to handle their stress and they blindly fall into the habit of smoking. They start with one cigarette, and then it is no longer one cigarette but thousands of cigarettes they end up smoking in a year. The smoking habits get reinforced when their peers also associate with them all the while. As long as they associate with each other, there is no hope of quitting. If people don't move out of that unhealthy environment, they will stay in that hell forever till they die.

My wife's uncle acquired the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol by associating with his friends who used to engage in such unhealthy habits. It started with one cigarette and one glass of beer but it multiplied over the years and it became finally an addiction where it was hard to quit. My wife's uncle enjoyed drinking and smoking heavily neglecting his wife and children's welfare. Then a day came, when his drinking and smoking could no longer sustain his life. He had jaundice and it didn't leave him for months. He had to be hospitalized and treated for his sickness but he couldn't recover from jaundice. He was admitted in the ICCU because he had so much complication but he couldn't survive for a week. He suffered so much and died alone. His unfulfilled dreams and wishes died too. His talents and skills were buried with him. He didn't leave behind any fortune or legacy for his family.

The youngsters don't know what dire consequences they will face in life if they continue their bad habits or continue to associate with unhealthy groups. If people associate with writers, they tend to become writers; if they associate with entrepreneurs they will most likely become entrepreneurs; if they associate with smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts, they will become like them. We become what we do with our precious time and energy. If you spend your time and energy with people who want to become successful, happy, healthy and rich, you will become like them. On the other hand, if you spend your time and energy with people who are engaged in unhealthy habits and practices, you will become like them.

Therefore it is important to make a wise choice when you are growing up. I made a choice not to smoke and use drugs when I was young and that choice has contributed so much for my growth and achievement. I am glad I made that choice because it makes me happy. I am glad I didn't conform to the peer pressure. People can make a choice but they easily give in to the temptation because they lack discipline, philosophy and guidance. So make a decision to move out of unhealthy association quickly so that you don't get dragged into the hell of bad habits and misfortune.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Friday, October 15, 2010

Do you want to flourish, thrive and experience favourable results?

Who doesn't want to prosper, flourish, succeed, thrive and experience favourable results in life? We all want to prosper and experience favourable results because we don't want to miss out anything in life. You must remember one thing you have the power to make your dreams come true!

Abundant results will flow to you, if you apply certain principles on a regular basis. Nobody ever desires to be lacking some valuable and necessary things. Almost everybody desires for abundance and it is not a bad idea. Here below are some of the principles, which may assist you in flourishing and experiencing good results.

Develop order and discipline.
There is a natural law and everything is in order. The nature has its own order. The same way, if you want to thrive and accumulate abundance, you must have a desire for order. If there is a limitation, then you have a problem with order. There is no order and discipline in your thinking, believing, speaking, affirming, emotions, body, relationship, financial affairs and in all phases of life. To bring abundance you need to be in order and discipline first in these critical areas and if you neglect there is bound to be a lack or limitation. Your thinking, feeling, acting and believing must align with your desires and goals.

Bring inner peace, self-confidence and happiness.
Once you have developed the order and discipline, you will automatically experience inner peace, self-confidence and happiness. There will be a new look of power and victory over defeat. It is your inner tranquillity and confidence that can ensure you the prosperity that you desire to obtain. After setting right things, your thinking and feeling and understanding, you will soon feel the happiness with you.

Learn Prosperous Thinking.
Many people think lack and poverty most of the time. They say to themselves, "I can't afford it. It is too expensive. or I don't have money." This kind of thinking can never bear abundant results that you seek to achieve in your life. The abundance will follow you when you learn how to have a prosperous thinking. Prosperous thinking enables people to be relaxed in mind and body. If you are not relaxed and calm, you can't engage in prosperous thinking. You must relax more and more in mind and body. There should not be any tension both in conscious and subconscious mind. When you start prosperous thinking a new attitude of appreciation, abundance, success, love and happiness will be born without your realization. Why you should engage in prosperous thinking is very simple, the universe expects you to flourish, thrive and enjoy all the good blessings that come because of your prosperous thinking.

People can easily thrive and achieve fruitful results and thereby live a happy life. But many don't have clear ideas how to accomplish them. As you know by now, you must maintain order and discipline, second you have to experience inner peace, self-confidence and engage in prosperous thinking. If you apply these three simple yet powerful principles you can prosper, flourish, succeed, thrive and experience favourable results in life.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Celebrate Important Events With Your Family and Friends!

"Celebrate the little things in life, appreciate tomorrow, love your neighbour or don’t, but never condemn yourself to a life without cause to celebrate and be thankful for what you have. Never forget the people you love and love them when you have an occasion to do so. Celebrate their life and celebrate yours." Anonymous

People celebrate on the occasion of some important events with their family members and they also invite their friends and neighbours to join them. It is a great way to share the joy and happiness with others when there is a celebration. In India there are so many festivals and you can guess there are many celebrations among all walks of life. People celebrate because they know that they don't have to be in griefs all the time. Forgetting all adversity and loss, people must celebrate in order to lift their souls up. This way they can easily enlighten their heavy hearts.

There are many reasons why people should celebrate and how they should share their joys with others. When we include others especially our family members, friends and neighbours there is bound to be a great chance of bonding together.

Celebration gives birth to friendship.
When we invite others to participate in our joys and success, there is a great opportunity of creating strong friendship among the participants. In my opinion, celebration is important to make new friends and establish new relationship. Celebration is a platform to know others and be one with them. So look forward to participate in any kind of celebration whenever you are invited to join any occasion. In celebration we form a friendship which considers one another as significant and valuable. There is appreciation, love, thoughtfulness and a great deal of encouragement and support. So don't miss out any celebration when you get an opportunity to take part. You will be inspired and motivated to live your life happily and cheerfully forgetting your sorrows and sickness.

Celebration establishes connection and communication.
When there is any celebration in a family, it tends to connect people with each other and a new window of communication opens. Those who don't know others they become acquainted with others. This way the connection gets established and communication channels are open 24/7. Building a network of friends and well-wishers are necessary because we are all connected and interdependent. That means without much connection and communication our life on earth could be a boring one. So spend time to connect with others in times of celebration.

Celebration builds and promotes harmony, brotherhood and sisterhood.
Celebration is a big topic here to write about however, in general, I want to say that any celebration has power in it. It builds and promotes harmony, brotherhood and sisterhood among people. Living together in harmony is essence of our existence on this earth. So celebrate as much as you can and include others if you are able to invite them. Yesterday was my wife's birthday and I invited all her family members and close friends for a dinner party. The idea was to build and promote friendship, togetherness, connection and harmony. It was a small party but there was a great feeling of love, joy, appreciation, contentment, friendship and a sense of belongingness.

Finally celebrate life, celebrate victory, celebrate birthday, celebrate anniversary and celebrate all occasions so that you create a better world which includes everyone as one family. As long as we live on this earth we all belong to one family, one society, one nation and one world. Yes, we may cook in a different kitchen or stay in a different house or different country but we all are interdependent and connected. We are no way aloof from the others. We are all bonded and joined together with unseen threads.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.Oprah Winfrey

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Believe You Have What It Takes!

You are quite sure reading under an electric light. You know it was made possible by one great man Thomas A. Edison. He gave the first practical electric light to the world. But do you know he was practically thrown out of school in the early grades where his teacher called him stupid as a result he could not continue schooling?

Just imagine, what would have happened if he had allowed his teacher's opinions have an impact on him. Naturally, we would not be enjoying electric light for years. Where would he have been if he had allowed others' opinions to take charge of his thinking?

I want to say that you have all that it takes to succeed, become and achieve any result you seek to pursue in your life. Fortunately, Edison decided to live his own life. Through early adversity, he discovered something he might never have learned through formal schooling. He learned, first, that he had a mind he could control and direct toward any desired end. When he took full possession of that "addled" mind it produced not only the incandescent lamp but also one great discovery after another.

This proves one thing, we possess what it takes to be successful in life. We must first believe it and confidently walk across the road to achieve what we desire. Believe you have what it takes to live, succeed and enjoy your life. There is no limitation and no difficulty except that your thinking may obstruct you.

Wright Brothers are another excellent examples to show how people possess everything that they need to succeed in life. I am sure, you have what it takes to be happy, wealthy and healthy. There is not a lack or limitation in your life. You can design anything that you want in life because you have already what you want.

I can just urge you to do your own research and studies about people who have succeeded in life despite huge obstacles. Learn to see the solution rather than blockage or obstacle. Believe you have what it takes to be happy, healthy, wealthy and to contribute to the service of humanity.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are You Living A Healthy Lifestyle?

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." Mohandas Gandhi

People who are engaged in 9-5 jobs; people who have tight schedule and people who spend a large portion of their time in sitting and watching TV are prone to unhealthy lifestyle. Are you living a healthy lifestyle? How can you define your health and wellness?

A study done by Michigan State University defined healthy lifestyle on the basis of four criteria and of the 153,000 subjects only 3% responded in all four characteristics. It is a sad phenomena today as people are living a very sophisticated lifestyle. Let's discuss the four healthy lifestyle characteristics.

1. Not Smoking
These days due to the availability of cigarettes in every street corner and disposable pocket money in the hands of children are the causes of widespread smoking. I have witnessed children as old as 8 years smoking cigarettes and eating marijuana. And those who don't smoke cigarettes are few to find today. I am a non-smoker by choice because I love my life and I want to be healthy. The percentage of those who smoke is 96% than the non-smokers 4%. This is the lifestyle people are living today. Make a wise choice today to live a healthy life later.

2. Reducing the weight
If you hold your weight down, you have a golden chance of living a healthy lifestyle. But there is a rapid rise of obesity among people of all age groups. The modern world is progressing and developing but it has its own disadvantages. People don't do anything to reduce their weight. They don't walk instead they use their cars to go to the next corner. The mobility of people is less and less day by day. Technology is good but it has broken down the normal healthy lifestyle of people. You must maintain your healthy weight.

3. Eating right
People must eat with their brain rather than eating with their mouth for taste. People are craving and dying to eat and taste some various delicacies and cuisine forgetting about their health and wellness. I think people must eat enough to survive rather than to eat for taste. The availability of fast food is the main cause of not eating right. In some parts of the world people are dying of hunger but at the same time there are people in the world who are dying to eat for the taste.

4. Exercising daily
People have time for their office, job, restaurant, friends, clubs and party but they don't have time for daily exercise. People neglect to do the daily exercise and when they don't do the exercise, they can't easily hold their weight down. Their obesity begins to control their movement. People make unnecessary excuses for not exercising. Practically everybody is a victim and avoids doing daily exercise.

If you do ten minutes exercise daily, eat right, control your body weight and avoid smoking or drinking you can lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a greater degree of satisfaction and happiness. These four characteristics alone can provide you with a lifestyle that you should be proud of. If you love yourself and love your life then it won't be hard to practice these disciplines.

"Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering - an image of death." Buddha

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall In Love With Life!

Just like people fall in love with another person by adoring everything about them you can fall in love with your life to enjoy the best of everything. You must ask yourself do you really love your life? Are you in love with your life? If you have fallen in love with your life, you will be positive, optimistic, confident, successful, healthy and wealthy. Loving your life is very important today because it shows how accountable and truthful you are with yourself.

If you love your life, you can become healthy. Millions of people all over the world are struggling to keep themselves healthy physically. The reason is obvious, they don't love their lives. They consider life to be the most precious gift I personally think people neglect to take care of themselves simply because they are unable to love and accept as they are. I think these people must love their lives.

There are majority of people finding hard to earn enough money to run their families. I think it is because they don't love their lives. If you love your life, you will find ways to support your family. There won't be a struggle rather there will be abundance.

When you love your life, the limitation, weakness, anger, fear, jealousy etc will disappear and you will begin to experience strength, happiness, confidence and courage because you love your life. When you fall in love with your life, you will manifest all kinds of good things in your life.

Those who have made big and have reached to the top in the corporate ladder, are the real examples of people who have fallen in love with their lives. I mean here the positive impact that they have on people.

It is good to examine whether you have fallen in love with life or not. If you are in love with life then you can come to know by the results you get in life. So fall in love with life so that you can unleash the power within you and can get unlimited results.

It is only one life so you must make the best use of it. There is tremendous power and talents within you that you can achieve them if you consider your life as important and valuable. What makes your life beautiful, happy and prosperous? Do them as often as you can.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Talk To Yourself What Is Positive And Empowering!

"The most influential person who will talk to you all day is you, so you should be very careful about what you say to you!" Zig Ziglar

An individual is a community, a society, a family. What happens to a community or society happens to an individual. Though an individual is one being walking or standing alone, his minds, thoughts, and hearts are with the community or society. What bad happens in community, family or society, an individual carries with him wherever he goes. If somebody from his family, circle of friends, or society remarked something bad about him, he nurtures them by thinking and talking to himself negatively. That way an individual is never alone, he is a society or a nation.

The negative remarks and conversation corrupt and influence your mind so much that you can't get rid of them later. You will become the sum total of those negative influences and you know there is nothing much you can gain or learn in life. The negative talks and criticism really affect us and if you are not strong in mind, you will be the victim of such influences.

People who succeed they make sure that they build a strong wall to protect themselves from negative talks. They create a habit to have always positive self-talks. They say to themselves they can do or achieve their dreams. They highly regard their intelligence and skills. They proactively convey empowering message to their subconscious mind and as a result they reap positive results.

The successful people recognize the power of self-talks or auto-suggestions. They speak all the time what they can and how they can do things. They talk in terms of doing and possibilities. It is said that words do become flesh. The words do come true. You must not be careless in speaking out any words. You must speak those words, which you want them to become a reality in your life.

Be watchful what you utter and say to yourself in the silence of your mind. It is more powerful than a sharp sword. Words damage us more than the physical hurts. Choose to say that which you want and expect to happen for you. It is better to learn some powerful affirmations and repeat them as much as you can.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Create A Vacuum To Attract What You Love!

It is said that nature hates a vacuum. If you create a vacuum in your life you have the chance of attracting what you love and desire. It is a powerful law for those who want prosperity, abundance and good things of life. According to this law, the universe can provide you with things that you desire only when you let go of what you are holding on. When there is a vacuum, it will always be filled with good things. You must learn to create a vacuum so that you get what you love.

If you have lost your jobs during this economic downturn and complaining about it, you needn't feel discouraged because a new and better opportunity will be created for you. Your old job will be replaced with a much better job. If you don't let the old job, which made you negative, there won't be a place for the positive one. If you have an empty room, the new tenants will come to occupy soon. You better learn to release the old to welcome the new one.

This vacuum law is effective in all walks of life. If your table is cluttered with files and letters, you should clean up the table to attract good feelings so that they will bring for you new things. With cluttered table you will get distracted and disorganized. For instance, my study table used to have many things on it and it used to distract me but now I have created a vacuum and there is a flow of good things. So practice the law of vacuum, create a room for the new things and allow them to come to you.

If you want new dresses or shoes, you must first get rid of your old clothes and shoes so that there would be enough space to accommodate new things. Give away those old shoes and clothes and create a vacuum for better things. Clean out your closet to attract what you love.

If you want love and hugs from others, you be the first to give away your love and hugs. Same thing applies to smile. If you give away your smile to others, you will receive more smiles. So try out this law and prove its truthfulness. I am sure you can get all that you want.

You must give away all your lack thinking or loser consciousness in order to attract money, prosperity and abundance in your life. Give up your victim consciousness so that there will be space in your mind to become a victor.

I personally have proved this law and found that it is very powerful and useful. It really works. If you don't give, you won't get much in return. I have created a vacuum in many areas of my life and I am satisfied with the results I get on the daily basis. I don't try to keep myself busy with unproductive activities. I get a lot of business opportunities and a chance to create my own lifestyle when there is a vacuum.

You can create a vacuum and attract abundance, good health, money, happiness, love, romance, good relationship etc if you practice the law of vacuum. There is nothing much to say, because the law is true and works 24/7.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Friday, October 8, 2010

Your World Will Change When You Change!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mohandas Gandhi

Your world, your life, your future, your financial well being, your health will improve when you truly decide to change and if you don't desire to change the things will remain static and unmoved for ever. The moment of decision to change shapes your future and lifestyle forever. The human world at large is changing rapidly but is your individual world , life, finance, health and happiness changing for better?

If you are through change, you can have a new life yourself and if you are not through change, then there is nothing much you can expect to see. If you are looking for health, wealth, happiness and wisdom, you must often change constantly so that you can change your world and bring abundance for yourself.

For instance, if your over spending habit is changed, your chance of having a financial abundance will increase and a new sense of prosperity will grow where you can get all that you want. People don't make a plan or don't set goals for their future, and if they change that old habit their life and world could be transformed too.

If you have a goal, a dream and a vision, you must change your attitude, goals, character and lifestyle otherwise there will not be any good opportunities coming your way. However those who don't change are afraid to change. It is a sad phenomena.

But you should be wise enough to change for growth, success, prosperity, health and happiness. Because all change is not growth and all movement is not forward. You can be still at one place and move but you won't be going anywhere just like walking on a trade mill though you may change the speed but you don't reach any place physically. So change for the accomplishment of your dreams and goals. Change for wealth, health and friendship that you want to enjoy in your world.

There are very few percentage of people all over the world who have changed themselves and they have succeeded in changing their world, their lives, their health, their lifestyle and their existence. Look around you who have changed themselves and as a result their world has become a thing of admiration and success. People want to be like them and wish to achieve what they have accomplished for example the entrepreneurs, millionaires and billionaires.

If you want to be healthy and fit, you must change your laziness and eating habits or you can join the fitness center to work out your abs etc. You must change your habit of procrastination, you must change your negative attitude, you must change your beliefs and refine your philosophy which is keeping you away from reaping good rewards.

People do have some resistance to change themselves but you must overcome that resistance. You must never let it control you and hold you back. You should be the man/woman who you want to be so that your world and future can be unique and lovely.

Keep in mind that if you change for better, your world will be thousand times better; if you change for success and wealth, your world will be successful, wealthy and abundant; if you change for good health, you will enjoy health through out your life and if you change for loving relationship, you will have a pleasant and romantic relationship. It all comes down to your ability to change and transform your world and then the whole world.

"Things do not change; we change." Henry David Thoreau

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Learn Some Invaluable Lessons From The Mistakes And Failures!

You can learn some valuable lessons from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others. If you want to live, you must pick up some lessons from the failures so that you can move ahead and avoid making the same mistakes again and again. You must never repeat the same errors more often because if you do that you will lose confidence and your self-esteem will be low. Mistakes and failures are great blessings in disguise for those who recognize its instructive power.

Many people don't want to commit any kind of mistakes in life because they are afraid of failures. Yes, mistakes and failures do bring pain and discomfort but mistakes and failures are necessary if you want to thrive in prosperity and happiness. Without mistakes you can never be certain what is right way to do things. It is important because you have the chance to learn some valuable lessons to move forward and avoid future falls. And in order to survive and succeed you have to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.

My son Myron is two years old and I watched him fall many times when he attempted to walk. When he stood first time, he couldn't move his leg, he stood still and slipped down suddenly but he rose up again to gain the momentum. He kept on this process many times because it seemed fun for him. He succeeded finally in moving his one leg and then the other leg though he wasn't steady at first. When he learned to move his both legs, he still fell down. After required amount of falls, he was empowered enough to walk and what a pleasant sight it was to look at him smiling and laughing. When he learned the walking skills, he wanted to move on to the next skill. After walking, he tried to run but when he moved his leg quickly he couldn't run, he fell down because he didn't have a balance but soon he qualified for running.

The falls, mistakes and failures are not bad, they are important steps to move forward because we don't have to stay stuck at one place. Thomas Edison, Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many great souls became successful because they had many falls and failures. The most important thing is they learned valuable lessons and improved upon the mistake to move forward to grow and thrive. Mistakes are necessary, if you want to achieve a big result, a big goal.

When I attended a driving school, my instructor didn't expect me to drive the car like a professional but a beginner. I didn't learn to drive the car without making mistakes. I learned to drive because I made a lot of mistakes but each time I made mistakes, I learned from the mistakes more than driving correctly. Mistakes teach us more than doing the right thing. Business is same like learning to hold the steering wheel. There is bound to be errors and failures but lessons must not be bypassed.

The society, the neighbours, friends and family look upon people who make mistakes as failures and good for nothing. People see them as if a big crime is made. The schools and colleges punish the students when they make mistakes. They expect all the time the correct answers. These people forget the reality that there is no right or wrong answer at first attempt. Who said that at first attempt, people will get things right, no? The baby never gets right the first time when she wants to walk and run. It is only after a series of steps that a child learns to walk and run. Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb with a single attempt or Mahatma Gandhi didn't earn freedom for his country with one single effort and even NASA couldn't send astronauts to the space without big mistakes and failures. Things require time and energy to become a success or real. We can't impose unexpected demands and success without knowing the law of nature.

Think about any millionaires and billionaires you know, they didn't become successful overnight with a first attempt. They made many mistakes, failed many times but they didn't give up because they corrected and learned lessons from those mistakes. If the society or the world looks down upon you when you commit a mistake, don't bother about them. They don't know you and they can't live a life for you. It is normal to make mistakes and it is okay to fail in any endeavor. It is not a big deal. But remember, you must never miss the lesson from those errors of judgement.

Learn the lessons from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others as much as you can so that you will be able to attract the success and lifestyle that you desire to have in your life. There is a beauty, value and honor in pursuing your dreams in spite of your failures and mistakes.

What do I mean by failures and mistakes? When you fail to reach your dreams and targets, when you make mistakes while stitching a pair of pants then it is not a big crime that the society should punish you. But when people kill somebody or kidnap some people, these are serious crimes and are subjected to legal punishment and there is a course correction. But people can learn some valuable lessons from that too.

My purpose here is how and why people should learn valuable lessons from any kinds of errors or mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly. If you learn those valuable lessons you can make your life an extraordinary one. Mistakes are stop signs and they are blessings too. Recognize the value of mistakes and failures.

Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor