You can learn some valuable lessons from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others. If you want to live, you must pick up some lessons from the failures so that you can move ahead and avoid making the same mistakes again and again. You must never repeat the same errors more often because if you do that you will lose confidence and your self-esteem will be low. Mistakes and failures are great blessings in disguise for those who recognize its instructive power.
Many people don't want to commit any kind of mistakes in life because they are afraid of failures. Yes, mistakes and failures do bring pain and discomfort but mistakes and failures are necessary if you want to thrive in prosperity and happiness. Without mistakes you can never be certain what is right way to do things. It is important because you have the chance to learn some valuable lessons to move forward and avoid future falls. And in order to survive and succeed you have to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.
My son Myron is two years old and I watched him fall many times when he attempted to walk. When he stood first time, he couldn't move his leg, he stood still and slipped down suddenly but he rose up again to gain the momentum. He kept on this process many times because it seemed fun for him. He succeeded finally in moving his one leg and then the other leg though he wasn't steady at first. When he learned to move his both legs, he still fell down. After required amount of falls, he was empowered enough to walk and what a pleasant sight it was to look at him smiling and laughing. When he learned the walking skills, he wanted to move on to the next skill. After walking, he tried to run but when he moved his leg quickly he couldn't run, he fell down because he didn't have a balance but soon he qualified for running.
The falls, mistakes and failures are not bad, they are important steps to move forward because we don't have to stay stuck at one place. Thomas Edison, Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many great souls became successful because they had many falls and failures. The most important thing is they learned valuable lessons and improved upon the mistake to move forward to grow and thrive. Mistakes are necessary, if you want to achieve a big result, a big goal.
When I attended a driving school, my instructor didn't expect me to drive the car like a professional but a beginner. I didn't learn to drive the car without making mistakes. I learned to drive because I made a lot of mistakes but each time I made mistakes, I learned from the mistakes more than driving correctly. Mistakes teach us more than doing the right thing. Business is same like learning to hold the steering wheel. There is bound to be errors and failures but lessons must not be bypassed.
The society, the neighbours, friends and family look upon people who make mistakes as failures and good for nothing. People see them as if a big crime is made. The schools and colleges punish the students when they make mistakes. They expect all the time the correct answers. These people forget the reality that there is no right or wrong answer at first attempt. Who said that at first attempt, people will get things right, no? The baby never gets right the first time when she wants to walk and run. It is only after a series of steps that a child learns to walk and run. Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb with a single attempt or Mahatma Gandhi didn't earn freedom for his country with one single effort and even NASA couldn't send astronauts to the space without big mistakes and failures. Things require time and energy to become a success or real. We can't impose unexpected demands and success without knowing the law of nature.
Think about any millionaires and billionaires you know, they didn't become successful overnight with a first attempt. They made many mistakes, failed many times but they didn't give up because they corrected and learned lessons from those mistakes. If the society or the world looks down upon you when you commit a mistake, don't bother about them. They don't know you and they can't live a life for you. It is normal to make mistakes and it is okay to fail in any endeavor. It is not a big deal. But remember, you must never miss the lesson from those errors of judgement.
Learn the lessons from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others as much as you can so that you will be able to attract the success and lifestyle that you desire to have in your life. There is a beauty, value and honor in pursuing your dreams in spite of your failures and mistakes.
What do I mean by failures and mistakes? When you fail to reach your dreams and targets, when you make mistakes while stitching a pair of pants then it is not a big crime that the society should punish you. But when people kill somebody or kidnap some people, these are serious crimes and are subjected to legal punishment and there is a course correction. But people can learn some valuable lessons from that too.
My purpose here is how and why people should learn valuable lessons from any kinds of errors or mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly. If you learn those valuable lessons you can make your life an extraordinary one. Mistakes are stop signs and they are blessings too. Recognize the value of mistakes and failures.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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