Traditions will never liberate people as long as people adhere to them because they are outdated and obsolete. Traditions don't help people anywhere in the world to live in freedom with modern values. What old traditions are doing to innocent people all over the world is a pathetic situation. People are still holding on to the traditions as if they are helpful genes. These traditions are not genes they are memes- a collective opinions.
Old traditions have brutalized millions of innocent people.
Old practices and rituals which are part of a tradition have not contributed to the well being of humanity. Instead it has brutalized the innocent people. Traditions have maimed people, mutilated children and even claimed many lives in the name of keeping up the tradition. Why do people hold on to the old traditions which don't help people to grow, develop and improve their lifestyle? Old traditions should be done away in order to welcome the new tradition based on new time, space and trend. Tradition by itself is not bad, but not updating or upgrading it can be fatal to the community and the world. To illustrate this point, I ask you to visit any African nations and you will realize how millions of people are tortured in the name of traditions. How can elders decide for children who are minor and perform some rituals over them? Some rituals and practices are barbaric and inhumane in this 21st century. They are not acceptable because they don't liberate people rather it is enslaving and mutilating their bodies. We must shun traditions which don't liberate and educate people to live a better and happy life.
Traditions have become habits.
Traditions have become deep-seated habits that can't be easily gotten rid of. The children are born into new generation and century and they should be allowed to have their own modern traditions or habits that would suit their time and period. For instance, we should not decide for the children what they should be doing according to our old traditional beliefs and systems. We can't decide for them even when they are minors instead we must allow them to reach to certain maturity and suggest them if they are interested to embrace any practices or rituals and if they deny, we should not force them to accept any traditions. Forcing traditions on children is a crime and it is dangerous to the modern civilization.
Traditions are alive today because of ignorance.
People are sick and fed up with observing certain traditions and still people compel them to follow and observe. These people who are sticking to the outdated traditions are ignorant, illiterate and close-minded. They are the frogs of a well unable to see the bigger and educated world. Their world is small as a result their thinking is very narrow. Traditions have survived and thrived over the years and centuries because of one reason- ignorance, inability to think big and wide. The same traditions which are mutilating people will continue to survive even in this century and it will be passed on to the next golden century too because people will act and behave out of ignorance and enforce people to practice the rituals and rites. People need to be educated and empowered to think freely, reason out openly and live in freedom according to the new world trend and civilization.
Traditions don't liberate instead they maim the society and community.
By observing certain traditional rituals and rites, people don't get any kind of liberation or freedom and enlightenment. The innocent people are misled into believing unrealistic practices, which can't even support people to live another day. Why do we have to allow some traditions, which don't liberate people to live freely exist? We must leave the old traditions behind and move ahead to find the new ones which don't claim lives and don't make people suffer under the disguise of keeping up the traditions. I strongly condemn any traditions that don't allow people to live in peace, freedom, health and wellbeing. Human beings are more important and precious than keeping the traditions. We must respect people and their freedom to live a good lifestyle. Yes tradition is a lifestyle but if it is not helping people to live freely and openly, then it is not a respectful tradition.
In the name of traditions or religions people have committed so much crime against innocent people that they have no place to hide and stay. Why not leave people alone to choose their own lifestyle rather than imposing something that doesn't serve any purpose? The innocent victims of these traditions and religions are made to suffer unnecessarily is a big crime against the humanity. It is a human rights violation should be culpable to harsh punishment.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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