"Money is the root of all evils" is an old adage and many people believe this to be true. In my opinion, money is not evil, it is only a tool to be used for living on this earth. What is evil then? The lack of money is the root of all evils today. Having money doesn't really create as many problems as we can think of. It is the lack of money that creates a lot of problems in the society, community, country and the world. The scarcity of money, the fiat money has caused so much damaged to the mankind that we can't imagine in our lifetime.
Lack of Money Kills Sick Patients.Today there are so many patients in the hospitals all over the world suffering from all kinds of rare diseases and they don't have enough money to pay for the treatment. Many diseases could have been treated and healed by proper medication, but they lacked money and they couldn't opt for the best treatment. Many people have lost their dear and near ones just because of lack of money. They didn't have much money to pay for the expenses. Even if they are insured, the companies wouldn't pay for the full expenses and they in turn get penalized. Lack of money is killing millions of people all over the world and nobody really notices this. The government's promise to provide better health care facility and package is only a hidden agenda to serve higher clients. Lack of money is the root of all evils if you think from this perspective. Lack of money takes away precious life and doesn't guarantee anything. The best thing you can do is to become rich legally and in a good way so that you could afford a good treatment in the best hospitals.
Lack Of Money Keeps People Hungry.Another evil that lack of money does to the society and country is that it keeps people hungry. Because of not enough money, many people in the third world countries are dying daily out of hungry. They are dying not because the food grains are not available, the foods are available bountifully. The people are dying because they lack enough money to afford them. These people have no money to buy the food and eat. So it is not the resources that are scarce or insufficient, resources are enough for all humanity in ages to come. Only resource that is lacking is the money. The world is ruled by a commodity called currency, it is fiat approved by the governments of the world and this paper money is not enough for these people. So money is not bad, but lack of money is really bad and evil because lack of money is killing millions of people all over the world.
Lack Of Money Makes People Bad and Evil.When people have enough and more than enough money, they don't tend to do bad things. Bill Gates has more than he needs for his life time. Is he doing anything bad? Is he killing people because he has a lot of money? Is he creating diseases so that many people would die? No, he is not doing anything of these. He has more than enough and he is doing something extraordinary things through his foundation. He is helping the AIDS and HIV patients all over the world. That means money doesn't necessarily create evils. It is the lack of money that creates evil in the society, family and country. There are so many robbers, gangs of killers etc because they don't have enough money and they end up embracing evil paths to earn money. So it is clear that lack of money indeed creates evil in the society and cummunity.
Lack Of Money Creates War Between Nations.Countries who are rich and powerful actually should not be threatening the third world countries because they seem to have everything. But why do they control and wage war against smaller nations? There is a reason. These countries may be powerful and rich but they don't have everything they need. They lack something and only way to get is to snatch from others by declaring wars. The history is full of this examples. When David in the Bible didn't have as beautiful wife as his soldier, he snatched soldier's wife and got killed the soldier. When a nation doesn't have oil, gold, drugs and other resources, the best thing is to have them by attacking other nations. Lack of money indeed creates war between nations. It is not the other way. It is a pure psychological reason.
Lack of Money Denies Enjoyment and Vacation.People who have enough money, they can afford best entertainment, enjoyment and vacation. They travel to far away countries and visit the most beautiful places in the world, eat the best and delicious foods, stay in the luxurious suites, party at expensive places around the world, drive luxurious and expensive cars and so on. But people who lack money, they can't afford these things. So you can examine how can you get happiness, entertainment and vacation? What gives you the happiness and peace? Money or lack of money? Lack of Money has denied many people the happiness, dreams, goals, and vacation that people wanted to have once in their life time. So please don't ever say that money is the root of all evils, it is the lack of money that is the root of all evils.
Lack Of Money Leaves People Uneducated and Illiterate.Who can afford the best universities in the world? People who have money to pay for their universities can only go to the premier universities. So it obvious that money doesn't do bad things to the people. It is the lack of money that keeps people uneducated and illiterate. Lack of money leaves people ignorant and jobless. If people can attend the best universities, they can easily find jobs because the companies who hire employees, choose to recruit the best candidates from the best universities. So lack of money is indeed the root of all evils even in the education fields. So try to amass as much wealth as you can so that you can be happy, peaceful and have a fabulous lifestyle.
Lack Of Money Makes People Homeless.Due to recent recession, how many people have lost their dream homes. We can't think of them losing their own house which they wanted to stay in for lifetime. The lack of money snatched and took away from these people and kept them homeless. They have no shelter to stay and no money to feed on or take care of their families. How many foreclosures have taken place during this recession, we have no clear ideas and how many people are affected by this. It is the lack of money that has caused this recession, hyper inflation and collapse of modern monetary systems. Look around you in your neighbourhood and you will notice who have lost their homes. There are many homeless people today.
The lack of money is the root of all evils in the society, family, country and the world. So don't ever believe those who say money as bad and evil. Money is a commodity today and without money you can't make any transaction. May be in the olden days, people thought differently but today you have a choice to think differently too. Decide to become rich so that you can afford all good things of life and there will be less evils in the society. Money is not creating evils, it is the lack of money that is creating evils in the world. The solution to this problem is having more money so that you can afford a good lifestyle.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor