When you look around the the school and college campus, you will notice young boys and girls hanging around with their friends talking, laughing and socializing with each other. Some of these youngsters have activated their hearts and perhaps may be in love with their friends. On the other hand some may not have succeeded in activating their hearts. By activating, here I mean having some kind of crush, love or affection towards one or a group of individuals.
Once the heart is activated by falling in love with someone, there is an electromagnetic flow of love, life, happiness, health, success, prosperity, envy, both good and bad signals travelling from both sides. The activated heart gets lot of love and good feelings at the same time negative feelings because both party sends the signal on a continuous basis. When a person wants to show one's love, love signal reaches to the other end, though a person is too far away.
When these friends or lovers get separated by physical distance, there seems to be so much longing and yearning for the other. The mind gets totally occupied with the thoughts of the loved ones and it is strange that the heart and mind communicate with each other despite its geographical distance. There may be a physical distance but that won't block the heart and mind signal reaching other person.
If you find yourself in this situation, you got to communicate the good feelings that you want to experience and you will most likely encounter and feel such goodies. It is better to keep the heart and mind activated, stirred and stimulated so that there is a strong connection.
Keep in mind, anything that you want in life, to activate your heart and mind to get them, to feel them and cherish them. It is a wonderful thing to relate with the loved ones with activated heart so that you can maintain your friendship alive and positive all the while. Activate your heart, the passion and desire to acquire love, life, peace, health, happiness and prosperity.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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