"Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power." Charles F. Haanel
Abraham Lincoln wrote a classical letter to his son's teacher and in that letter he requested the teacher to teach his son not to follow the crowd but to do what is true by his own thinking. In other words, Abraham Lincoln wanted his son to have a complete control over his own future himself than any one else.
In the world today 95% of people follow the crowd, what it means is that these people just conform to the world tells them to do. They don't think for themselves independently. For instance, if there is a discount sales offer at any shopping malls, they rush in large numbers to get the goods. These people don't ever stop to think why there is such a discount sale of flat 50% or 60%. When there is a discount sales offer, actually there is no discount at all in reality. It is only a marketing strategy to attract customers and make a huge margin of profits. The companies want to get rid of old stocks of products and there is no best way to sell them other than at a flat discount sales offer. The company's aim is always to get their returns on investments while getting away the old stocks of inferior products though. At discount sales you don't pay less rather you pay more for the defect products.
This is how people let others control their future and life. While those who think for themselves control their own future and life.
It is good to ask a question, is you future entirely within your own control or controlled by others? Do you believe the external world controls your movements and accomplishment? Do you think the government, the economy, the employers, the academic institutes, the hospitals, the family or spouse or friends control your life and future? Many do think that the world without, the external world controls them. What about you?
People who allow the external world to control them live by the world without. The failures, misunderstandings, lack of confidence, poverty, anger, worries, fear etc control and dictate their lives. It is not the external things that really control us but rather the internal things-the subconscious mind within us. People who lose the control over their lives are those who didn't sit and ponder about the inner strength that comes from within.
With sight you can see only what is there but with vision and faith you can find and attract all the wealth, abundance, money, happiness, peace, and love. That means people who allow the external world to control them see the reality through their sights, which enable them to see only the things that are visible to the eyes. Those who have a complete control over their lives, finance and future see the reality through their vision and faith and as a result they are able to control their life direction.
People who have no control swing back and forth, left and right because they are not sure of their life purpose. Deep down they have not created the consciousness to guide them towards what they want in life. And those who are able to control their lives have developed deeper consciousness.
"As within so without" is the ancient wisdom which is so true and real that hardly people understand its meaning and implication. When you have a control over your life and future you operate from within-the internal aspects of energy and power. Whatever you are inside, it begins to show up on the outside though it is not understood fully. This law is true always and works all the time.
So better learn to control your future by seeing yourself from within so that you can control your life better. There is a possibility for you to design your life and thereby have a control yourself. It is important to have your own thinking and power over yourself.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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