Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Growth is life!

Energizing quote

"Only in growth, reform and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Energizing question

Do I consider growth, reform and change important in my life for freedom, abundance and true security?


Many 500 fortune companies started off with little resources and they were small at start-ups moreover today they have grown up to be giant companies providing employment to thousands of people and undertaking business transactions in billions annually.

These 500 fortune companies are big today because they grew repeatedly; they reformed their policies and changed their strategies or goals to expand further. Because these companies recognized the importance of growth, reform and change, they are multinationals doing business all over the world.

Human beings have to pass through a series of growth, reform and change in life in order to enjoy freedom, abundance and security. The infant grows to childhood to adulthood to old age and these are stages of growth, reform and change in order to facilitate freedom, abundance and security.

Personal development brings growth, reform and change in an individual. People learn new skills, reform their scripts and change their beliefs or attitudes and all these lead to growth of an individual.

People who grow fast, change their attitude and reform their ways, they enjoy financial freedom, abundance, health, happiness and security. Those who refuse to grow, reform or change; they hamper their chances of great success, health and happiness.

Look around you and learn from people who are rich and successful, they constantly kept on growing, reforming and changing whatever areas of life they wanted and as a result they keep getting good results.

Reliance Industries’ mission statement says, “Growth is life.” And we know well about Reliance industries what it has become today. That is what I mean by growth, reform or change.

If you grow, wealth will grow; if you don’t grow, your chances of achieving success and wealth vanish in the dark.

Winning beliefs
1. I always want to grow more and more.
2. I constantly change and reform my beliefs, values and attitudes.
3. I do believe growth is life.
4. I advance and enhance my life daily.

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