Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Employ These Powerful Leverages To Attract Success, Money, Health, Happiness, Peace, Love & Relationship!

Successful men and women all over the world apply different leverages attract whatever they want to be, do, have and enjoy. Without the leverages, no one can expect to rise up in life. Leverages are tools to reach one's targets and one person can have as many tools as he or she wishes to employ because leverages facilitate people to accomplish their goals and mission. Here are some of the important tools to consider.

1. Learn by reading Books.
People who are prosperous, rich, wealthy and happy obtained their shares of good things of life by learning from books. They read books on varieties of subjects and they stumbled upon some secrets or laws to produce any results they wanted to achieve. They followed this tool and today they are looked upon as role models, successful and rich. They made it to the top because they read books and acquired knowledge and information, which they converted them into leverages to attract wealth, health, peace, happiness, love and good relationship.

You can too read good books which can change your life for better. There are many people who have read certain books and brought about a great transformation in their life. Books enlighten and give direction to those who read them. For example-

Rhonda Byrne the author of the secret and the power, changed her life for success, abundance, prosperity and happiness after reading a book or many books. She was enlightened by reading the book called "The science of getting rich."

Narayan Murthy the founder of Infosys company, in his book "A better India, A better World" mentions how the direction of his life changed after reading some books or documents related to computer.

Anthony Robbins too changed his life after reading certain books and today he is famous, successful helping people all over the world.

Likewise, there are many people who have changed the direction of their life after reading some books. If you start this process, you can change your life for success, money, health, wealth and love too.

You only need to buy one book or enroll yourself in a library and borrow one book to kick start off your transforming journey.

2. Listen and learn from various audio programs.
Another tool that is very powerful is listening to different audio programs, which are available today in every book shop. These audio programs are powerful leverages that could open a door for many opportunities.

Those who don't like to read books, they can learn from listening to some valuable audio books. It is a great way of learning process and it is effective. Even if you don't have separate time for listening, you can listen while driving or traveling to office. You can make the best use of your time. Today people have mobile phones and most of them are equipped with MP3 players and you can download the audio books and listen as many times as you want. You will learn more than you learned in the school or colleges. You will gain the knowledge equivalent to 5 Phds.

3. Watch and learn from Videos.
If you are an individual who can't read or listen to audio books, then you have another alternative leverage to employ for your personal improvement. Watching videos are too very effective tools to change one's life. You can watch any movies or documentaries that teach you something valuable for life. You must watch videos which are educative, informative and inspiring. You mustn't watch any movies that entertain you because if you do so you will get entertained and miss the learning aspects that could change your life for success, wealth, happiness.

The movies like "The secret, The compass, Try it on everything" etc. could enlighten your mind to start with. They are effective if you believe they will work for you and if you are doubtful and cynical then they won't work for you. Remember all tools can work miracles for you if you believe them, feel them to be real and think that they are true for you. Don't listen to others who say or comment that they don't work. Yes, may be it didn't work for them but don't go by their opinions because it may work for you, who knows.

4. Attend and learn from live seminars.
Many of you, I guess, have university degrees and are proud of having the certificates. I am a gold medallist myself and I know what it feels to have one. But that is not everything. Academic education is different than what you learn when you attend the live seminars. In the seminar, experts and experienced men and women in respective fields, teach and share the wisdom pertaining to the real life and real education that could change your life.

We don't learn what we want in the schools and colleges.The seminars give us everything that we want to know about certain areas of life. There are many successful people who conduct seminars and you can attend any one and benefit from that. When you attend the seminar it will be an enlightening moment for you. Once you are enlightened, you will be inspired and empowered to take the action to realize your objectives.

5. Learn from guides, coaches, mentors and role models.

The final tool is very important in life. You can't achieve success much, if you don't have correct people in your life. You can't do much, if you don't associate with people who encourage, motivate, guide, empower, coach and mentor you directly or indirectly.

This leverage works when you have found your own guides, coaches, mentors and role models in areas you want to improve or succeed.

Jim Rohn, the famous American business coach, philosopher and businessman, changed the direction of his life when he met a man who became his mentor. His mentor was successful, rich and happy and Jim Rohn eventually became successful too.

There is power and magic in having your own guides, coaches, mentors and role models. Find out who do you admire and love? Who do you want to be like? What do you want to do that others have done? What do you want to accomplish that others have already achieved? How do you want to live that others are already living the lifestyle?

These are some of the important tools you can employ to attract success, money, health, happiness, love and relationship. You can't miss if you apply them daily but you can miss success, money, health, happiness, love and good relationship if you don't follow these disciplines. Tools are recommended and explained to you and it is up to you to apply in your life. There is a saying that says, 'we can take the horse to the water but we can't make it drink.' I have presented to you some life changing powerful leverages, hopefully you apply them and take steps to attract good things that you desire.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Menor

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These leverages mentioned are very simple yet powerful. Thank you.