Most of us have heard at one time or another that a smile gives us a real boost. And we are told that smile is an excellent medicine for confidence deficiency. Smile really improves our confidence level and personal charm. There is a great positive reward in smiling and there are negative rewards in not smiling too. We can make a choose either to smile a little or smile big so that our real self can be seen.
We don't get anything by not smiling big, rather we get something be smiling big. You must observe people who have a big smile on their face and how they look appealing, confident, cheerful and honest. Remember you must give an honest smile not a fake one. Other people will easily know whether your smile is fake or real.
Smile should be natural and it should be practised at all times no matter what conditions or circumstances we find ourselves in at the time. Many of us have learned to earn our living, we have learned to raise our kids, we have learned to go shopping, go on vacation and even we have learned to do the balance sheet but we have never learned to smile big always.
When we don't smile we feel defeated, dejected or sad or unappreciated. But a big smile beats all fears, defeat, sadness and the negative thoughts. Real smile takes away our fears, doubts and generates new hopes and confidence. Therefore smile big and you will have a great happy day every time.
I really appreciate and I am proud of those people who possess wonderful smile on their face. I think I feel jealous of their broad smile. Never become self-conscious and even you have uneven set of teeth, never bother about that because that is the least you can imagine others will notice about you. Any big smile cuts through the barriers of personal deformity, smile is not deformed it is perfect and powerful. So bring out your big and true smile because you have a unique smile and that is very special.
I am not an expert in smile. But from my observation, I have learned that it is better to smile big because it creates some kind of magic and harmony among the surrounding. There is a neighbour near my home, that family hardly smile, they look serious and unwelcoming always. So when we don't smile, it doesn't attract goodness, kindness and friendship. It doesn't cost anything to smile, however it requires your efforts from your side. Smile can be learned through practice and if you do on a regular basis, you will one day appreciate the magic power of smile.
If you smile, your chances of success in life increases and guarantees whatever you desire to have in life. So make a commitment today to smile big. Smile until your teeth show. Let your even or uneven teeth show up to the world by smiling big. Smile makes everything look beautiful and nice. Your confidence will grow and you will be happy that you learned to smile big. Show that large-size smile and you will be on your way to flying high in spirit, zeal and achievement.
Say to yourself even when you are angry or don't feel like smiling,"I am going to smile big because I know the magic power of it." Smile Big :)
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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