Negative people are indeed highly venomous with their words. So be watchful and try to avoid any encounter with such people. There are very well meaning friends, relatives or close associates but the words they speak can create a rift in your mind and you will wonder why you behave negatively. So don't seek the company of negative people, lest you will become one of them.
I have come across many people who were able to create a rift in my mind with their negative remarks or negative talks. Negative energy seems to attract our attention faster and stronger than the positive energy. Just observe for yourself, the media at large knows what really catches the attention of people and they bombard us with negative news. It appears from outside that people live by feeding on negative information more than positive news.
Practically, it is hard to avoid negative information because they exist every corner of the world. However, we can still live a positive life if we make some extra effort. For instance, I stopped to subscribing the daily newspaper and it has been one past and I feel much better with it. When I want to know the news, I use now the internet where I can view selectively the news I want to read. It is better for me than going through the pages of newspapers.
In the same way, you can minimize the association with your associates and friends and it will turn to be a good decision. When you happen to share your ideas or plans to your close associates, without much thinking they would snub your thoughts and give thousands of reasons why you couldn't do or achieve and they will cite some examples to prove their points and ultimately they will have succeeded in creating a rift in your mind. By listening to them you will begin to believe in their opinions. And your dreams, ideas or plans would have been washed away by the time you have some solitude time to think over it.
It is wise to avoid sharing your goals, dreams, ideas and plans to others but do share them to the 'select few' because nobody knows you better than you do yourself. Others don't know how much time and energy you have invested in order to think over that idea and within a fraction of second your friends can talk you out of that idea or dreams. Remember to keep your dreams and goals within your heart and if you want to talk, talk to the power higher than you; consult that power and you will be surprised to learn that the higher power thinks that your ideas and plans are excellent and great.
Find out for yourself whether people who are negative and speak doubt, fear and disbelief are highly venomous or not. These toxic venom can be neutralize only by positive information, positive talks, positive beliefs.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
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