Sunday, June 20, 2010

The great Inventors sowed the seed of inventions and have enriched human life on earth

Six thousand years of recorded history, one thing stands out tall is the inventions of the great inventors who sowed their seeds (mind, intelligence, talents) to enrich human life on this planet deserve our thanks, appreciation and respect. They planted the trees and we, the present generation are reaping the yields and enjoying them.

We were not there to witness how our ancestors coped with very hot and very cold weather, but we can know through the use of our imagination that life wasn't easy to survive. They had to face many types of unpredictable weather conditions, storms, heat waves, sickness, hunger etc.

In contrast to old times, today we have air conditioners to cool us in the extreme hot weather and heaters to warm us in cold weather in the comfort of our own house. This one simple invention has made our life easy and comfortable. We have incorporated this invention in several usages of human life. When we step out of our home and office or when we board the plane we use this invention. We may think today it is a luxury to have all that and enjoy such benefits because of our great inventor Willis Haviland Carrier who received his 'flash of genuis' while waiting for a train and thinking in his mind the problem of temperature and humidity control. By the time the train arrived, Carrier had an understanding of the relationship between temperature, humidity and dew point.What a great honour to thank and respect him.

Take for an instance how the invention of computer, telephone, aeroplanes, medicines etc. have enriched human life today. All these inventions were not available for our ancestors but the dedicated efforts of those inventors have made it possible for us to live a better life today.

All the inventors deserve our heartfelt thanks, appreciation and honour. What we need to do today is to invent or use our mind, our imagination to make human life a blissful one for all.

Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All the luxuries now we are enjoying was only a dream for our ancestors. The inventors made a reality for us and now it is a luxury. But in the due course of time and in this busy world we have forgotten the wonderful works of many inventors and only enjoy their hard work without a thanks for them. After reading this post it has only reminded me to be grateful for their works and not forgetable.