Great and Successful people have directly or indirectly guides, coaches and mentors who provide invaluable insights as a result their lives are improved but majority of people have no access to information or Power Education and their lives remain the same. GUIDE COACH MENTOR is here to inspire and empower people to strive and thrive.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
By Losing We Gain A Lot!
failures are nature's way of correction. We got to learn the most important lessons that can alter every aspect of our life.
What many of us don't do is take time to assess and think over it and pick up the lessons that are essential for life ahead.
When failures occur we should be firm in our conviction and vision. We must pursue our goals and goals can be achieved.
My brother, william lost an election on 27th Dec 2009 and was disappointed and felt that he had lost everything. But in deeper sense, he gained a lot in that defeat. Sure, his ego melted, became humble and then his priorities shifted, family responsibilities took precedent. He decided to mend some of his bad habits and embrace a life of abundance, hope, love, freedom and happiness. He began minding his own business.
So loss or failures aren't bad in itself, rather they are bad or not worthy if we fail to learn something from it. It is good if we accept the failure and move on ahead.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Our Universe Is As Big As Our God!
I am writing this because I always wanted to know how does God whom we humans claim to worship sees us from billions of light years away? His eye sights might be very powerful that nothing goes undetected, not even a single cell in our body.
I am curious to know why do people claim to understand God who is unfathomable? When we sit aboard an aeroplane and attempt to see through the window down, we don't detect easily the movements of humans on earth . Everything seems grounded with the earth. How does God see us the little creatures on this earth? It makes me wonder that God may not be staying very high up in the space. He must be having a condo or villa somewhere near just above the earth.
It is very strange for people to think that God is something knowable when he is not. God is as big as the universe and his power controls the whole universe. We live and exist in his consciousness and the universe is conscious too. The universe is full of life substances. We can't detect them through our senses but we can use our consciousness to understand its vastness.
Just know today that nothing goes waste, everything is accounted and we are living in the consciousness of the universe, some call it God or gods. We are connected by our consciousness or instinct to the universe.
Saints and sages had the spiritual consciousness to recognize God who abounds everywhere. If God goes for a sleep one day, then the universe will stop its operation like a machine. The countless energy forms in the universe move because there is always God or consciousness which is energetic and vibrational in nature.
There is no better name to call that energy, for our understanding let's call Consciousness. If we accept the 'big bang' theory of existence, then it is equally important to accept that the planets and stars are blown up dusts from the big bang event. The big bang event may have occurred because the massive collective force of consciousness (God) which wanted to create itself into several pieces through the process of disintegration and got distributed into the vastness of the universe. There many not be an end to this consciousness because it is a very creative and expansive force.
Can humans be ever wiped off from the face of the earth? It won't happen anything like that because the consciousness never dies, it is infinite. It is there to exist by nature. Some people call this spirit or soul. Soul or spirit does resemble the consciousness I am referring to. Here on earth people do believe that once the physical body disintegrates itself or dies, the spirit or the soul of the person lives on.
When people die, they die from the physical existence and never from the consciousness that pervades the universe. The consciousness is always there. We humans are on a mission and that mission is not started by us, the mission was initiated by the consciousness and because of that consciousness we are still existing here on earth.
Many humans have been able to reach the level of high consciousness and they have spoken about this spiritual power as sublime but we equate the spirituality with our invention of religions. Spirituality is of higher consciousness and religion is some kind of pious thing. Karl Marx understood the religion as opium which has the power to indoctrinate people to be less conscious beings.
Religions only equivocate the truth and confuse people to think for themselves. While the spirituality makes people conscientious and allows them to enter into total consciousness.
Our universe is conscious and it is spiritual where we live, move and die in the universe which is filled with consciousness. We are a part of that consciousness.
Alwed EKka
Guide Coach Mentor
Monday, June 28, 2010
Negative people are highly venomous with their words
I have come across many people who were able to create a rift in my mind with their negative remarks or negative talks. Negative energy seems to attract our attention faster and stronger than the positive energy. Just observe for yourself, the media at large knows what really catches the attention of people and they bombard us with negative news. It appears from outside that people live by feeding on negative information more than positive news.
Practically, it is hard to avoid negative information because they exist every corner of the world. However, we can still live a positive life if we make some extra effort. For instance, I stopped to subscribing the daily newspaper and it has been one past and I feel much better with it. When I want to know the news, I use now the internet where I can view selectively the news I want to read. It is better for me than going through the pages of newspapers.
In the same way, you can minimize the association with your associates and friends and it will turn to be a good decision. When you happen to share your ideas or plans to your close associates, without much thinking they would snub your thoughts and give thousands of reasons why you couldn't do or achieve and they will cite some examples to prove their points and ultimately they will have succeeded in creating a rift in your mind. By listening to them you will begin to believe in their opinions. And your dreams, ideas or plans would have been washed away by the time you have some solitude time to think over it.
It is wise to avoid sharing your goals, dreams, ideas and plans to others but do share them to the 'select few' because nobody knows you better than you do yourself. Others don't know how much time and energy you have invested in order to think over that idea and within a fraction of second your friends can talk you out of that idea or dreams. Remember to keep your dreams and goals within your heart and if you want to talk, talk to the power higher than you; consult that power and you will be surprised to learn that the higher power thinks that your ideas and plans are excellent and great.
Find out for yourself whether people who are negative and speak doubt, fear and disbelief are highly venomous or not. These toxic venom can be neutralize only by positive information, positive talks, positive beliefs.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
The Big Secret of Success
It is about the failure, the unfulfilled dreams and goals of 95 people out of 100 and why only 5 people make it that I want to talk about.
The reason for failure is obvious. Those 5 people who become successful found what Jack M. Zufelt talks about in 'The DNA of Success, "Core-Desires." People who succeed know their 'core- desires' which is fully 100 percent and not 50-70 or 80-99. But those 95 people who fail to accomplish their goals, did not possess the core - desire that is always 100 instead they had desires which had no strength enough to stir the soul.
Napoleon Hill through his long years of search found that 'burning desire' is the foremost motivating factor that drives the individual to a great height of success. Napoleon Hill's desire was not a weak desire, it was his 'burning desire', the 'core-desire' which measured 100 percent led to complete the success secrets of most successful men and women.
Bill Gates dropped out of college when he found his 'core-desire' and pursued it with whole heart, mind and soul. Though Bill Gates called his desire, a 'love'. Whatever name people call it, it doesn't matter; what matters is the discovery of one's ultimate longing and passion.
Wright Brohters faced a lot of opposition and discouragement from people who thought they could never succeed in flying an object heavier than air, but those detractors didn't know what those two brothers had. Wright brothers knew their core-desires and it was pure 100% desire. They invested all their skills, time, energy, experiences and mind. Seeing the birds fly in the sky, it was an intense desire to fly in the sky and see for the first time how and what one felt and observed. It was the 'core - desire' that led them to realize their dreams. The 'core-desires' will never fail people if they only follow and take the necessary actions.
If you ask what is wrong with people today, then it is right to say that people don't seek to know their 'core-desires' and if they do know their core-desires they don't make sure that their desires are fully 100% pure emerging from within.
The 5% of people seem to have the "magic touch," everything they touch becomes gold. These people know their core-desires that become their ultimate goals in life and thus they succeed because people with goals succeed as they know where they are going.
Rollo May, a distinguished psychiatrist says in his book, Man's Search for Himself: "The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice... it is conformity."
The majority who don't make the grade fall into a disease of conformity. They conform to the standard and values of those who seem to go nowhere. They are in a rat race. They get up in the morning and go to work for their employers in exchange of their precious time, energy and talents making their employers richer and richer.
This is another reason why many fail to become successful in their chosen field. They conform to the crowd. They don't become individuals. They don't know their individual DNA and they believe their self is less talented or capable.
People who succeed are those who get up in the morning and go to work for themselves, they invest their time, energy, mind and money in the development of their expertise and capacity. Earl Nightingale gave the best definition of success: "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." The ideal here is the 'core-desire' that becomes so worthy of pursuit that an individual has no choice other than to realize it by making a constant progress. When an individual progresses towards realizing his ideal there is a growth and that progressive growth promises one a success.
What is the simple requirements of yours, if you are looking for a success or abundance in life? What you need to do is very simple. You must search and find your 'core-desires', the things that you want and the things that you love to have, do and be. Once you realize your core-desires, make sure that your desires are 100 percent strong and make it your definite life purpose or direction by taking persistent action.
When you know your core-desires, you will definitely achieve your ideals and dreams.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A Flying Feather
I saw a feather up in the sky.
I said to myself, "I am blessed to see it."
As the wind blew in its rhythm,
The feather neared the earth and
It landed on my palm.
I gazed it keenly,
Touching it gently I held it with care.
I turned it around and admired it,
I guessed it had a message for me.
With good faith, I kept it in my diary,
For fear it might get lost.
As I saw it each day,
I became fond of it.
There arose again a fear in me,
That I might lose the feather.
So I deposited it in the bank of my heart;
Before it could get lost.
The feather remained in the bank thence.
I tried to imagine,
Which bird had dropped its lovely feather?
To know that, I visited the woods daily,
And to my surprise, I found the bird.
For it had left a clue in its feather.
And thus through the feather,
I traced the bird.
I was thrilled to know the bird.
It looked so nice and cute to my eyes.
Once having a glimpse of it,
My heart, all the more pined to see
The lovely bird over and over again.
For fear of losing a sight of the bird
I treasured it in my Heart.
For I know, heart is a storehouse
With strongly built walls.
No moth can ever destroy it,
Nor any thief can steal it away.
At times I am amazed,
How I sighted the bird
Through a flying feather.
The bird may either take another flight
To some distant isles,
Or it may stay with me till the end,
However it cannot fly away from my heart,
For I have treasured it.
If the bird takes another voyage
One thing is clear, it can't leave me alone.
For I have inscribed it in my memory,
With an indelible ink.
At death, I may only set apart in body,
But never in spirit...
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
Saturday, June 26, 2010
You Can Make Millions and Billions Today.
Here is an article I came across today and it is worth sharing. It is written by John Paul Getty, the world's first American oil billionaire. It is an excerpt from the book "How to be Rich."
There are no absolutely safe or sure-fire formulas for achieving success in business. Nonetheless, I believe that there are some fundamental rules to the game which, if followed, tip the odds for success very much in the businessman's favour. These are rules which I've applied throughout my entire career—and which every millionaire businessman with whom I am acquainted has followed. The rules have worked for them—and for me. They'll work for you, too.
1. Almost without exception, there is only one way to make a great deal of money in the business world—and that is in one's own business. The man who wants to go into business for himself should choose a field which he knows and understands. Obviously, he can't know everything there is to know from the very beginning, but he should not start until he has acquired a good, solid working knowledge of the business.
2. The businessman should never lose sight of the central aim of all business—to produce more and better goods or provide more and better services to more people at lower cost.
3. A sense of thrift is essential for success in business. The businessman must discipline himself to practice economy wherever possible, in his personal life as well as his business affairs. "Make your money first—then think about spending it," is the best of all possible credos for the man who wishes to succeed.
4. Legitimate opportunities for expansion should never be ignored or overlooked. On the other hand, the businessman must always be on his guard against the temptation to over expand or launch expansion programs blindly, without sufficient justification and planning. Forced growth can be fatal to any business, new or old.
5. A businessman must run his own business. He cannot expect his employees to think or do as well as he can. If they could, they would not be his employees. When "The Boss" delegates authority or responsibility, he must maintain close and constant supervision over the subordinates entrusted with it.
6. The businessman must be constantly alert for new ways to improve his products and services and increase his production and sales. He should also use prosperous periods to find the ways by which techniques may be improved and costs lowered. It is only human for people to give little thought to economies when business is booming. That, however, is just the time when the businessman has the mental elbow room to examine his operations calmly and objectively and thus effect important savings without sacrificing quality or efficiency. Many businessmen wait for lean periods to do these things and, as a result, often hit the panic button and slash costs in the wrong places.
7. A businessman must be willing to take risks—to risk his own capital and to lose his credit and risk borrowed money as well when, in his considered opinion, the risks are justified. But borrowed money must always be promptly repaid. Nothing will write finis to a career faster than a bad credit rating.
8. A businessman must constantly seek new horizons and untapped or under-exploited markets. As I've already said at some length, most of the world is eager to buy American products and know-how; today's shrewd businessman looks to foreign markets.
9. Nothing builds confidence and volume faster or better than a reputation for standing behind one's work or products. Guarantees should always be honored—and in doubtful cases, the decision should always be in the customer's favor. A generous service policy should also be maintained. The firm that is known to be completely reliable will have little difficulty filling its order books and keeping them filled.
10. No matter how many millions an individual amasses, if he is in business he must always consider his wealth as a means for improving living conditions everywhere. He must remember that he has responsibilities toward his associates, employees, stockholders—and the public.
Do you want to make a million? Believe me, you can— if you are able to recognize the limitless opportunities and potentials around you and will apply these rules and work hard. For today's alert, ambitious and able young men, all that glitters truly can be gold.
John Paul Getty
The world's first billionaire
Friday, June 25, 2010
Create Your Own Future.
"If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves." Thomas Edison
Inspiring question
Why don't I do all the things I am capable of doing? Do I believe I am capable?
Let's suppose you recognize yourself as highly capable and you did all you were capable of doing. What would it look like, what would you have achieved, what would you have become and what would you be doing by now? The results would be really amazing, beyond your imagination. You would literally be surprised of yourself.
According to the research, the average people use only 10% or 3% of their brain capacity and scientists like Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison could use only 12% of their capacity. This information teaches us that we can stretch ourselves further and further.
Majority of people don't believe they are highly capable of doing anything worthwhile. They think people can do many impossible things, they wish for others but they never consider that they can as well do.
If poor people use their strength, time and mind in a right way, they can overcome from poverty and enjoy the great rewards of the world. If the governments of the world act cohesively they can put easily the maximum and best use of the natural resources for the betterment of their citizens.
Anybody can create their own unique lifestyle, if they truly know what they want. Almost all things are within our reach to be somebody valuable or successful.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Inner Games of Success
I have a great respect for Bill Gates because he played the inner games of success first in his mind before placing the Microsoft in every desktop. He was a multi-billionaire before he became a billionaire. Think of any successful personality in any field and you will find the same truth repeated again and again. But those who use their conscious mind alone, never fully understand how the subconscious mind is able to make one a great success.
The successful people think continuously and their thoughts remain always the same - about the particular idea. They win great name, fame and wealth by first winning in their inner mind. There are so many men and women who have accomplished what others think impossible by playing the inner games of success. People born in utter poverty, transformed their lives and living today a satisfied life of success, abundance and richness.
If you want to be successful, write down all that you want to accomplish during your life time and read it morning, afternoon and evening, whenever you can see it and feel it. You will be surprised to learn that your conditioning will work certainly.
It is not enough to say in words or affirmations but it is important to use the images and feelings because subconscious mind understands images and feelings and it works upon them.
So, you want a success, then play the inner games of success in your mind. The subconscious mind has power but conscious mind has no power to convert those dreams into reality. Therefore use your visualization to affirm what you truly want.
By playing the inner games of success, you can achieve academic success, political success, business success, financial success, relationship success, material success and many more things that you may desire.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Earth Has Enough For All!
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi
Humans have been living on this earth for centuries and yet we have not learned to live abundantly with each other. Some have too much to consume, some have moderate wealth while others have very little to survive. Why there is a big disparity existing amidst us?
Mahatma Gandhi, a great leader of 20th century observed that earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not enough to satisfy every man's greed. How true it is.
The global financial recession in the first decade of 21st century has rocked the world so much because of greed factor. The bankers became greedy of making more profits from borrowers and the banks made the credit available to home buyers unintelligently. The financial institutes consumed with greed to maximize their returns wrongly speculated the market. They inflated the economy with unreal money supply and that has caused double digit inflation or rather it is a deflation.
Over the centuries, the earth has provided enough for all and it has never run out of resources. How can money which is only a fiat currency guaranteed by respective governments of the nations control the fate of human happiness, existence and security? Why not invent a 'Financial Technology' to solve the crisis? There is indeed something fishy that is not fully revealed to the masses. Financial business transactions by banks appear to be not so transparent. It seems that the banks are not regulated well by the governments today or the banks are not part of any nation building rather they are creators of fake currencies or the recessions.
Why haven't we succeeded in eliminating poverty from the face of earth? If governments can print trillions of dollars, how we haven't solved the financial problems of people? In my opinion, the governments of the world, and not individual entities should own the banking systems. If they do this, 75% to 85% of world financial crisis could be easily contained and the world would have become a better living place on earth.
There would be enough for all and nobody would go hungry, thirsty, shelter-less or penniless. The earth will feed all because it has every man's need.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Get out of the garden of security, comfort and laziness!
Once the baby is grown up and ready to face the real world, the baby is thrown out in the real world where he has to overcome many challenges, where his mission in life becomes to find the same richness, comfort and security that he experienced in the womb.
In the book of Genesis in the Bible, God throws out Adam and Eve from the garden of Gethsemane where all the abundant fruit, comfort and security was available. They did not have to work rather they were provided with. But God never wanted his creation to live in laziness, and undisciplined life because the humans would never learn, grow and expand. God then decided to commit themselves to mistakes and thus they were sent out of the garden of abundance, comfort and security and gave a mission to find the promised land of abundance, comfort and security for the rest of their life.
Outside the garden they had to look for that same abundance, comfort and security that they had in the garden.
The story gives us a message that we have already lived and experienced abundant, comfortable and secured life in our mothers’ wombs just before being tossed into the real world to find the same abundance, comfort and security outside.
Therefore the goal of human beings on earth is to find the abundance, comfort and security and live in that world, which is within our reach.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
Monday, June 21, 2010
People Master Their Skills Through Repetition!
Right from the early childhood to full maturity, people learn to acquire skills by means of repetition. A child learns to hold an object or throw a ball not once or twice; the baby continues the process till he or she masters it. In other words, repetition is the mother of all learnings. There are other ways people learn too but here I will focus on just repetition.
The FIFA world cup 2010 is being played presently and probably you have been watching the match. There are great and best soccer players competing with each other to win the cup for their respective countries. And these best players didn't become a great player overnight just by kicking the football once. These great players mastered their soccer skills by means of repetition. They learned to kick and dribble the ball many times. They repeated the same process of kicking and dribbling the ball accurately and as a result they became best players.
Almost all best sportsmen from any sports acquired their sporting skills by repetition and repetition happened by practising over and over again. So it is quite clear to note that things don't just happen by chance. Miracles happen when something is done regularly.
The same way, singers or musicians improve their musical skills through learning over and over again. The best singer masters the skills over a long period of time. It requires continuous efforts to become the best singer or a musician.
If anybody wants to become something or somebody, he or she has to repeat the process of learning over a long period of time, till he or she qualifies by acquiring those skills. Anybody can acquire any skills provided they invest enough time repeatedly.
People encounter failures in businesses and relationships too. But these failures have positive strength to make a man or a woman expert in business or relationship. Expertise comes when people experience certain things more often. So never ever give up when any setback attacks you. You must know that the events occur only to strengthen you.
Alwed Ekka
Guide Coach Mentor
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The great Inventors sowed the seed of inventions and have enriched human life on earth
We were not there to witness how our ancestors coped with very hot and very cold weather, but we can know through the use of our imagination that life wasn't easy to survive. They had to face many types of unpredictable weather conditions, storms, heat waves, sickness, hunger etc.
In contrast to old times, today we have air conditioners to cool us in the extreme hot weather and heaters to warm us in cold weather in the comfort of our own house. This one simple invention has made our life easy and comfortable. We have incorporated this invention in several usages of human life. When we step out of our home and office or when we board the plane we use this invention. We may think today it is a luxury to have all that and enjoy such benefits because of our great inventor Willis Haviland Carrier who received his 'flash of genuis' while waiting for a train and thinking in his mind the problem of temperature and humidity control. By the time the train arrived, Carrier had an understanding of the relationship between temperature, humidity and dew point.What a great honour to thank and respect him.
Take for an instance how the invention of computer, telephone, aeroplanes, medicines etc. have enriched human life today. All these inventions were not available for our ancestors but the dedicated efforts of those inventors have made it possible for us to live a better life today.
All the inventors deserve our heartfelt thanks, appreciation and honour. What we need to do today is to invent or use our mind, our imagination to make human life a blissful one for all.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Capital, Technology and Education are the solutions!
Capital, technology and education have to perform their biggest duties of feeding billions of people all over the world and not only in developed nations but the developing and under developed nations. I think this is the main purpose of capital investment, technology advancement and education.
The schools, colleges and universities all over the world follow their missions to educate and create world class human beings through intensive courses, debates and research & development programmes; but how many of those finest intellects are intensively involved in the mission to alleviate global health care crisis, food crisis, housing crisis and environment crisis?
Couldn't we say that today we are better off million times more than before financially, technologically, mentally and demographically? So why not use the capital, technology and education to improve human condition at the grass root levels. When new technology is invented or new software is designed, we become so excited about it but why don't we get excited upon the idea to make the world a better place by working upon the complexity of providing better health care facilities, food supplies and housing facilities for all those people who have been left behind in the developing and under developed countries at affordable cost?
I am sad to say that despite technological advancement, large capital investment and improved education services we haven't achieved the goal of a harmonious co-existence. The purpose of technology, capital and education have so far remained as profit making entities whereby the focus is always individualism.
We have already stepped into a brand new century and with it comes new mission, new vision, new responsibility and new ways to look at the reality. Let's not see the world as some of our ancestors did rather try to look at the world differently from new angles. May be we can imagine of a world where we grow, live, multiply and thrive on this earth as a family of human and animal creatures. Our future generation will appreciate for having corrected or redesigned our purpose or vision.
I am quite optimistic though that it is within our resources, intelligence, technology and education to discover ways to solve the complex problems of human beings. One day we should not be ashamed of that though we had everything at hand to create a better world, we didn't give a thought to it.
So let's understand that capital, technology and education are the keys to solve the problems of human existence. It is possible if all the scientists, doctors, thinkers, entrepreneurs, investors, visionaries, teachers, workers and governments assemble together to start a collective campaign to provide better living conditions for all.
Today, capital, technology and education have marked a great progress but still a lot of progress has to be made in many aspects of human life.
Guide Coach Mentor
Alwed Ekka
Friday, June 18, 2010
A Good Health Helps You Achieve All Your Dreams
The points that I would like to discuss is: How a good health can help you achieve all your cherished dreams? A good health should be your first priority in life for many reasons. First you can realize all your dreams and then enjoy it as much as you can. With a good health you are sure to achieve all that you desire however in the absence of a good health not even a god can assist you in achieving your dreams.
The choices you make today can alter your life and bring about a great change, a great transformation which will benefit you largely all the time. The choice to be healthy always will not only increase your confidence and blessings but it will also make you a healthy person to enjoy the goodness of life.
Today, the world is not what it used to be; it is a new world with great technological advances in all areas of life that you couldn't have imagined in your lifetime. There are still many significant changes going to happen shortly which will define the lifestyle in an unimagined way. Moreover people would never be able to pace with its speed of change.
There is one prevalent reality that is existing in the world and that is: people have lost a control over their lives. People have been herded like a flock of sheep to eat, drink, live, work and die one type of defined death. You can predict today easily how people would die in the world. It seems that the health is nothing in front of Profits or wages today. Today, everywhere in the world, doctors and health centres are flourishing because over 6 billion people in the world are consuming foods that are meant for living cloned robots and not humans.
On the other side, the Govt. and the corporations will never tell the whole truth. They just mind their own business and nothing else. They seem to be caring and having a great concern for humanity but they don't.
The only choice is the Self, one own self. Nobody is in control of your health and well being except the humans themselves. Therefore you should assume 1000% responsibility for your life. If you take the control of your health, you can go on to achieve all your dreams without any complaints or excuses. Your poor health will not come in the way of achieving your goals instead if you have a good health, it will go an extra mile to see that you get what you want in life and enjoy it.
Look around you today and examine for yourself that your colleagues, your employees, business partners and your organisations are suffering from poor health issues. The poor health issues are standing as obstacles in the way of making profits, in the way of achieving the set targets, in the way of clinching a great sale or business deal etc. The great product sales, new business deals, better employee productivity, and substantial profits or goals could be easily achieved if there is a good health.
The logic is very simple, if you don't have a good health to enjoy all your successes and achievements; what bliss do you get? There is no profit or gain if you lose your soul meaning health while acquiring a great wealth for yourself. There is a huge profit and gain, when you keep your soul active, alive and fit to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour. It is a wise decision to keep the soul and never lose it.
If you take full responsibility for your life you can achieve all your dreams and thereby enjoy your life to the full. So decide today that before wealth and happiness, before profits and fun, there is always a good health. Protect your good health just like you protect your wealth. You can't deposit a good health in the banks as money, but you can keep it in your own body by eating healthy food - first vegetables, fruits and organically produced grains. The vegetables, fruits, organic grains and daily walks or exercise will act like a bank to save your soul- your health. Always first choose to have a good health and then enjoy the best of life.
Guiding Coaching Mentoring
Alwed Ekka