Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Press on though you seem to be stuck!

The global economy meltdown has struck practically everyone from the children who get pocket money to adults who earn their salary or profits by rendering various services. This financial crisis looks dismay to all however there is a silver lining in it. I being a self-employed, an entrepreneur did feel the temperature nonetheless I am optimistic and ready to tap the new opportunities that are emerging in new sectors.

In this time of crisis, you must practice your positive mental attitude becuase being negative about the situation will only worsen the matter. So why should you be letting yourself be controlled by the external factors rather than the internal factors which have the power to navigate through this turbulent period to a greener pasture.

I, therefore engage myself regularly to update and learn or unlearn skills that are essential. Today you must read inspiring books and associate with the leaders of great success who have marched ahead you. Learn from their examples and follow their principles.

At this hour, you got to be a visionary and a visionary sees through his vision - the mind rather than through his sight or eyes. The eyes see the real situation and blocks the possible future which is bright and sunny.

Press on though you seem to get stuck in the island of turmoil. A way will appear for you when you keep pressing forward continuously.

Guide, Coach, Mentor

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